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Is that how you start conversations in real life? You must have no friends. I mean, what did anyone here do to upset you? Yet you jump in and try to insult us? The only thing stopping me deleting your frankly abusive post and banning you from this thread is that I can point at you and laugh, knowing you're a stupider person than us "nerds".


Dont worry! His last.fm playlist seems to be one explanation.

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tbh 80% of people who like this and the shitty japanese movies it breeds, are usually nerds...


AGH! Truth my only weakness!




LMAO did i hurt some1s feelings? jesus this animation stuff must really mean alot to you... unintelligent? no... im just talking from my experiences with people who like this sorta stuff... if i wanted to call any of u nerds, trust me i wud directly... now loosen up...


When you say directly do you mean telling to they're faces or just blurting out: Your a nerd!

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Again, two choices.


Either we talk about the topic in hand, which is Anime.


Or, posts will start to be deleted and I will have to lay down the law. Simple as that. You don't see people posting in the football thread saying how much they despise football. It's for the fans. If you're not a fan, and/or don't have something to contribute, then piss off out of this thread.

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so im a counsil estate wigger, because i listen to hip hop music? :laughing: god u r some ignorant fools... try to progress with ur insults as they kind of suck right now, if my comment didnt relate to you - then why are u takin so much offence? its pathetic, now move on...


Offence? None was taken, as I knew no way could some one be so much of a retard to not show what he bases his opinion on.


Ignorant? Yes.


Insults? I was merely joking.


But seriously, dont strut around here thinking your above us, because the truth is, your in the same boat as us. On a Nintendo board.

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so im a counsil estate wigger, because i listen to hip hop music? :laughing: god u r some ignorant fools... try to progress with ur insults as they kind of suck right now, if my comment didnt relate to you - then why are u takin so much offence? its pathetic, now move on...


Yeah, you have a Scarface avatar. I'm skeptical about your opinion on anything.

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Or, posts will start to be deleted and I will have to lay down the law. Simple as that. You don't see people posting in the football thread saying how much they despise football. It's for the fans. If you're not a fan, and/or don't have something to contribute, then piss off out of this thread.


: peace: Go flink! : peace:

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hobbzinio, the point is you came into this thread with no provocation and threw out a generic insult at anime fans, the obvious readers of this thread. Don't pretend it wasn't aimed at us, to go back to the football analagy, if you stood on a football pitch and shouted "football sucks, and most of the people who support it are idiots!", could you then claim you didn't mean them any offence? There was absolutely no reason to come in here and start this argument, if you don't like anime, don't come into the anime thread!


So far you've posted nothing but retorts and flames, insulting everyone who has responded to you "move on", "wigga", "get some better insults", "did i hurt some1s feelings", nothing but flamebaiting and childish venting. Why don't you try getting along with people? Why didn't you come in here and say:


"Y'know, I never really liked anime that much, I'm more into movies and videogames. I like Al Pacino, does anyone have any recommendations for anime that might interest me?"


See, that's how to get along with people.


I'll never understand people who go out of their way to be the cause of arguments.


Feel free to respond to this, though please make it a nicer post than your others. Otherwise, lets please get back on the topic of our nerdy Japanese animations.

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Anyone seen the ToS OVA footage yet? I found this on wikipedia.


On December 28th 2006, a video appeared on Youtube.com featuring footage from the Tales of Symphonia OVA. The footage shows several scenes, including Kratos Aurion at Anna's grave, an edited beginning scene in the Martel Temple, and a scene with Lloyd Irving and Colette Brunel outside in a field.


Anybody heard anything?

I must see this.



EDIT-Found the ToS OVA footage.



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