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Finally got around to watching Samurai Champloo, I'm up to episode 20. So far, great action, fantastic soundtrack and good characters. But other than that... it's a bit hollow. I dunno, gotta watch it till the end to decide if I really like it or not, I guess.


I hate you.


Also, no Naruto today?

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No, no Naruto this week. It will be back next week, but then another week's break (>.<) and then a double special the next week.


Bleach 139 was awesome. That quietly spoken getsuga tenshou caused chills :D

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...Bleach 139 was awesome. That quitely spoken getsuga tenshou caused chills :D


It sure did! Awesomeness!

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The animation is back up to scratch with 139 as well. Good stuff, though as always too short.

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The color of the sea is depicted as red, instead of being blue (reminiscent of the final scene of End of Evangelion)


A brief shot of a chalk outline of an Evangelion-sized humanoid in a cross shaped position on the red shores in the same scene. This could be seen as similar to the final state of the Evangelion Mass Production series in End of Evangelion.


The NERV logo has the new NERV logo have the word "NERV" extending out of the left-hand side of an upside-down apple, with the original logo's fig leaf superimposed on it and the old motto "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world" either coming out of the right side of the apple or below the word NERV.


Another design has the original logo superimposed over the upside-down apple; the V in NERV is also slightly altered.


The Seele logo incorporates an apple with a snake coiled around it inside the old logo (a triangle with seven eyes on it). Written on the middle of the SEELE apple is the phrase "Ãœberm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet" (taken from lines 71 and 72 of Friedrich Schiller's original poem Ode to Joy, which translates as "Above the starry canopy, God judges as we judged.


Shinji wears an ID card on his chest within NERV headquarters.


A number of scenes such as the Eva launch sequence, Shinji and Misato watching Tokyo-3, the angels Shamshel and Ramiel, rise for the ground is primarily done with CGI.


The design for Unit 01 now features various glowing, green colored bands.

Within the convenience store and Misato's apartment, corporate product placement is visible (Lawson Convenience Stores, Frito Lay, Yebisu Beer, Kirin Beer, and UCC Coffee).


Unit 01 uses a gattling-gun against Shamsel, instead of a simple rifle.

When Shamshel is killed, he entirely liquifies into blood, except for his "energy whips", which remain imbedded in Unit 01.


When running away from home, Shinji spends a night sleeping in a business district, within a cardboard box, and ends up walking to a portion of highway damaged by his latest fight, where he decides to return home (after which, NERV agents appear, and return Shinji to Tokyo-3).


When devising the plan to combat Ramiel, Misato holds a short meeting with the other adults, so they can discuss an effective strategy and the preparations for the battle are more involved and shown with greater detail.

Shinji explains to Misato that piloting an Eva is scary for him, but it must seem easy to Misato because she observes everything from behind a computer terminal.


Lilith (said to be Adam) is shown to Shinji, and Misato explains that the angels are attacking Tokyo3 because they want to free "Adam", and trigger a "third impact". Lilith is shown with a different mask design to the series, a plain design that resembles the facial features of the 3rd Angel, Sachiel.

Touji and Kensuke send Shinji a message wishing him good luck with his next encounter.


Before engaging Ramiel directly, NERV utilizes a variety of conventional weapons (missiles, heavy artillery, etc.).


Shinji hits Ramiel with an initial beam of energy, but it does not kill Ramiel, while Ramiel's response nearly destroys the entire mountain which houses Unit 01 and Unit 00.


Gendou recommends having Rei take the next shot at Ramiel, but Misato objects, and says that Shinji will remember the encouraging words from Touji and Kensuke, and regain his confidence.


When killed, Ramiel hardens into a spiked-ball and explodes into a rain of blood.


Shinji uses Unit 01's progressive knife to remove Unit 00's entry plug, so he can free Rei.


