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European Wii Preorders


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my girlfriend arrives for the weekend at 3. She said she doesn't mind if I just play Wii but I know she'll be in a grump if I do even a little bit. It pretty much means I'll only have 1 and a half hours of solid Wii time before Monday - Nooooo


You have an extra controller. Put it in her hands and she'll play too.

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Guest Stefkov

I'm worried that on Friday i wont do so well in my Maths exam. Today's lesson she said to the whole class, if youve not ben doing some past question then buck up our ideas...blah blah blah.

I'll see how i do, I thought exams were meant to test your knowledge. How much you know, not to try and make you become a whore in the revising department. I got plenty good grades with no revising for my GCSE's. I cant see why these teachers cant see that..


Friday will come quick. For some reason the days go quick while im in college.

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My Local Game just phoned me to comfirm I am getting my Wii and they are open from 7am for me to collect it friday.


They phone me straight after, perhaps cos we are 3 and 4 in the queue :yay:


I told her I couldnt get there till saturday and she said that was fine my wii will be waiting for me. I also got her to hold a copy of zelda for me just incase :bouncy:


I love her.

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Havent received a phone call from Game, The3rd's in the next town over and he hasnt received one either.


Hmmm...im thinking my local Game are lazy.


They'll only call to confirm bundles. If they don't call before Wednesday I'd pop in or call them if I were you. I remember the good old days when they'd call you the day before a game was released to check you still wanted it.

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Game scare mongering marketing calls.....


i got a weird call from game telling me there were 'problems with my order' and 'i should call back asap or i might not get what i'd asked for'


i got a cold chill and thought that i wasn;t getting one... when i called i found out that they 'just wanted to get my order ready for collection' and then tried to sell me several bundles I didn't want.


what a scam.... as if a branch of game bundles up peoples orders... they just fetch them from out the back and get the games out of the naff glass case behind the counter.


anyway... i was wondering if this has been widespread???

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Apparently ASDA and Tescos aren't taking preorders and they'll havea large stock on launch day. Make sure you go to your nearest 24 hr one at midnight if you don't have a preorder!



Don't try your luck in Asda Luton, one of the head people of home and leisure at our store doesn't know what a Wii is. (Plus I work there, haven't seen or heard of them come in yet).

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They'll only call to confirm bundles. If they don't call before Wednesday I'd pop in or call them if I were you. I remember the good old days when they'd call you the day before a game was released to check you still wanted it.


No not at all.


She mentioned nothing about bundles.


All the call was about is to let me know that they will be open at 7am on friday and not to forget to bring my receipt with me. I then went on to tell her im working all day and wont be able to make it till saturday morning when they open at 9am, she said thats fine and I got her to put zelda aside for me.

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Hmv are still doing preorders for the wii for the midnight launch so if you want to get one and your worried about being late dont worry! (also the woman said they had many wii units tucked away for people with preorders and that nintendo are bringing a "surprise" shipment on the night and that they will have enough for everybody)


Also GAME on oxford street who also are doing a launch party have 2 preoreders left well at least when we left my friend preorded them from there so if you want to be garanteed one get down to game and the sales assistant told me that they would have loads on the night but warned me that when the night was over that there would be NO units left.



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I've had my Wii pre-ordered from GAME in Oxford Street since September. I checked in today just to check things are still a-OK to turn up on the 8th and get my Wii. They are not.


Oh they've got a console reserved for me. No problem there, they'll take my £180 and I can have a Wii. But if I want a game to play on it, or a second controller so I can play Wii Sports with my wife, things are much more complicated.


The staff at GAME implied they have fewer games than consoles, and even fewer accessories. I was advised by staff that if I wanted a game for my Wii, I should turn up for the midnight release, because they weren't expecting to have any games left by the morning.


So either I turn up at midnight and have to find a taxi that goes south of the river after the tube has closed (GAME staff informed me that GAME would not consider helping customers to get home safely. GAME is happy to see its customers mugged once they leave the store, apparently), or I turn up on the 8th and have to hunt around town to find somewhere to get a game to play on the thing.


Thanks GAME.

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