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The Best Gaming Music Ever.

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I'd have to say that Fable on the xbox sits right up there alongside your zelda's and metroid primes and castlevania IV's. That music is totally amazing for the game!

Danny Elfman had a hand in that, I seem to remember it was the main theme he did.



Im gonna throw out one here for Rome: Total War. the musical score is a thing of beauty. etheral vocals over harps annd stuff on the campaign map and heart pounding war drums in the heat of battle. its perfect both aurally and thematically.


also for retro choonz of choice, Super Metroid has some of the finest atmospheric music ever put to chip. splendid.

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Sonic The Hedgehog theme tune, specifically from Sonic 1.

Stage 1 music, title and stage 8 music from Streets Of Rage 2.


Title music, Hyrule Field music, Kakariko Village music, House music from OOT.

Castle lobby music from SM64.

Dam, Facility, Frigate, Control, Cradle music from GoldenEye.

Main menu music, Starfox theme tune, Starwolf theme tune from Lylatwars.


Shenmue main menu music.

Chu Chu Rocket theme tune.

Ocean City music from Wave Race: Blue Storm


God I can't think of anymore.

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My top 5 list:

The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda - Majoras Mask

Diddy Kong Racing

Donkey Konga (Japanese version)

I like the scary background music in Resident Evil (remake) for the cube. and also I got into mozart after hearing The Moonlight Sonata (played on a piano in order to solve a puzzle in the game.)

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