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Wii gets BBC press attention


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Company Grabs Non-Gaming Press Media Attention


Earlier this week Nintendo let a select few people from the non-gaming press get their hands on the Nintendo Wii and the Wii Sports package in order to gain more attention from a wider circle of media, rather than the usual gaming haunts. A report on BBCi tells of how Newsround presenter Ellie was one such lucky devil, being left in awe at how she could play baseball, tennis and golf using the innovative wireless, motion-sensing controller.


It certainly is a clever move by Nintendo to aim in this new direction as gaining coverage on the BBC is quite a major move, especially considering this quote from ONM's Chandra Nair featured: "The Wii has got to be the one to go for because it's cheaper. It's about £200 while the PS3 is about £400 and that's a lot of money." Whilst he was only vague with his numbers (the PS3 will be £425 and the Wii price has yet to be determined), the point is well made that children who want the Sony system will have to fork out twice as much as they would should they want the Wii.


The story also re-iterates that there is a poll where you can vote for which system will by the biggest success. If readers cast their minds back they will remember Cubed³ previously featured this poll when Nintendo's system was still referred to as Revolution. We contacted the team to see when the poll would end, but were told that as it is purely for fun, rather than statistical purposes, it was an endless poll. It took our readers to push the Revolution ahead last time, but already the Wii is far ahead of both the XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3. Make sure you cast your vote, however pointless it may seem, here: BBC Gaming Poll.


Finally, one thing we feel that Chandra should not have been quoted as saying is that the Wii would be the console of choice for children aged from eight to ten. When Nintendo is so keen to make itself appear more mature, why would a representative from the Official Nintendo Magazine say something so contradictory? It just seems rather unusual...


We'll have a full report from the event for you very soon along with impressions of the games shown. Stick with Cubed³ for the best coverage of Nintendo's Wii, DS, GBA and GameCube throughout the rest of 2006!

Great bit of publicity work by Nintendo!!


I hope Newsround go on to do a feature on the Wii closer to the time of it's launch; which they probably will.

It's a programme that many people will see, both parents and children (who will then talk about it with friends etc...) and on at a great time; before Neighbours!!

The Wii would be bound to get a great review on the programme aswell, seeing as it left Ellie the presenter in Awe!


Great quote about the price from ONM!

One not so good quote from ONM (WHY!!!!!)


And the article says Wii is doing awesome in the latest poll!!

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Linkify that poll someone (I can't I'm in work and I'll get a smacked bum if I'm found on this! ha ha)


Good press... nice one Nintendo, it's not like you to get the non-gaming press aware like this!

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Excellent move. More of this please, Nintendo.


Thats how you're going to convince people to buy your console. By letting them have a try on it. If they can get more non-gaming forms of media, such as newspapers or magazines to have a go on Wii, then it will certainly help them.

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I read somewhere that the Wii was featured on The Wright Stuff this morning o0 When I saw it I had a look but I must have missed it, they said that the wright guy was having a giggle that it was pronounced "Wee"...Tosser.

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Daily Telegraph Features Wii Article


It isn't everyday that gaming gets featured in the national press, let alone on the third page of one of the biggest publications in the country. Today, UK paper The Daily Telegraph featured a full page report on the Nintendo Wii following a hands on session with the console at an event held in London. The article is a glowing appreciation of just how great the Wii is and is great promotion for Nintendo's system.


You can read the full article here or take a look at our rather large photograph by clicking the image below. We'll keep an eye out for more Wii related articles in the UK press and let you know our findings.



Full Daily Telegraph article (Must Read!!)




Scan of Newspaper article



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Nice find, i picked this out of the article


Two dozen games will be available when the machine is launched in Britain at the end of November.


Edit : And this


Access to a free back catalogue of Nintendo games. Some game compatable with the Nintendo gameboy
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Guest Stefkov


Spank that girl. *whip sound*

This is great for the Wii, those girls spanking each ther over it.

Might just get the newspaper and read it...

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Guest Jordan
Nice find, i picked this out of the article



Access to a free back catalogue of Nintendo games. Some game compatable with the Nintendo gameboy


Free my ass...

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It's annoying how they say that the ps3 also has a motion sensor.....


That's maybe part of sony's strategy. They include a crappy tilt sensor in the controller and the media goes all crazy telling the world that the PS3 controler has all this tech and does blowjobs too.

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That's maybe part of sony's strategy. They include a crappy tilt sensor in the controller and the media goes all crazy telling the world that the PS3 controler has all this tech and does blowjobs too.


Well you know what sony are like. Always trying to copy nintendo. And then have the nerve to say that it was completely their idea.

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just thought id let you guys know here, because i dont think its worthy of a new thread, that "Game Traders" stores in australia are starting to put up promotional posters for the nintendo wii and the ps3.

'buy a wii the moment its released' kinda thing.


all news is good news

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just thought id let you guys know here, because i dont think its worthy of a new thread, that "Game Traders" stores in australia are starting to put up promotional posters for the nintendo wii and the ps3.

'buy a wii the moment its released' kinda thing.


all news is good news


Was buying Elcectroplankton in game yesterday (Victoria station, London), and low and nehold there was a poster of the Wii. As ever it looked gorgeous.

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It's cool to see how much positive attention the Wii is getting. I was in Dublin last weekend buying a few games and in one of the shops there was about 5 or 6 monitors set up in the games section and they were all playing Wii trailers, there was a bit of a crowd forming just to watch the vids.

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They should also mention that nintendo also has a Hammer smashing action game (with hopefuly lot's of blood).


In P.R.O.J.E.C.T. Hammer, you're fighting against rogue robots, not living creatures. No blood, I'm afraid.

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In P.R.O.J.E.C.T. Hammer, you're fighting against rogue robots, not living creatures. No blood, I'm afraid.

Fine. Oil and parts.


Do you know that Samurai Jack fights robots just because it was the only way that Genndy could make it violent?

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