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The Official Leipzig Conference Topic


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We could get some snippets tomorrow! After all it's not the end of Leipzig and Nintendo will want to keep giving news, hopefully.


Although i don't think we should get too excited now. It's like..now we have to wait till September 14th! Though i'm sure we won't hear everything then....then it will be another date....and another and we still probably won't know everything till about 3 weeks before launch.


Overall? I don't like the way Nintendo are handling this. Not only are they making it look like Europe probably now won't see the Wii till December..there keeping their cards close to their chest tactic is getting really, really tiresome now.


Will i buy a Wii? Of course! Have i lost faith in Nintendo? No-Way! but i must say it's all dragging on a bit now.....really it is.


It's getting 'boring' 'tedious' and 'annoying'. I'm certainly not the only one who feels like this. Nintendos threat isn't Sony..it's Microsoft. Some people may decide to buy a 360 as they know it's out and has quite alot of games already out and superb ones coming in around 20 days (including Saints Row, Dead Rising, Test Drive).


Honestly Nintendo have got us wrapped round their little finger and i hate it.

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Some people may decide to buy a 360 as they know it's out and has quite alot of games already out and superb ones coming in around 20 days (including Saints Row, Dead Rising, Test Drive).



Like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, seriosuly though where's my smash bros update :mad:

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Guest Stefkov

We still dont know what the rest of the features of the Virtual console are, i thought at least we would have known some pricing, and the other info that apperntly we dont know about. godam it Nintendo, i may just have to buy more stuff for my 360 if you dont hurry up.

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i guess they are waiting for saying the price cause when they do it will put microsoft and sonys backs against the wall as it will prob be around the £120-140 mark and they will be thinking of counter actions.

Already rumored is 360s apparent price drop in october which is a good move to put more strain on sony...and hell even ninty..and releaseing gods of war on PS3s launch is another good move.

but if they said the launch date at least then fans can get hyped up knowing it coming very soon and not thinking...o christ what if its in december etc. I want to know as well so i know how much to put aside for the launch.


Just ninty need to put some claws in be aggressive say YES THIS IS THE LAUNCH PRICE £££ we will be launching with 27+ games and they will be no more then £40 each. at launch there will be x amount of virtual console games available but hide the price of that but say the top games that will be available. say as well like if you buy Wii zelda you can get OOT or Mmask for free via VC. agressive ninty agressive you got some good cards DEAL THEM

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Already rumored is 360s apparent price drop in october which is a good move to put more strain on sony...and hell even ninty..and releaseing gods of war on PS3s launch is another good move.


Well for a long time they've been saying they have strategies for Christmas up their sleeves, but a price drop is not one of them.


In unrelated news, the Core system seems a £10 price drop on Friday.

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Jesus christ,


Date: november

Price:Under £200


what more do you need to bloody know.


exactly! all this talk of "if you don't tell us soon, i'll end up buying other stuff" nonsense is doing my head in! you know it'll be under £200, you know roughly when it's out, exact details aren't gonna make a bloomin' difference right now!! and so what if they haven't released them yet?! with microsoft and sony to contend with i can't blame nintendo for keeping these things close to their chests until it comes a time that the competitors can't counteract sufficiently!


and besides, what would be the best way to announce these things? in a one-hour speech at a shared conference? or at a reggie-hosted nintendo-super-event? somehow i think the 14th september event will bring much more media attention and focus down on nintendo than today ever coulda, and that's EXACTLY what we want: lots of coverage across the globe! nintendo know what they're doing, they haven't failed us so far with everything "different" they've done these past 18 months, some internet hype gets outta hand and you're all getting ready with the pitch-forks!


i'm saying all this in hindsight and feeling rather silly with myself too, as looking back it was obvious all along that this wasn't gonna be the event (from last week we've even known about the big show in september too!!) but i still let the internet hype, rumours and gossip get to me and i stayed up all night like a fool!


this event in three weeks will be ten times better than today ever coulda been, even if reggie and anouma etc had've been there. now stop with the nintendo slagging, admit the internet got outta hand, and let's get another thread going to discuss the new show, and continue here talking about the great news we DID hear today... :)


Hang on... what promise did Nintendo prove then? ?


read the first line of their press statement, they state that last year at the GDC they promised that by this year's show they would have expanded the market, and they have.


Wanna say cheers to knightendo for filling me in on the "big" news. He let me down gently :D


I seem to be the only person who is happy about the Pink DSl......o.O


no problem matey, any time!


yes i thought more than 2 games owuld be announced.hmmmm maybe they had to hold back but why?They should have announced the price at least ages ago.it would hurt ps3


don't think it would, as we know it's gonna be under £200 already! nintendo have done more than they need to by giving us roughly november and a price of "under £200", they didn't have to since they were planning their event all along, but they did in the hope it'd keep us happy. releasing specific details on either won't change anything for anyone - sony, or us!

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Because they said that a few weeks ago ._.


The US and Japan prices, yes:


The company has earlier said the Wii would cost ¥25,000 ($281) or less in Japan and $US250 ($330) or lower in the United States.


Is this the first time we've heard a figure for Europe though?

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