Kaworu is introduced at the end of the film. He rises naked from a box and speaks directly with Seele 01, which concludes with him saying he wants to hurry and meet Shinji. He is then shown to apparently be situated on the moon, standing next to a bound entity very similar to Lilith, this time retaining the original purple "Seele" mask design as seen in the series.






Sequences featuring Unit 01 fighting Bardiel, confirming that it will lead all the way to and possibly past the fight first seen in episode 18 of the original series.

Evangelion Unit 02 with a slightly modified design.


Ghostly floating entities as yet unidentified in the series, along with the words "Adam" and "Lilith" flashing between them, showing a possible connection.


Kaworu seen in his plug suit, as shown in the manga adaptation but never featured in the animated series.


Unit 04, a mono-eyed Unit 05, and a newly-designed Unit 06 are shown to make appearances.


A brunette, glasses-wearing girl is shown as a new character to the Evangelion universe


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Gurren Lagann OST track titles :laughing:


1. This is our burning soul! We will go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb! The theme of the Dai-Gurren-Dan that will blow your ears to oblivion!


2. Big tits vs big tits (Yoko's theme)


13. Up yours with the union!


14. Turn turn turn turn


16 Rap is the soul of a man... wasn't... it?... (ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH?)


18. Hear this, ain't my trumpet awesome?!


21. Pierce the heavens with your XXX!

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Wow.Good chapter.Not only do we find how 'evil' Pein is but also get a glimpse of how strong he is.And a twist of some sort at the end where he entered a chamber with other Akatsuki.We seen Pein somehow waking up from something along with what I think is Tobi with his mask and a shadowed figure.


Man now there's even more questions.And the next chapter sounds good.I'm sure Jiraya is gonna get killed.


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Finally, the collection is finished.


Those figures look awesome all lined up. :D How much did they all cost you?

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Bleach 139 was great. Can't wait for more Urahara.


Coolness, it all came to about £50.

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Bleach 139 was great. Can't wait for more Urahara.


Coolness, it all came to about £50.


That's a fantastic Price! :D


Gurren Lagann 23 was Great. :grin:

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Wow.Good chapter.Not only do we find how 'evil' Pein is but also get a glimpse of how strong he is.And a twist of some sort at the end where he entered a chamber with other Akatsuki.We seen Pein somehow waking up from something along with what I think is Tobi with his mask and a shadowed figure.


Man now there's even more questions.And the next chapter sounds good.I'm sure Jiraya is gonna get killed.

It's just getting so good! Every chapter gets better! I love the Rain village, wonderful architecture style and characters, and being Pein so powerful, is he really under control of Madara? And Jiraya does seem to be in trouble although he handled Itachi and Kisame, Pein and Madara seem to be on another level.


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Can I ask, has anyone hear watched Berserk or do they read the manga? Just wondering on how high you rate it.

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Can I ask, has anyone hear watched Berserk or do they read the manga? Just wondering on how high you rate it.


I don't rate stuff.


Unless I'm writing a review for the site, then I'm kinda obligated to do it.

But I highly recommend both. The anime is just the first part of the story and is less hardcore but it's still great.

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Can I ask, has anyone hear watched Berserk or do they read the manga? Just wondering on how high you rate it.


10/10. Both of them. Not for impressionable people.

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I don't rate stuff.


Unless I'm writing a review for the site, then I'm kinda obligated to do it.

But I highly recommend both. The anime is just the first part of the story and is less hardcore but it's still great.


I don't mean rate it rate it. I mean if you find it great, poor or whatnot :). Yeh, Shino, the anime covers a small but vital part and is what pushed me to go ahead and read the manga.


Definitely not for the faint-hearted, but a great manga series nonetheless.

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Berserk is a great and dark series. The anime will certainly make you want to pick up the Manga, just so you know what the hell happens after. Mwahaha!

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Can anyone confirm that the 3rd Naruto Movie on Dattebayo is a legit one? (And not a "troll" one which DB like to do)

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