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Another from QI.


Thomas Crapper was born about 10 years after the flush toilet was invented. The relevance to 'Crap' / 'Crapper' was a coincidence


Really? I remember my history teacher told me that he invented the flush toilet, hence why we refer to it as "a crap".


Hmm, saying that though, he quit his job and became a Priest. So, you live and learn.

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-It's common practise is southern India for a man to marry his elder sister's daughter.


-Woman blink twice as much as men


-An albatross can sleep while it flies


-The penis of a barnacle may reach up to 20 times it's body size

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Guest Ford Prefect

i was always told by a lass i went to school with who got around a fair bit (nick named "staircase") that the lads who boast about the size of their dick are the ones who have the smallest......

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i was always told by a lass i went to school with who got around a fair bit (nick named "staircase") that the lads who boast about the size of their dick are the ones who have the smallest......


QFT Mines Tiny (which menas its massive) or now that i have boasted does it mean its small again :confused: :confused:

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Actually that reminds me of something I herd.....the biggest penis ever (on a human) was something like 13.5 inches although I have no idea how true this is.....


Nah, it's not true ;)



About boasting having a large penis: I don't know what those people are judging whether it's big or small on, have they been checking all the other boy's penis' out in the shower or something?

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better just to remain quiet maybe hmmm?


yes i think it would be best.



wasn't there a porn star in the 70's/80's that had a 13 inch penis im sure there was a documentary on him a few weeks ago can't remember his name though

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Nah, it's not true ;)



About boasting having a large penis: I don't know what those people are judging whether it's big or small on, have they been checking all the other boy's penis' out in the shower or something?


It is true, i saw it on a program called worlds largest penis

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Guest Ford Prefect
Speaking of Penis I heard that a man had an operation to enlarge his penis and got an actual wooden pencil inserted into it. I think I heard it on TV sometime yet I can't remember.



before viagra the old method of curing the problem of impotancy, in extreme cases was to have a rigid insert surgically implanted in your prick.





Nice to see a gay communitee on this forum.


still unpleasent seeing twats tho......

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before viagra the old method of curing the problem of impotancy, in extreme cases was to have a rigid insert surgically implanted in your prick.



still unpleasent seeing twats tho......


:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:...Oh, touche my friend.


Also: With the penis thing...wouldnt that be a bit impractical though? Like, when you sit down, wouldn't it poke a hole straight through your schlong?

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Guest Ford Prefect

i have no idea on the in's and out's of it all, it was just something i heard on tv one day couple of years back when i was between jobs.

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