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Exam Results Thread


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Guest Stefkov
Nice work there Stefkov!

Something (don't know what...) tells me you are a boosh fan, so you may be gald to know I'm wearing my moon T-shirt.:)

*puts on Moon voice* The moon on a shirt? heheheheh.

ahaa yes some more boosh fans. the best line he has:

When you are the moon, the best form you can be is a full moon. And then the half moon... he's all right. But the full moon is the famous moon. And then three-quarters, eh, no one gives a shit about him. When does he come, two days in, to the calendar month? He's useless. Full moon. The moon. The main moon.[/Quote]


Here's mine:


Maths A*

Stats A*

Chemistry A*

Physics A*

German A*

History A*


Biology A

Business A

English A

English Lit A

Music A


and a A in ICT last year.


All in all, I'm quite chuffed.

......well done! 13! i was surprised when i saw one *cough*gay*cough* guy in my school get 8 A*'s and 1 A.

Am i the first person to have 4 quotes in a post?

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......well done! 13! i was surprised when i saw one *cough*gay*cough* guy in my school get 8 A*'s and 1 A.

Am i the first person to have 4 quotes in a post?


Was that intentionally homophobic?


Anyway, I also enjoy a bit of Boosh.


the jump from GCSE to AS level isnt noticable, i got by doing like no work, however A2's are where the shit hits the fan and you HAVE to work AND retake!


I sailed through my A2s, the only one I had to really work at was Photography. Getting 100% in both my English and Media coursework meant I really didn't have to fret the exams too much.

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Guest Stefkov
Was that intentionally homophobic?


Anyway, I also enjoy a bit of Boosh.

what do you mean by that? The guy is gay, its clear as a horse humping a woman. He has the highest pitched voice i have heard, i remember hearing he did ballroom dancing and ballet, his hairstyles are all, look at me i want you, types. And he does what all gay people in my mind do, say there 's' wierd.

nice to see more people liking the boosh though. the priest and the beast is my favourite episode.

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what do you mean by that? The guy is gay, its clear as a horse humping a woman. He has the highest pitched voice i have heard, i remember hearing he did ballroom dancing and ballet, his hairstyles are all, look at me i want you, types. And he does what all gay people in my mind do, say there 's' wierd.

nice to see more people liking the boosh though. the priest and the beast is my favourite episode.


I think he was refferring to the *cough*'s and the fact you were surprised he got those results...


That and the fact you feel the need to mention it. Like when people saying "I was talking to a female police officer" or "I served a black man for a pint of Guiness", its unecessary detail.

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That and the fact you feel the need to mention it. Like when people saying "I was talking to a female police officer" or "I served a black man for a pint of Guiness", its unecessary detail.

I agree with you on that, but don't you find it odd when people object to:

"Which guy?"

"The black one."


I mean it's identical to saying the guy with brown hair or whatever.

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what do you mean by that? The guy is gay, its clear as a horse humping a woman. He has the highest pitched voice i have heard, i remember hearing he did ballroom dancing and ballet, his hairstyles are all, look at me i want you, types. And he does what all gay people in my mind do, say there 's' wierd.

nice to see more people liking the boosh though. the priest and the beast is my favourite episode.


Well that's a tad stereotypical don't you think. Let me tell you, working in a gay bar, only about 10%, if that, of gay men are overly camp. And lisping is as common in gay men as it is straight.

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Zell you did do well, shame you suck at smash (sigh.. lame cheap shots) isnt laughing fun? well done to everyone who got what they wanted from their exams, and for not specifying on what subjects just to prove how good you are. much appreciated.

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Zell you did do well, shame you suck at smash (sigh.. lame cheap shots) isnt laughing fun? well done to everyone who got what they wanted from their exams, and for not specifying on what subjects just to prove how good you are. much appreciated.


Hehe you read my mind :P


I think aslong as you worked your hardest and revised as much as possible you're fine. I'm very happy with my results, and now I know what I'm capable of if i revise.


