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Donkey Freaking Konga!

Guest Jordan

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Guest Jordan

I bought this the other day, and recieved it through the post today.


After several hours of hand mashing goodness, I have to say i'm in LOVE with this game and i'm dying to know one thing. Is DK2 worth buying? I know its only a few more songs... but thats all I want.


So, do you guys love this game as much as I do? 'Beat off with Donkey Kong' indeed... (old CE joke)

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Ack noooose! That's a shame, cos the first had so much barrel-gasm goodness and I have been dying to play it multiplayer. Anybody played lots of multiplayer? It's been a bit lame just passing around the bongos each song but the extra bongos are expensive... is it worth it?

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Glad to see you are enjoying it Jordan. I have the 2nd one but I have yet to play it but if its anything like the first then it should be a laugh.


Its funny when I first started playing it I had trouble keeping up but then all of a sudden something just clicked and I was playing it as if I had been all my life.

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I have both one and two, and I have to say that I prefer number one I think. Number two has some really nice songs, but some of the songs on there are pretty crappy (Britney Spears? Horrible Pink impression? Annoying REM song?). It -does- have minigames though, so I don't know what people are getting at. Only thing is that to play those games, you need to pay with the coins you earned. I have to say though, those games are a lot more fun when you have someone to play against.


If you can, get another set of bongos and have some multiplayer fun. You can get them with Jungle Beat I think, which is an awesome game and definitely worth a try.


So yeah, if you really really really love the first game, I think you should get the second one too, if only because you have more songs to play then. Still, first one is better overall I think.

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Guest Jordan

I already own Jungle Beat prior to getting Konga, my first review for RE actually.


So i already have 2 bongos, i was playing multiplayer for a good few hours. Fantastic fun on the 4 player co-op with the AI and a friend. Thanks for the advice on Konga 2. I'll look into it some more, if i can get it for less than £20 without bongos i'll pick it up. I only paied £17 for Konga 1 with bongos from Play.com :)

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I got Donkey Konga new last year for £9.99 and it's the sort of game, for me, that I maybe don't play for all that long at a time but will come back to it every few months.


Haven't played the second however, and would be more inclined to go for Jungle Beat's platforming goodness than a new bunch of Konga tunes.

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Glad to hear your loving Donkey Konga its a great game. I got DK2 last year for free and I don't play it at all. Its not as good as DK1 because of the poor choice in songs.


You could always try importing DK3 from Japan (never played that one)

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I love Donkey Konga! Not only did I get addicted big style on one player trying to beat my own scores but everytime I have people over we always play Donkey Konga. Thank god for my 4 bonogs!


I love both Konga's but ones songs are better and harder. Two does have some amazing songs though (Predictable, All Star, Shiny Happy People, some Nintendo classics, the classical tunes etc).

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I find donkey konga a mere gimic on single play, altho multiplay its pretty halarious, hours of fun.


Multiplayer is very fun indeed. Too bad not everyone has the people to play it with (that would be me I'm referring to).

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Guest Stefkov

I enjoyed it for a while, until i realised i sold Animal crossing for it....:(

played through loads of the songs i liked, even my sister enjoyed it. might actually plug it in and play it one day.

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I really did enjoy it when it came out, and still enjoy playing it every now and then. I only have 1 set of bongos, but playing 4 player with 3 people using controllers is remarkably fun. I'm probably going to play it a fair bit today, along with Beyond Good & Evil, which I picked up along with Wario Ware for £20 pre-owned!

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