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I thought I'd bump this up abit, as alot of people are leaving today or tomorrow if they haven't already left. Just wana wish everyone good luck and that, and I hope everyone settles in well if it's your first year.


I left all my packing till the lastmin, as reason why I'm still up now. No net access for a week most likely aswell, but I'll be back as soon as I can. :wink:


I hope to hear some crazy freshers stories over the next week or two!


Howcome you got a freshers fortnight and we only got a week I feel cheated!

I've got no idea personally, but it can only be a good thing. Second week doesn't look all that good compared to the first though. I suppose they had to make cutbacks somewhere.

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Had my induction last week, found out loads of stuff. Only three day week Monday to Wednesday, w00t. Got my first lecture at 11am on monday, should be fun. Got to know a few people thanks to tasks we had to do and a barbecue on Wednesday. Haven't attended any freshers week stuff though, for a few reasons; 1. I know Luton, I know where to drink and where not to. 2. I'm skint 3. Working at night kind of screws you over, tired the nights you're off, and working when not. 4. Got friends in Luton still so its not like I need to do it to make friends (this is a minor thing, because it would still be nice to meet new people).

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Had my induction last week, found out loads of stuff. Only three day week Monday to Wednesday, w00t.


Darn you. My only day off is Tuesday. But, thats without knowing when half of my modules are.


Still, I survived freshers week...It's a pain that virtually all societies revolve mainly around drinking (of the alcoholic kind)

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I flattened James at Timesplitters 2. Other than that, Uni has been quite uneventful, apart from shopping in the rain. Rain is cool.


Fresher's week is imminent, not really looking forward to it as much as most. I'm not the social type, nor the type to be talked into things by my flatmates. They'll bug me about it and drag me out the door, probably. Truth be told I'm looking forward to starting my course. Leisure time, procrastination, laziness... I've had a year of it, I want a schedule or something.

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I dislike University, all it does it take all your friends away for most of the year! :weep::angry:


Didn't you make completely new friends at college though? There's no reason you can't start again, you may make even better friends :)


When I left school and started college, I definitely made a great group of friends, and have already made friends with the two guys in the rooms on either side of mine at Uni :D don't despair.

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If by college you mean 6th form level then they are the friends who have now left, for the second time (they were back over the summer). I do have other friends but to be honest they're more colleagues (sp?) and no-where near the level of friendship that I have with the others (something which I believe will take years to build up)!

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If by college you mean 6th form level then they are the friends who have now left, for the second time (they were back over the summer). I do have other friends but to be honest they're more colleagues (sp?) and no-where near the level of friendship that I have with the others (something which I believe will take years to build up)!


Ah, I see, the friends are the ones going to Uni. Well, that's more difficult to solve - but I found 6th form (college for me) years absolutely flew by, so you'll see em again sooner than expected. Although don't wish it away too much, cos that'll make exams come sooner :heh:

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I flattened James at Timesplitters 2. Other than that, Uni has been quite uneventful, apart from shopping in the rain. Rain is cool.


I was shopping in the city center when it started raining.


Fresher's week is imminent, not really looking forward to it as much as most. I'm not the social type, nor the type to be talked into things by my flatmates. They'll bug me about it and drag me out the door, probably. Truth be told I'm looking forward to starting my course. Leisure time, procrastination, laziness... I've had a year of it, I want a schedule or something.


I'm exactly the same...it's just annoying how everything revolves around alcohol.



Well....my course starts on monday, so should be interesting.

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argh! yeah Chris (shorty) thrashed me several times. I showed him monkey ball which he HAD NEVER PLAYED. Mostly shock, little awe. Borrowing RE4 off of him - when i rented it I completed teh game but it crashed as the last movie was rolling before i could save, so i've finally completed it :P Playing through again.




Red_shift, Cube, we ought to meet up. Today? My msn is [email protected], addit and we'll consider things from there :D


Unlike chris, I've been dragged out a few times to 'socialise', only i can't see or hear in the nightclubs so i don't find it great fun, so next week it'll be working on the gin and my 'cube skillz in my room.


Keep meeting people each time i go outside for a cigarette. I got to keep remembering that there's no chance in hell i'll be maintaining this many relationships, but it makes me look popular when people keep stopping to say hello... even if i don't want to actually converse with anyone.


Hope people are enjoying being away from their old folks! I am, but feel guilty about not calling/emailing them and my ol' friends more frequently - 'making the effort', i think it's called.

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Don't know why but why does there have to have a 'freshers week' all you need is a week to get everyone back in the mood ie an 'induction week' thats all. I want to start my course and get back home. I'm trying to get home every fortnight only a couple of hours in the car. Why does no one ever create student accomadation, with both en-suite and a partial kitchen. I like my private life seperated from my work. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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Moved into the uni halls, pretty good so far with computer science with games development by the end of uni I will have spent over a grand on books


Hahahaha take it from somebody who has done a computer science degree Books are the most pointless things for the subject, because with the speed technology moves the books are quickly out of date and a simple 5 minute google search will yield far better results then any book.

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