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Anti-Obesity vaccine developed!

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Sadly, it only works on rats at the moment.

Or rather, just American Rats. :heh:



US researchers have developed a vaccine which prevents weight gain in rats, offering clues about human treatments.


The vaccine prompts the body to produce antibodies against ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger and weight gain.


Vaccinated rats put on less weight while eating the same amount as those which did not have the jab.


A UK obesity expert said the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study was interesting, but it might not be safe for people.


Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in California developed three synthetic vaccines that recognise different parts of the ghrelin hormone.


When injected into rats, two of the vaccines were found to bind to the active form of ghrelin, inducing antibodies against the hormone and blocking its action.



Ghrelin slows down the metabolism so the vaccine is affecting that and also fat storage

Professor Kim Janda, study leader


The vaccinated rats gained less body weight - specifically body fat - and the reduction was associated with the levels of antibody present.


The reduction in weight gain occurred despite the rats eating and drinking normally, indicating that the inhibition of ghrelin was having an effect on the animals' metabolism.


The researchers said the results demonstrated that active immunisation against ghrelin could be used to control weight gain and accumulation of fat tissue in mamma



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scary!!! i mean if this ever does work in humans is it possible it would lead to some kind of non stop, ever consuming generation of people?? oh wait . . . isnt that society today anyway???

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I don't think it's healthy to start pumping people full of weird shizzle as a quick fix to another problem.

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it is a cure for fatness!!!!! i thought it would never happen. the last one, what was it called?............ oh yeah excercise. that was just a fad. it was never going to actually work lets face it.

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the cure will always obvious for americans!get up excerise and stop watching shite programs like joey!

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Haven't there been diet pills and similar for years? They just have too many negative effects and are seen as the ultimate solution by dumbasses.

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Haven't there been diet pills and similar for years? They just have too many negative effects and are seen as the ultimate solution by dumbasses.


Well these aren't exactly diet pills. Diet pills are supposed to make you lose weight, while these pills are made to prevent you from -gaining- weight. Though of course there is most likely a limit to that and only works if you eat like a normal person should. Start eating like a pig and I'm sure the pills won't help much. Plus of course all the side effects that may come with this pill...

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side effects may include...canibalism

now that would be cool. 28 days later here we come.

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they created an anti obesity vaccine years ago, its called a fucking elephant gun. point it at the fat bastard and shoot. problem solves, no huge tax bills to pay for their NHS treatment etc. just a small mess to clear up, can make the doleites to that, keeps em out of trouble.

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I think this quest for body perfection and society "standards" has gone far enough.

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I think we can lower the Discussion Quality Level to dark amber.

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Yeah this is another way of consmuer society allowing us to eat up and buy and consume anything we want without it having to effect us or anyone around us. Super-dooper no?

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