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Finished Julius mode on dawn of sorrow. Once I figured out a pattern inwhich to attack the fight left me feeling cheated as it was so easy. Anyway I managed to take down death with just that yoko woman, and soma with Arikardo.


I also got some extra fun out of phoenix by chosing answers I wouldn't normally pick. In one scene Phoenix hinted at Grossberg and White having some sort of gay relationship

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Canis Canem Edit (aka Bully). Great little game. Got it as a present, but wouldnt have payed full price for it. Get's a bit repetetive, am 54 pct through it and I hope it gets harder.. have only failed one mission until now..

And 42 Classics on my shiny black DS

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I recently decided to start going through zelda games again, and managed to 100% OoT in just a week! I had to use a few guides for skulltulas and heart pieces of course. Now I'm currently playing FFX on PS2 which my friend lent me with a bit of burout revenge on my xbox in between, and LttP on the go in GBA form(just finished turtle rock). Unfortunately I actually ended up spending most of the last couple of days playing Runescape :red:

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My brother bought Mortal Kombat Armageddon yesterday. 62 fighters, (jeez.) Plus you can create your own.


The Konquest mode is great, it's linear, which I do like in some games, especially as Konquest isn't really the game itself, Motor Kombat is also mint. But the Kreate-A-Fighter mode is why we got it.

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well just finished Bully last night and went right into SSBM and even deleted my old save file just to add some more "fun" to it..boy it's ages since I played it and think even a toddler could beat me... and ofcourse Metroid Prime 2.. echoes something.. never finished it

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