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WiiConnect 24 disconnected for the UK!!!


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I've read this story on digitalspy, but there is no source there. lets face it, if manufacturers need encouragement to reduce the power consumption - and not slapping harsh bans on standby features.


Its SO unlikely to happen, i dont think its worth worrying about.

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i smell something...a very rotten smell..o god its BULLSHIT!!


naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dont beleive this for a second theres not even a source...until confirmed on a reliable site then i wont beleive


looks to the stars people the goverment wont let us down >_> *sigh*

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The only good part of that is the UK being it's own entity part. If that's true, wed get games earlier because we wouldn't need all the other languages. But the rest sucks

I don't think you'll get anything any earlier!

Instear it could mean that you won't get some games or that you'll get them later. Why? Because the developers will have to do some programming work with their games. Some might think it's not worth the pain.


But yeah, I think they should stop translating games into spanish, french, italian, german and all those other bum languages (I'm from Sweden, for the record).

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Personally, I think certain things that use standby should have it removed. TVs should not have standby modes. How hard is it to get up and switch it on?


However, some things would be stupid to get rid of. Computers, for example, can go into standby mode if left for ages, which is definitely a good thing for people who leave their computer for a long period of time.


But the Wii would have a proper reason for being on standby, so I can't see it not having this feature, even if the law was passed before the Wii was out.

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But yeah, I think they should stop translating games into spanish, french, italian, german and all those other bum languages (I'm from Sweden, for the record).


If it will reduce the time it takes NOE to release the games here, wich it would, then bring it on (although i know lot's of europeans will be pissed). Will not happen though.

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The wiiconnect is not a standby feature. The wii is clearly serving some function when in wiiconect mode (ie gamedownload, message exchage etc).


The government initative would be to stop things like tvs which serve no function when in standby.



... another crap weekend new story I'm afraid. So don't get over excited !


Sounds about right to me.

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Not only does the law has to be passed, the government will give a year or two manufacturers to alter the design of the product by which time the wii would have been released.


Mind you nintendo did screw up warioware twisted by putting mercury tilt switches in it despite it being banned in the EU by the Weee directive.


I think the journalist wanted to scare people so they would read his article :P

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Its all the dumb people watching Big Brother :hehe:




I'm thinking this could just be one of those "all-talk and no trousers" things. They might take years enforcing this thing.

And, even if they do enforce it, it will only be for new products. We all still own laptops and TVs with the standby function, and unless we buy the new products, we will continue using these functions. That 8% won't change a great deal,imo.

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Can I make a request for someone to change the title of this thread as it's pretty misleading.


Sucks if Nintendo have to leave it out though. I'd definitely pick myself up a non uk one if that was the case. I doubt it will be though.

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I wonder what they are going to do to the PS2's everyone owns, come round to everyone's house, rip out the stand by button?


I think they are only doing it on new tv sets or something, it might affect the wii but I have my doubts.

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Don't worry. This law won't apply for WiiConnect24:


The problem with these standby modes is that the device doesn't actually do anything at all. A standby machine only powers the infrared receiver (apparently very power sucking) so it can be turned on by a remote. The energy it spends on waiting for the remote is wasted.


The Wii doesn't waste the energy. While it's on 'standby' it does useful things like downloading and updating. The energy is not wasted, at least not entirely.


I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.

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I've heard about this law, don't worry your self, they will most probally bring the law in within the future, but they sure as hell are not going to make everyone buy new TV's, Computers, Consoles overnight. This will be a gradual change for example from 2008 all TV's sold must not have a standby feature on, then as everyone eventaully buys a new TV, theres no one left with a TV with standby.



Edited by fex
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This will be a gradual change for example from 2008 all TV's sold must not have a standby feature on, then as everyone eventaully buys a new TV, theres no one left with a TV with standby.


So, by around 2054?


The thing is, im guessing that most companies will just "patch" over the firmware on models in other countries.


I'm also guessing that it won't be too hard to "remove" the patch.

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