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3 wishes


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ok this is something that i have thought about many times. if you were to come across a genie in a lamp and you had 3 wishes what would they be?




1) No wishing for more wishes

2) No bringing someone back from the dead

3) No playing with free will

4) No time travel ( there is a thread for that already :grin: )


P.S. i am sorry about the 2 threads in shortspace of time but i was inspired.

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^ No problem


1) Have Doug Eliis win the lottery.

2) Have Ricardo Kaka and Fernando Torres suddenly decide to join Villa.


And to annoy Shino:


3) FIFA realise Cristiano Ronaldo is a poof so they ban him from playing football ever again and prise the World Cup out of the hands of a sobbing Fabio Cannavaro and give it to new England captain John Terry.

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1. My own country...nothing to fancy say the US or something.

2. To hold such extreme wealth that not even computers can calculate it.

3. Um....To be able to do neo like bullet dodging incase someone tries to take me out for my money.

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And to annoy Shino:


3) FIFA realise Cristiano Ronaldo is a poof so they ban him from playing football ever again and prise the World Cup out of the hands of a sobbing Fabio Cannavaro and give it to new England captain John Terry.


LOL, I was going to do something like that but I tought you would get too pissed. Nice one.


As for the wishes, "I wish to be an all powerful genie!" absolutepower.gif

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1) know enough to pass any exam on the planet 100%. that way you dont know everything (that would be disturbing) but know everything intellectually.

2) Know everything that can possible be known about technology future and present. i would cure the world. no more pollution.

3) have all the skills of all the best footballers that have ever lived and sign for liverpool. and win every competition that we could possibly win for the next 15 years.

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1) To own a nice Villa in Spain and call it "Aston".


2) To own the entire company of Major League Soccer, give it a huge makeover, rename it the United States of America's Association of English Football. (USAAEF) and create a system where the entire American league system is composed of 2 States sharing a league system with three divisions, and the champions of each top flight league compete in a "Nationwide League" with 24 teams, the champion of which plays against the champions of all the other North American countries in a tournament similar to the UEFA Champions League. And all the clubs would no longer be franchises but businesses and companies like they are here so no-one can move to another state for no apparent reason.


3) For mike-zim's third request to come true and he suddenly decides to join Aston Villa because Doug Ellis offers him a £120,000 a week contract.

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1. Have a photographic memory. No wait, scratch that, a computer in my brain :D never ever have to study, incredible calculation capability, mp3's playing in your head and nobody can hear em, the odd game of UT here and there and, of course, instant pron access.


2. I've fantasised a lot about this one, not sure if it counts: Being able to stop time for a bit, like that chick in Charmed.


3.Hmmm.... to be able to fly?

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1) know enough to pass any exam on the planet 100%. that way you dont know everything (that would be disturbing) but know everything intellectually.

2) Know everything that can possible be known about technology future and present. i would cure the world. no more pollution.

3) have all the skills of all the best footballers that have ever lived and sign for liverpool. and win every competition that we could possibly win for the next 15 years.



scratch the last one i want to have every superpower ever thought of. and play for liverpool and then we would win everything. and obviousely save the world on numerous occasions.

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Man oh man. I can't believe nobody has wanted this little beast.




(I'm talking about the watch by the way, BERNARD'S FREAKIN WATCH. I don't want the young lad. I don't want to trap him in my closet and make him perform acts of disgusting sexual nature or anything like that.)


It's almost a given that at some point throughout any week of my life that the magical topic of what you'd do if you had Bernard's Watch comes up.



-Shops would be free to take things from.


-In an exam you could stop time and go look at a person's answer or other parts of the person ;)


-You could be watching the England team take penalites in the stadium, stop time, rush down and change the trajectory or get a hammer and smash Ricardo's legs, rush back to your seat, start time and celebrate.


-You could could kick meanies in the goolies without them knowing it was you!


-You could stop time and change a bloke's clothes so he'd be wearing a pink nightie or something.


-You could take as long as you like getting to work/school.


-If you got bored in a lesson you could stop time, go relax, come back all refreshed and begin learning again.


-You could infiltrate any establishment.


The possibilites are endless!

There should be a "What would you do if you had Bernard's watch" thread.

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