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Dumped :(


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Yesterday my girlfriend of one year (last sunday) finished with me. I'm not really sure why I'm telling you guys as if you would care, I'm very sad, I really wanted it to work, I haven't had many girlfriends, but I don't want anyone else ever, I only want her. I feel like I'm mourning as if someone has died, I just don't know what to do with myself at all, everything I have come to love about my life over the past year has been taken from me smashed into small pieces and shoved through my heart, I can't stop crying, pathetic I know. Thanks for listening.

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Its not at all, being dumped is a horrible horrible thing. Especially when the other person just out right and tells you to piss off rather than explain why they don't wanna see you anymore.


You'll get through it Oli, don't worry :)

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Go drink your sorrows away. I do.


Close friends and a bottle of rum is what you need my friend, I know what it feels like to be rejected, and even though I've never been dumped, you just need to be open and let your emotions out, with someone who knows you and who'll be sympathetic.

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Go drink your sorrows away. I do.



Close friends and a bottle of rum is what you need my friend, I know what it feels like to be rejected, and even though I've never been dumped, you just need to be open and let your emotions out, with someone who knows you and who'll be sympathetic.


Drinking yourself to death isn't gunna anyone any good...

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Thanks guys, you are all great. And I know it is nieve to think that I don't want anyone else, but right now it is the wierdest thing to think of me or her being with anyone else, it will pass with time I guess :hmm: .


For those of you in relationships right now, don't take it for granted, go buy some flowers and tell your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife whatever that you love them. I believe strongly in karma, and what goes around comes around. I don't know what I did to deserve this but it must have been something horrible.


Be good.

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Ah man that is awful. Take it slowly and mourn its good for you as you have lost something. But you will meet someone else even though at the moment you probably don't want to. When you meet someone else and have kids though you can be a supportive dad when your kid has his/her first break up! But yeh sorry :S

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..I've been with my girlfriend for over a year and I can only imagine how horrible it would be to lose her or to find out that she doesn't want me anymore..


I've been through one break up before.. after about 4 months.. but we were never in love and in reality, weren't actually all that close :hmm: ..so it didn't take me long to get over it and I actually got together with my girlfriend relatively shortly after it because it just felt right.. and I know that if I lost her, I'd feel like that was it for me and that I'd never want anyone else and it'd kill me to see her with anyone else, but I pray that it never happens as we love each other a lot..


All I can say is I'm very sorry to hear about you and hope you get through it whatever way you can.. because you will :smile: ..All the best!

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I don't know what it's like to break up with your gf like that. Me and my ex-gf just became friends after our 'relationship' (it didn't work). But it seems terrible if you break up and you adored her a lot. And no, it's not pathetic. It's better to look to friends for comfort than the bottom of a pint. (That sounded stupid) You're a sound guy, although I don't know you too well. But I hope you find someone else, Oli. :smile:

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Yeah...It's definately not pathetic; I had a really horrible upsetty thing with my gf (before we were going out, but we loved each other; long story) just before we decided to be with each other, and i felt SO shit about it all.


If she broke up with me near our 1 year (Dec 5th) I'd be devestated; I wouldn't know what to do, other than possibly kill myself.

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That metaphor can be taken two ways. Both of which will make you feel good.

lmao, lovin it.

Sad thing being dumped, however i havnt been dumped, as i have never had a girlfriend. There was a thing in my mind that told me to finish with education then go get a girlfriend.

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