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Rip-off Britain...


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It's not the actual price that most of us are annoyed about. It's the fact that we are being made to pay more than the rest of the world. It's clear that this is due to the stupid amount of taxes we have over here though.


I was just talking to Ashley about the money heaped on. USA: 132 pounds. UK: 180 pounds. Where did that extra 50 quid come from? They've put on almost half the price of the console, and that's not VAT. Thank you for ruining my day, Nintendo.

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Just to clear it up, I'm not even annoyed at Nintendo!! It's our taxes, and the fact that we always pay for it anyway that's the problem!!


P.s. Iun, the things are made in China, therefore every region will have to pay for shipping - even Japan!!!

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i love the price- i think its spot on tbh, though they could've lowered it by 10 or 20 quid to 149.99. that would've been ideal but hey no point bitching and moaning its not going to do fuck all.


least europe gets Wii this year and less than 4 weeks weeks after its debut in america.


how can people be pissed off at that!!!


you can get a Wii for the same price as PSP standard-whats wrong people?!


i think its just no matter how much people give people always want more, so when an estimate is given people expect the lower price but 179.99 is a good price point.


thend! lol

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fuck it, ive been waiting too long to come and say now, oh im waiting nowtill a price drop. ive been trying to save for ages, and ill happily pay this price. im not a rich person aswell. im in debt now. i shouldnt be lol.

We always get the short end of the stick. Face it it always happens, so why do we keep moaning when we know its coming?

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I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but why is the majority of people complaining about this.


I take it we have all lived in UK/Europe all of our lives and we should be used to this by now, its not like Nintendo is the first to do this. Like it has been stated by many others its not just games its just about everything that we have to pay more for. The same argument comes up time and time again when consoles get released and if the price is not right for people then quite simply dont buy it.

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Nintendo wii - £180

Wii play - £40

Zelda - £30

Excite trucks - £30

Warioware - £30

Trauma centre - £30

Red steel - £30

Xbox 360 - £250

Cam + 12month XBL - £50

Halo 2 - £10

Ninja Gaiden - £10

GOW - £40

Castlevania POR - £25

Pro evo DS - £25

Phoenix wright 2 - £25



thhhhatttttsssss £805


What else do i need?

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im sure someone has already mentioned this but itll be $265 in the US after tax, which i also feel is a little high but thats $265 im not afraid to spend due to Nintendos quality record.


Yes but $265 is still £40 (or $75 in silly money!! :P ) Less than we (in Britain) will have to pay!!!!

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It's not the actual price that most of us are annoyed about. It's the fact that we are being made to pay more than the rest of the world. It's clear that this is due to the stupid amount of taxes we have over here though.


How much is taxes there? How much would the total price be after taxes say if you just buy the Wii package itself, no games, no extras?

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If I am correct tax in the US is 8%, so that would make it 142.56GBP. Add the 17.5% tax we get whacked on, and its 167.50GBP, so its not that much more.


I don't care too much though, first party games will be £25-28, Wiimote £21, nunchuck and classic £11 :p

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If I am correct tax in the US is 8%, so that would make it 142.56GBP. Add the 17.5% tax we get whacked on, and its 167.50GBP, so its not that much more.


I don't care too much though, first party games will be £25-28, Wiimote £21, nunchuck and classic £11 :p


Its different per state, and then different per county and city in that state.

Example California, like here where I live tax is 7.25% and prices are usually higher. And in LA tax is 8.50% but prices are usually lower.:angry::cry:


So if they go on sale for the MSRP of $249.99 here where I live after taxes it would be a final price of $268.11. And in LA it would be $271.24.

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If I am correct tax in the US is 8%, so that would make it 142.56GBP. Add the 17.5% tax we get whacked on, and its 167.50GBP, so its not that much more.


I don't care too much though, first party games will be £25-28, Wiimote £21, nunchuck and classic £11 :p


Discounts are great arn't they? =D


Shame we don't get a Big hardware Discount as well at GS, but i'm not complaining, I'm still gonna pay full price for the bundle whatever we get is.

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Discounts are great arn't they? =D


Shame we don't get a Big hardware Discount as well at GS, but i'm not complaining, I'm still gonna pay full price for the bundle whatever we get is.


We only get 10% on consoles, but I have a gift card with about £100 on anyway.


They seem drastically reduced.


30% on games, 25% on accessories.

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