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Very simple yet addictve game. You control a red square with your mouse and must avoid the other squres without hitting the edge of your area.




Finally got above 18 seconds and retired, safe in the knowledge that I am brilliant.


18.89 final time.


I got over 17.5 5 times without getting 18! But thank god I got it, or I wouldn't of been able to sleep:


You survived 21.297 seconds !

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Mario on ice! http://www.youtube.com/w/Mario-on-Ice!?v=5dABajN4N3o&search=Bowser Not sure whats up with Peachs eyes...or the whole video for that matter, but god I miss the 80's lol



This is a video from a show in America called the daily show. They do a mock re-enacting of the Dick cheney shooting incident...but with Duck hunt. I can't stop laughing at it.


And this is a kid playing one of those games that tried to scare you. I fell sorry for him at the end.

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i got 499345 2nd go

it gets tricky when the squares turn black


Thats a pretty cool game, only played it twice, got to the first speed up (where it turns green and black) so not as far as you!


However it still doesn't beat the helicoptor pilot game that Pit-Jr posted...




Yeah baby, I'd like to see someone beat that score!

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