Zell, you're a lucky bastard tbh. You and your brothers got mostly A*'s and NO grade lower than an A and you barely revised...at all.....Infact, you were playing FF X at the time of the exams :laughing:


I won't be posting my results (not that they're bad, just i don't want to say because a couple of my mates visit these forums and are a tad disapoointed with what they got) but congrats to everyone that worked very hard for their results!

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Guest Stefkov

ok sorry guys, but that was my analysis of this guy in my school. the only main thing i was referring to was his grades. the fact that he is homosexual, cropped up was because he really does seem so. anyway lets put this behind us and congratulate everyone on their results.

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ok sorry guys, but that was my analysis of this guy in my school. the only main thing i was referring to was his grades. the fact that he is homosexual, cropped up was because he really does seem so. anyway lets put this behind us and congratulate everyone on their results.


I think I know that guy.



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nice to see more people liking the boosh though. the priest and the beast is my favourite episode.


Mine is "Nanageddon"


Vince: "I thought the Occult was good for you. It helps your immune system."

Naboo: "That's Yakult."


That's a brilliant episode, especially the carpet ride with Banoo and Tony Harrison.


People who don't like the Mighty Boosh know nothing of the crunch.


Anyway, exam results...


I'm surprised I got "C's" in English & English Lit, I thought I was on course for an "A", yet my coursework let me down. Aren't teaching assistants supposed to help you?

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This has turned into a kinda boosh conversation, and I do love a bit of the teh boosh. Trouble is I haven't really seen many episodes, are they still showing some on bbc 3?


Zell you did do well, shame you suck at smash (sigh.. lame cheap shots) isnt laughing fun? well done to everyone who got what they wanted from their exams, and for not specifying on what subjects just to prove how good you are. much appreciated.


Hey, I didn't post my results to boast or anything. This is the exam results thread so I am entitled to post my results.


And yeah I didn't revise much, but I tried hard throughout the year, and so I didn't need to revise that much. If you only decide to work hard for a few weeks before the exams then it isn't going to help you very much.


Anyway well done to everyone.

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This has turned into a kinda boosh conversation, and I do love a bit of the teh boosh. Trouble is I haven't really seen many episodes, are they still showing some on bbc 3?


You can buy Series 1 & 2 on DVD. And I think they are currently making a third series of the Boosh.

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Guest Stefkov

cool a third series. I got both series 1 & 2 on DVD in a boxset from HMV for £20 i think, maybe £30. its great i just love it.

"The tie's a multi purpose accessory, y'know, belt, school boy, Rambo."


anyhoo, on the subject of school. I had my enrolment yesterday, and i have changed Business studies for maths! and also i have ticked my name for doin rugby!

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I've filled in my 6th Form application form and the subjects I have chosen to do (hopefully) are.



Music - (I have been learning music over the summer. :wink: )

Music Technology

English Language - (I might as well for gods sake)


Reserve choice - History (They'll probably make me do that one instead of Music Technology seeing as I did GCSE History)


I also had to write about myself and I wrote: "I know this will be a lot of work but I am willing to work hard for my A-Levels." I'm trying to prove to them that I can do 6th Form.

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I'm doing Phyisics, Chemistry, Maths, and Further Maths.

If I can I'll change from further Maths to Geography.


Oh, and my favorite Boosh Convosation has to be:

"It's a kill or be killed world out here, Vince.

"What, by a Mink?

"They can get very big out in the Tundra, Vince. This whole outfit is one Mink.

"Nah, I read a pamphlet."

"So what? I once looked at a hedge, what's your point?"

"It was about Minks, called Minky Monthly, it had a load of them on the front. It said in there that it took about...90 Minks to make a small lady's glove.

"That's 'cause they're really crap at sewing."


Not to mention "Note to self: I hate whites" and "I'm old Greg!"

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