raven_blade2006 Posted February 12, 2007 Posted February 12, 2007 Its another important Wii game to ease this drought. It may be short but at least its great fun. Thats how I see it.
The Bard Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 ThePigMarcher said: Thats a bit of a concern as I have been looking forward to this for ages. Although I was aware it was a bit brief - I just hope that it works out being one of those games that you want to go back to for brief blasts. It would have been like Waverace (which is still one of my favourite racers), where you completed it in an afternoon and then played 4 player with your friends. The problem being the lack of 4 player and not much choice of tracks.
Hellfire Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 I kinda doubt you finished every difficulty and unlocked everything. Also, it's an arcade game, it's not for finishing, it's for playing when you feel like it. I'm starting to like this kind of games more and more, I just find myself glued to Wii Play, Wii Sports, Wario Ware and Rayman, just because they're fun and relaxing. I still like my epic games, but my tastes are broadening.
Fierce_LiNk Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 Just saw an Excitetruck ad on E4. God, barely days to go now!
Gentleben Posted February 13, 2007 Posted February 13, 2007 I'II wait till this game drops in price. It looks pretty decent, but I'm more hyped about the upcoming Wing Island and Koronipa at the moment.
Rummy Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 I didn't think much of this, probably cos I'm not normally one for racer type things(he says, having owned N4SU2 and Burnout Revenge), but since seeing an advert on TV I dunno why, I got sort of interested, then I went to find some reviews; http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/review/933000.html And it looks like this game has had quite a good reception, and I'm seriously considering purchasing it come friday, despite the fact I shouldn't because I have other things to do, and had alot more money flowing out than in lately. The one thing I am concerned with however, is longetivity/replayability of this game, does anyone know the rough sort of playtime someone could get out of this?
Cube Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 I for one love this type of racer (well, usually, Burnout Revenge was horrible), In fact, this was #2 in my Launch List (before it was delayed). 2 more days. edit: Quote The one thing I am concerned with however, is longetivity/replayability of this game, does anyone know the rough sort of playtime someone could get out of this? Perhaps 3-5 hours to complete it (just a guess, may be more). Then it depends on how often you play it after that. (I myself got hours and hours out of the original Burnout...I just played it when I couldn't be bothered with anything new)
nekunando Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 ..sorry to be a little off topic, but do play send out their orders to be received on release day? I pre-ordered Excite Truck but there has been no mention of it being posted yet or anything so I'm wondering when it will arrive as I hoped to have it on friday..
Cube Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 / nando / said: ..sorry to be a little off topic, but do play send out their orders to be received on release day? I usually get stuff from Play the release day or the day before.
welsh_gamer Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Play send their games the day before release. Games only take 24 hours to arrive compared to other products, due to Mailtrack or something. So it should come on release.
nekunando Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 ..thanks ..the more I read from Rummy's link, the more I want it.. gotta get all those S ranks
Smiter Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 I'll be getting this. Going to walk into GAME Friday morning, and trade in Red Steel to get some money off. Hopefully Red Steel will knock a decent amount off of the price.
Cube Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Smiter said: Going to walk into GAME Friday morning, and trade in Red Steel to get some money off. Hopefully Red Steel will knock a decent amount off of the price. All normal-priced Wii games are £25 trade-in. (Or so I was told by someone in GAME). Made sure beforehand (As I'm getting rid of Monkey Ball).
Owen Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 I would wait for this, but i'm really getting into my Wii again now and want a new game...and it's by Nintendo! : peace: Really looking forward to it. I'm in the mood for a simple yet extremely fun racer where you jump hundres of miles in the air!
Gizmo Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 I'm getting a game a week for the next month - Excite Truck, Kororinpa, Sonic, Mario vs Donkey Kong. Game drought? What game drought?
fanman Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Just got an email from choices to say that my copy has been sent. If I'm lucky it could come tomorrow
Nintenchris Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Gameplay have sent my copy today also... but hell i know the Royal Fail wanna screw my chances of it coming tomorow as they aways do.
Mike Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 My copy's still not been sent. Looks like I'll be getting it on Friday, then.
Owen Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 My copy has been sent from Gameplay as well (thankfully). It's ok if the game doesn't last long now....with Koririnpa (however you spell it), Sonic, SSX blur and more all coming out in a matter of weeks i'm pleased it won't take too long to finish...i think. Still saying that, i won't want it to finish if it's superb.
Fierce_LiNk Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Hmm, with racing games, game length doesn't bother me. Sure, if there's lots of unlockables, it keeps you going for more. But, I didn't finish F zero GX, and that was due to me just playing it in short busts really. I'd pop on every now and again for a quick race, or multiplayer.
Charlie Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Fierce_LiNk said: I didn't finish F zero GX, and that was due to... ...you sucking! F-Zero was one of the best games to come out on the GameCube! Does Excite Truck have lots of different levels of difficulty for you to work through?
Fierce_LiNk Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Moria said: ...you sucking! F-Zero was one of the best games to come out on the GameCube! It didn't help that the game was made of steel either! Very difficult game. I love it, and it is one of my favourite racers of all time. But, I do admit, the majority of my time playing racing games is either done in multiplayer, or me chucking the game in for a quick blast or two. GX was a killer in multiplayer.
Charlie Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Fierce_LiNk said: It didn't help that the game was made of steel either! Very difficult game. It was, did you know that if you kill 5 people in the same race you get an extra life? Use X and a direction and you can get people easily, makes it much easier when you have more lives. It took me hours to do all the story missions on the hardest difficulty.
Domstercool Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 I managed to beat all the cups on F-Zero GX, such a nice achievement it was. Should have Excite Truck in the morning, so about 10 hours from now!
nekunando Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 ..on play.com my status for Excite Truck is currently 'Packing'.. ..should I expect it here by tomorrow? I want a bit of the 'Truck.. though, having said that, Top Gear Rally on the N64 has been keeping me occupied the last week or so.. (I love that game.. and it's milk float )
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