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Im so bored i could DIE


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Forgot, I can also play all of For Whom The Bell Tolls and sing it aswell :heh:. Oh and you definately should learn Orion, it's the most brilliant piece of music I've ever heard, I've learnt most of it, but when I try to play along to the CD, my timings always a little off. Hetfield and co's playing is so damn precise it's ridiculous. Anyway, good stuff! Keep learning the shizzle. Also, yeah, I can't play the Sandman solo either lol, cause I don't have a wah. They're so damn expensive it's insane.


What guitar/ equiptment do you play/ use?


I'm still in a noob state right now as i've no fundage for the proper stuff. My guitar, Yamaha Pacifica, is holding me back. I love playing my mates Jackson but I can't afford one. I have a decent effects set up, that set me back a good £150. Oh and a crappy 20W amp on the verge of breaking heh. However maybe I can 'borrow' some equipment from my music tech course this year ;). I know we'll be allowed to practice in the mini recording studio whenever.

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I'm bored too. Actually, I got a HL2 mod to work on. Methinks I'll get on with that.

As for you lot, why don't you all just have a match on an online game or something? That'd be a good time killer. Deffo better than mass suicide imo. :heh:


Die, as in, Die from Dir en Grey?

Hes Hot!


Actually fundly enough, when i go to the wedding next year, i will do something fancy with my hair, i will do this hair style, the one that hyde has.


Ohhh, lots and lots of j-rock. Awesome!! ^^

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I'm still in a noob state right now as i've no fundage for the proper stuff. My guitar, Yamaha Pacifica, is holding me back. I love playing my mates Jackson but I can't afford one. I have a decent effects set up, that set me back a good £150. Oh and a crappy 20W amp on the verge of breaking heh. However maybe I can 'borrow' some equipment from my music tech course this year ;). I know we'll be allowed to practice in the mini recording studio whenever.


Aye, cool, I know a load of people that started off with a Pacifica. I didn't like it too much myself, it's not at all suited to playing metal, what with the three single coils (why would a guitar need 3 single coils!!??) and basswood body, but It's a great guitar for other things.


I use(d) a Cort X2 guitar (which is now broken)

a Line 6 Spider 2 212 150 watt amp and

a Line 6 Uber Metal Distortion (Finest distortion in all the land).

I also have a random custom made acoustic which I bought (which is also broken, and funnily enough, both my guitars broke in the same way: the output jack broke clean off.)


Here's a pic of the guitar that should be arriving for me in 2 weeks time (ESP Ltd Dv8-r):




Heres a piccie of my setup at home:

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Oh god someone just KILL ME, this boredom is making me all depressed, i want to die OH GOD


Does anyone remember the story about the last guy who said that in a forum. They found him dead a week later.


I've not really got a point, that just sprung to mind

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Aye, cool, I know a load of people that started off with a Pacifica. I didn't like it too much myself, it's not at all suited to playing metal, what with the three single coils (why would a guitar need 3 single coils!!??) and basswood body, but It's a great guitar for other things.


I use(d) a Cort X2 guitar (which is now broken)

a Line 6 Spider 2 212 150 watt amp and

a Line 6 Uber Metal Distortion (Finest distortion in all the land).

I also have a random custom made acoustic which I bought (which is also broken, and funnily enough, both my guitars broke in the same way: the output jack broke clean off.)


Here's a pic of the guitar that should be arriving for me in 2 weeks time (ESP Ltd Dv8-r):




Heres a piccie of my setup at home:


That set up is way too organised :heh:. It needs to be full on hardcore with wires and picks about the place :). I agree about the Pacifica it's shite for metal however I simply don't have the funds for anything decent yet. I'm juggling between saving up for a loan, wii+games or a guitar right now.

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That set up is way too organised :heh:. It needs to be full on hardcore with wires and picks about the place :). I agree about the Pacifica it's shite for metal however I simply don't have the funds for anything decent yet. I'm juggling between saving up for a loan, wii+games or a guitar right now.


Lol, yeah it's usually pretty crazy, but I tidied it up for your convenience :wink: but I only use one kind of pick, Dunlop Jazz 3, by far the best plectrum ever made for metal (even though it's supposed to be for jazz :heh:).


Um tbh, I would get the guitar instead of the wii (but luckily for me, I get both :heh:), hours of limitless fun, and the sense of accomplishment when you know you're getting better, is what does it for me. I wouldn't trade being able to play music for anything in the world. I reckon you should sell your pacifica and get a Cort X2, which is simply an amazing guitar, it's the best you can get for that price, and I should know, I went guitar hunting for 2 years before I found the perfect, affordable guitar. I think it costs around £170 these days aswell.

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I am also amazingly bored.... What makes things worse is I'm damn excited about my trip to Japan in just under 2 months! XD This is making the time between now and then even slower..... v.v;;


Someone create me a time machine! >.<

God, you're lucky... where are you going? (in Japan)


In fact, I might be able to go to Japan next Summer...

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Lol, yeah it's usually pretty crazy, but I tidied it up for your convenience :wink: but I only use one kind of pick, Dunlop Jazz 3, by far the best plectrum ever made for metal (even though it's supposed to be for jazz :heh:).


Um tbh, I would get the guitar instead of the wii (but luckily for me, I get both :heh:), hours of limitless fun, and the sense of accomplishment when you know you're getting better, is what does it for me. I wouldn't trade being able to play music for anything in the world. I reckon you should sell your pacifica and get a Cort X2, which is simply an amazing guitar, it's the best you can get for that price, and I should know, I went guitar hunting for 2 years before I found the perfect, affordable guitar. I think it costs around £170 these days aswell.


Yes, I must admit music has taken priority over gaming in my life. Doesn't help that we don't even know the price of the Wii so I got nothing to actually aim for. I think i'll look into selling my guitar on Ebay or something and fund a new one. I'll more than likely need it for my course. Who knows I might scrape enough together for both :heh:

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