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Sonic And The Secret Rings


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Hmm. *puts on helmet*


Actually, I'm not sure I think this is better than Sonic The Hedgehog after all.


Sure, the levels are way more inspired, and because the controls are dumbed down so incredibly, the margin for error is greatly decreased aswell, but most of the time I just don't feel in control - not because the controls suck but because they've taken away so much of it.


The reason I liked Sonic Adventure right out the gate was the focus on homing attacks and being able to quickly decide where to go and how to do it. This - despite what everyone says - peaked in Sonic 06. Sonic 06 had BRILLIANT combat and likewise brilliant combat controls. The game sucked ass when they threw you into halfpipes and stuff you couldn't control Sonic in properly, but as long as the levels didn't provide insta-death situations I thought the game was really good.


Yeah apart from the presentation issues, load times etc aswell of course.


Don't get me wrong, I like this game alot. I like it the same way I liked Riders, but they've taken away something significant with this. Something I found to be the core appeal of the 3D Sonics and I already miss it. I hope this becomes its own series on Wii and that we see increasingly awe-inspiring games using this formula - on the Wii. However, I really want them to pursue what made Sonic The Hedgehog really good at its core and fix the real problems with that on the next gen format instead of applying this gameplay model to all future games.


It really is easier to get into and less punishing because it's dumbed down. I can't shake the feeling of disappointment over that fact.


But it's still really cool, and once I get further into it and appreciate it for its own qualities I'm gonna love it. :)


In fact, when I come back I'll gush a bit over the good stuff in this. But yeah, had this presentation been applied to STH and its load screen issues and shit town missions had been removed. If the levels had been stripped of the unfair bits where you CAN'T CONTROL the game properly, then that would've been my ultimate Sonic game. This will never be.

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Guest Jordan

Oh please...

Simon, for once i have to completely disagree with you.


It has a better soundtrack (arguably)

It has a better control mechanic.


It isn't dumbed down, the fact is Sonic is simple as doesn't need pointless additions. Sonic and the Secret Rings is finally one thing Sonic hasn't been in years... Fun.


EDIT: Also Peeps, this game gets INSANE fast. Wait till you get level 20+ and get some more speed addons. Your acceleration and speed goes mad.

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Jordan, I'm not saying STH is better on the whole. I think this is the best Sonic in years but it's DEFINITELY dumbed down combat wise. I don't even know how you can say it isn't.


It's dumbed down in the same sense Jet Set Radio Future was dumbed down, which is to say it's not neccessarily in a negative way. Since I really loved the mechanics that are stripped from this it's negative to me though.


Not in regards to this title perhaps - that'd be like complaining about Riders having airboards - but in regards to 3D Sonic games on the whole, yes. If they ditch the combat mechanics of STH entirely I'll be miffed. It's mostly at the prospect of every Sonic game adapting this formula that I'm a bit reluctant.

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@ Fierce_Link


Well if you half read what I'm saying you'd notice that I'm not on about exploring.


There was such a thrill when you arrived at enemies in STH because you could dispatch them in a huge number of excellently satisfying ways. Combat was always a highlight of the 3D Sonics to me, whether it was about climbing a cluster of enemies to reach other paths or if it was to kill X amount of enemies to open a door.


Here they slap enemies in your face alright, but you need to take them on in the set order with controls that don't even begin to give you the same amount of satisfaction.


Yes it works here that combat is simplified to this extent, but it's taken loads of fun out of one of the 3D Sonics' main strengths by essentially removing it alltogether.


But yeah, like I implied with my Riders reference this game isn't about the same things as the previous 3D Sonic games, and I'm evidently super solo in enjoying the previous games based on their merits, so ho hum.


I am still thoroughly enjoying this though, and it's a complete and utter must buy to anyone remotely into Sonic. Or hedgehogs. Or blue things. Or wiggling the wiimote.

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everytime I touched the sonic franchise it burnt me. sonic adventure, sonic heroes. dont talk to me about shadow. I still have scars from that game.


a while ago I managed to get hold of sonic rush, a brilliant game and definatly the best sonic i've played.

I was gonna pick this up after playing rush, but rings is getting negative and positive press at the same time.


oh, what to do, what to do.

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everytime I touched the sonic franchise it burnt me. sonic adventure, sonic heroes. dont talk to me about shadow. I still have scars from that game.


a while ago I managed to get hold of sonic rush, a brilliant game and definatly the best sonic i've played.

I was gonna pick this up after playing rush, but rings is getting negative and positive press at the same time.


oh, what to do, what to do.


I say get it and just return it if you don't like it ;) or maybe just rent it.

Always best to try things for yourself

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The controls on this game are actually shocking. Many times it randomly goes backwards even when you dont want to. You're holding down the jump button but it keeps having you not jump but walk into blocks non stop


Its shocking

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I say get it and just return it if you don't like it ;) or maybe just rent it.

Always best to try things for yourself


My local Rent shop doesn't do wii games, but I dont know whether my local gamestation does returns or not. probably do though.


My birthdays coming up, so I'll probably get it then, along with elebits (eledees? oh, how the mind perplexes!).

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Currently up to the second to last level. I'm glad the uncontrollable sections are getting less (e.g. parts where you don't have to do anything for 10 seconds).


Other than that, I'm loving every second of it. Although, one of the bosses did cause me to swear out loud at a game for probably the first time (I usually just swear in my head).

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