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Ubisoft's other games revealed


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An announcement press release from Ubisoft specifically indicates the seven announced games are meant for Wii's launch date, not the "launch period" we had originally suspected. The company also promised "more" games are in development for 2007.



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Loving Ubisoft right now. They are really into the Wii and believe in it and Nintendo. The fact that they are developing a peripheral for GT Pro is very interesting. I'm sure it will make many developers look up and see what they can do.


Will most likely get both Far Cry and Red Steel. We must show our appreciation of their support. No doubt Prince of Persia is already in development, and hopefully a new Splinter Cell.

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EA support everything.


EA are the gaming equivalent of a good bra.. it'll support what's there but you'd kinda rather it just wasn't there..


(I'm only joking by the way.. before the 'pervert' insults start flying around :heh:)


The Ubisoft support is great though.. like a Wonderbra..


I imagine :blank:

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Give EA a break, they make games people buy and Wii definitely need them on board with all the Need for Speed and Fifa games.


We will see the Eastern support grow once they see how phenomenal the Wii does at launch. Seriously, I anticipate another DS Lite kind of performance in Japan.


It has to be said some of these developers are a bit slow getting on board. Konami, Temco, Capcom and even Sega have only about 1 game each announced. Square Enix is slightly better.

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Ubisoft are going to be so rich.how can companies like capcom and konami be so stupid!?It's a guranteed succes especially after the ds!THEY LIVE IN JAPAN!

i never thought the wii would get more western support than japanese but there u go


Because the Gamecube showed that people with a Nintendo console normally buy lots of first party games and leave out the rest. It is hard for a third party developer to sell his games against Zelda, Metroid, Mario, ...

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Exactly, Ubi are taking a risk with this one. But hey, you've got to take risk to become succesful, and Ubi are right on this one. With Red Steel and Rayman they've been hyped mucho already and their Wii launch should be fantastic.


I'm really looking forward to Far Cry.

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FAR CRY <3<3<3<3


That's what I thought. I've never played it, but it's supposed to be pretty good isn't it?!...Ubisoft is going all out it seems, helping Nintendo make a console that really is for everyone (within reason :heh:). The whole problem with the GC is that companies just abandoned it cos they weren't selling many games to start with, therefor causing it to lack in many of the more 'mature' genres.

Software companies don't seem to realise that it's mostly the software that 'defines' a console.

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I haven't played it either but am also REALLY hyped for it :P

What's even better is that the Wii is getting FPS games early in its life-span (whereas the DS didnt even though it's perfect for them).


Hopefully EA will announce a RTS for it too

Software companies don't seem to realise that it's mostly the software that 'defines' a console.

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