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Only two more episodes of Lucky Star left :(


Just started watching Ep22 :'(


EDIT: Seriousness! Awesome.

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Lucky Star is the greatest anime, nay, greatest piece of entertainment ever made. It's immense complexity and the fact that it is utterly unyielding in it's attempts to portray the human psyche under every possible light may put some people off. But the lucky few will be able to understand it's true depth.

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Lucky Star is the greatest anime, nay, greatest piece of entertainment ever made. It's immense complexity and the fact that it is utterly unyielding in it's attempts to portray the human psyche under every possible light may put some people off. But the lucky few will be able to understand it's true depth.


You're right, it might put some people off.

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For those who are interested a new anime channel called Anime central is coming on sky next thursday. Although you can currently watch it testing from 9pm to 6am everyday.




11642 (or 11643 if it doesn't work)

set to V

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You want to store channel "52360".


If you want to watch the channel, press SERVICES > OTHER CHANNELS (6), and select the channel from the menu.


their showing Bleach, Full metal alchemist and a few others.

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Lucky Star is the greatest anime, nay, greatest piece of entertainment ever made. It's immense complexity and the fact that it is utterly unyielding in it's attempts to portray the human psyche under every possible light may put some people off. But the lucky few will be able to understand it's true depth.



rofl! No, I mean it's nice and enteraining, but you are giving it wwwwwwaayyyyyyyyyy too much credit. lol


Unless you are joking?

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There's another 'adult' Lucky Star being made, aswell as the one posted.

Expect this looks wierd.

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There's another 'adult' Lucky Star being made, aswell as the one posted.

Expect this looks wierd.


What the hell...


I don't get it what's the point in going in shrink wrap?

Least she has the hair colour for it :heh:

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Sorry if this has been discussed, but I don't post here often, despite signing up way back when the forum had different names.


Anyway, Death Note. Ending spoilers ahead:


Did anyone find that Light's demise seemed a little weak? From the rest of the anime he seemed more intelligent, and able to deal with anything thrown at him. Also, the conclusion seemed to be brought on rather suddenly and the end was rather abrupt. Meh, maybe it's just me, but I didn't quite get what I was expecting from the anime.



As for my favourite animes, they would have to be One Piece, FMA, Berserk and Early Naruto. I have disliked Naruto since the start of that awful filler season. I really liked Bleach before the Bountou arc; admittedly I haven't attempted to get back into it yet.


I'm about 8 episodes into an anime called Monster, has anyone watched it? Apparently it's supposed to be quite good, but so far it's only so-so in my eyes.

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Anyway, Death Note. Ending spoilers ahead:


Did anyone find that Light's demise seemed a little weak? From the rest of the anime he seemed more intelligent, and able to deal with anything thrown at him. Also, the conclusion seemed to be brought on rather suddenly and the end was rather abrupt. Meh, maybe it's just me, but I didn't quite get what I was expecting from the anime.




I thought it was set up great,though I find it questionable cause the ending was kinda a sad one and I really didn't expect it. And Light would of won if it wasn't for Mikami going to the bank. And it showed Light breaking down near the end because his mind caved in with everything which I thought was good.



Also no-one likes the Naruto fillers.How far did you get into the Bounto arc? Cause for fillers it is good.

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Yeah I thoroughly enjoyed the Bleach fillers. They didn't appear tome as fillers though which was great.

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I'm not even totally sure what fillers are, so when watching the bleach supposed fillers they didn't seem totally off the story. Except for a couple of episodes around the 130 mark which were crap. (E.g, the cake maker one -_-)


Bleach 139 was good! Finally some action. And what is up with that new arrancar?!?! What a spaz lol

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Fillers is when the anime doesn't follow the original material such as the manga.Normally anime only watchers can't guess what's filler but if the episode sucks and has no proper story (aka Naruto's) then it's filler.

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Okay, so I read that the Evangelion remakes...


aren't actually remakes, but sequels. That's right, it takes place after the original anime. Some characters apparently have memories of what happened in the original anime, and there are other things that suggest it takes place after the original Neon Genesis Evangelion.



Goddamnit! Just when I thought Evangelion would start to make some sense to me they go ahead and do this! As if it wasn't big enough of a mindfuck already... *sigh* I'll still watch it.

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Do you mean the movies Echo?

The first 3 movies is a retelling of the series and the 4th movie is a sequal.The Evangelion 1.0 is episodes 1-6.

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Do you mean the movies Echo?

The first 3 movies is a retelling of the series and the 4th movie is a sequal.The Evangelion 1.0 is episodes 1-6.


Yup, the movies. But in the Evangelion 1.0 movie

a character (or more, I'm not sure) has memories of the events in the original series. So that suggests it takes place after the original series right? There's also giant Rei's (from End of Evangelion) blood on the moon, or so I've read. Weird stuff.


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Woah seriously? That is messed up then.That's really odd cause I know that some events got slightly changed from the series in the movie didn't know there was anything like that.Have you got a link to the flashbacks?

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Woah seriously? That is messed up then.That's really odd cause I know that some events got slightly changed from the series in the movie didn't know there was anything like that.Have you got a link to the flashbacks?


No, it's just something I read on some messageboards. Any idea when this is getting fansubbed?

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No, it's just something I read on some messageboards. Any idea when this is getting fansubbed?


No idea,i've been looking about places to find one.I think there is a RAW but it might be fake cause you need a password to unzip the file.

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Bleach 139 is ramping things up, Good episode except for Ichigo sitting there like a retard while his 11 seconds run out. He should win this fight. Excited to see urahara fight, he's awesome as hell.

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Finally got around to watching Samurai Champloo, I'm up to episode 20. So far, great action, fantastic soundtrack and good characters. But other than that... it's a bit hollow. I dunno, gotta watch it till the end to decide if I really like it or not, I guess.

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