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Naruto movies? Downloading them now, I need more Naruto. Hopefully it's as good as the start of the series.


I think I'll start Berserk tonight, I've read some loving for it in here over the past couple pages.


Is anyone watching One Piece? I've just found a place to get them, wondering if it's worth filling up the rest of my remaining space.

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That movie was so cheesey.


Yea it was, so friend-ish making promises to protect with cheesy dialogue.Though some fight scenes were good.

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2.73 GB? Are you downloading more than 1 movie cause the file size is only 700MB.


Its the HD version.

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Its the HD version.


Ah was wondering.Tell me how it is quality wise, when I seen that size I was just like "Woah that's a lot"

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Naruto movies? Downloading them now, I need more Naruto. Hopefully it's as good as the start of the series.


I think I'll start Berserk tonight, I've read some loving for it in here over the past couple pages.


Is anyone watching One Piece? I've just found a place to get them, wondering if it's worth filling up the rest of my remaining space.


Yeh Berserk rocks, it's fairly old (10 years) but fantastic. It's very supernatural and the anime doesn't show much, so you might want to read the manga like me.


One Piece is fantastic, it should be watched by everyone since it has some of the most charismatic and developed characters I've seen in an anime, and it's funny.

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One Piece is awesome, although lately the amount of recap at the beginning of an episode is getting aggrevatingly ridiculous. A 2 minute OP followed by sponsorship messages followed by an intro speech followed by 3-5 minutes of recap. Annoying! But it is a great series, very moving at times and Luffy is probably my favourite character ever. Ridiculously funny :D Plus you can get it in great HD quality and its well over 300 episodes and no sign of ending ^_^

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Nice to hear about One Piece I'll get it soon.


Claymore is getting better and better.


Berserk is a dub which had me annoyed, aside from that it's looking promising.

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One Piece is awesome, although lately the amount of recap at the beginning of an episode is getting aggrevatingly ridiculous. A 2 minute OP followed by sponsorship messages followed by an intro speech followed by 3-5 minutes of recap. Annoying! But it is a great series, very moving at times and Luffy is probably my favourite character ever. Ridiculously funny :D Plus you can get it in great HD quality and its well over 300 episodes and no sign of ending ^_^


Nice to hear about One Piece I'll get it soon.


Pff, real men read the manga. Because the manga is obviously superior to the anime. Always.

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I've read the manga ta :) The anime is funnier. And

Gear Second and Jet Gatling

were infinitely better animated

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I've read the manga ta :) The anime is funnier. And
Gear Second and Jet Gatling

were infinitely better animated

Well, they weren't animated in the manga lol

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Bleach Movie now out by DB!


Ohh cool.Haven't watched anything Bleach related in months,this can pass me over till I watch the episodes after the fillers in while.

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Thanks for the Bleach Movie heads up :D

Well, they weren't animated in the manga lol
I meant they were better in animated form, not they had better animation :indeed:

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I meant they were better in animated form, not they had better animation :indeed:

I know, I was kidding :P

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Bleach is the Awesome. as is the One Piece. Still so many episodes to go but i'm having a good go at both of them, if i never start i'll never catch up. :D


BTW i have watched a fair few episodes of both already, so i'm not just starting to watch them now. :)

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Pff, real men read the manga. Because the manga is obviously superior to the anime. Always.


I disagree, the anime has given a great voice and tv personality to Luffy, which to me makes it better than the manga (I have a few of the volumes).

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Pff, real men read the manga. Because the manga is obviously superior to the anime. Always.


I have that stupid idea that manga are always superior to anime.

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I disagree, the anime has given a great voice and tv personality to Luffy, which to me makes it better than the manga (I have a few of the volumes).


That's why you disagree, you only have a few of the volumes, and not all since release.


I have that stupid idea that manga are always superior to anime.


You know what, you're right. It's a stupid idea, and manga are superior to anime.

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The Bleach movie is AWESOME. The last 20 minutes were just too brilliant. I mean Kenpachi kicks so much ass it shouldn't be allowed. Great stuff.


If anyone's seen it, what's the song that's played during the ending credits?

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That's why you disagree, you only have a few of the volumes, and not all since release.


I know that I'd rather have the greatness of the anime than the manga, in regards to One Piece. I know enough from those volumes to guess that the characters on the page won't start talking (and Luffy really has a great voice actor). Anime ftw (in this case).


Besides the manga seemed pretty much the clear cut episodes, not as if there was any point reading them since I had already watched the anime.


Remember that you are free to prefer the manga, but don't go telling people their opinions are wrong. ;-)

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The Bleach movie is AWESOME. The last 20 minutes were just too brilliant. I mean Kenpachi kicks so much ass it shouldn't be allowed. Great stuff.


If anyone's seen it, what's the song that's played during the ending credits?

You can usually see song titles in the credits, they will have those square tags around that are the equivalent of quotes.


My girlfriend hasn't seen Rukia get saved/get her powers back yet, so I shouldn't watch with her until she's past that right? I think I saw that it has Rukia's Shikai during the trailer. I've downloaded it but I might wait to watch it with her. Glad you enjoyed it :)

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Thanks for the info, i'll go back and check. And yeah, suprisingly Rukia releases her shikai. Apart from that there are no spoliers past the first arc.

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I have that stupid idea that manga are always superior to anime.


Unless it's Initial D :V


It takes a while, but eventually you realise it's the eurobeat that makes the races good.

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