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Healthy Eating!


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The government announced today that they would be banning "junk food" being sold from schools across the country.


Foods high in fat, salt or sugar are to be banned from meals and vending machines in English schools.


The ban, from next September, has been announced by Education Secretary Ruth Kelly at the Labour Party conference.


Vending machines in schools will not be allowed to sell chocolates, crisps or fizzy drinks, Ms Kelly announced.


The School Meals Review Panel next week will give details of the nutritional standards for ingredients to be allowed in school meals.


Good? Bad? About time? Discuss.

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Good: Healthier food! Healthier Kids! etc etc.


Bad: too late to affect me, and maybe kids will just buy more food from nearby shops?


Ugly: Doesn't mean the food will actually be any better, the companies who make the food will just.. take out the salt and sugar i guess. Food could just end up tasting worse, no?

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Does this affect what kids bring in for packed lunch, surely they arent gunna search their lunch!?! i mean im all for healthy eating etc etc but you cant force kids to eat food they don't like. It would be better only lettin the kids have a choice of one item of junk food for lunch.


When i was at high school they stopped selling ALL junk food (3+ years ago) and the kids just went down the street at lunch (which was banned) and bought chippy, sweets crisps etc.


edit: i think having a choice of junk food or health food one day a week would be a good idea, and serve healthy food the rest of the week. There's nothin wrong with eating junk food the odd time!

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Personally I don't really care what is on offer to eat. I'd prefer if they made it illegal for canteen food to be ridicuosly overpriced. At my school, its 60p for a packet of crisps, 80p for a fizzy drink (can) or £1.50 for a bottle, 65p for a Twix and well I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

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Personally I don't really care what is on offer to eat. I'd prefer if they made it illegal for canteen food to be ridicuosly overpriced. At my school, its 60p for a packet of crisps, 80p for a fizzy drink (can) or £1.50 for a bottle, 65p for a Twix and well I could go on, but I think you get the idea.


thats a joke!!! :o 80p for a can!? and ur lunch would add up to 4/5 quid a day you think? how can families afford that. 3 kids. £5 a day per child...o.O

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thats a joke!!! :o 80p for a can!? and ur lunch would add up to 4/5 quid a day you think? how can families afford that. 3 kids. £5 a day per child...o.O


I know, that's horrendous. :-/


My college is pretty overpriced, but i rarely use the canteen there. Row of shops close by ;)

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thats a joke!!! :o 80p for a can!? and ur lunch would add up to 4/5 quid a day you think? how can families afford that. 3 kids. £5 a day per child...o.O


Yep it's that ridiculous in most schools, when I was in school, basically all they had was burgers, no cheese -- £1.50 >_>

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Guest Ray Falling

Well, if people in school really have health problems cause of this then I agree. But in the end, you can still get anything you like in other places (unless yer not allowed to leave the school grounds during lunch breaks)


So hmmm, it's good that they try and make stuff healthier, but it doesnt help if yer eating healthy stuff in school and then get home and eat chips and junkfood and drink soda anyway. So I'm not sure how much this will help. It's all about disipline (spelling?) I suppose.


This better not just be just cause the current "be slim be beautifull"hype cause thats driving me insane "Ow look at me, I'm so pretty, thats cause I eat non-fat crap only n_~" ARGHHH!!! For the love of Mike...I havent had a decent meal or drink in months cause of all that damn "Light" crap we have in the fridge T_T People are obsessed... I blame the mass media!



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No sweets crisps and fizzy drinks in vending machines, they'll be empty! Also, this affect unis?


Anywho. Im off to uni next year and my college is opposite a Wilkos and Iceland so I don't care. Although I had a healthy lunch yesterday; tuna and sweetcorn pasta and Tropicana orange juice. Thats a rareity, as today I had crisps and a bottle of coke.

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Primary school food is great but when we turn into teenagers they feed us food a prisoner would pass on.


Whatever polititian is in control of schools must go. I don't want my kids to go though this crap.


But I think they're overreacting about the vending machines, kids need to want to eat healthily themselves, taking them away will just make the local fish & chip shop a whole lot richer and the school themselves worse off. T_T


They should just give them some fucking decent food for once.

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Guest Ray Falling
Primary school food is great but when we turn into teenagers they feed us food a prisoner would pass on.


Whatever polititian is in control of schools must go. I don't want my kids to go though this crap.


I'm not familliar with how stuff works over there but you can always bring your own lunch I suppose. right? I mean, you can still bring the food you like. At least, thats what I been doing all my life.


Must be a Dutch thing...T_T;

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I'm not familliar with how stuff works over there but you can always bring your own lunch I suppose. right? I mean, you can still bring the food you like. At least, thats what I been doing all my life.


Must be a Dutch thing...T_T;


You can't really bring a meal with you; just a shitty sandwich and chocolate bar I guess.


I'm quite a healthy eater; not really into eating a bag of crisps from home or something every day.

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Guest Ray Falling
You can't really bring a meal with you; just a shitty sandwich and chocolate bar I guess.


I'm quite a healthy eater; not really into eating a bag of crisps from home or something every day.


Good point...we eat shitty sandwiches anyway tho 0_0 How about soup?

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Heh, we never even had food we could buy in school. The only thing we could get were drinks (going from chocolate milk to water to cola and the likes). And now in college there are vending machines that have been empty for more than a year already. No canteen even.

So yeah, I bring in my own food, which consists of bread/sandwiches. And a bottle of fizzy water. Guess that makes me quite the healthy eater. And no, I don't eat junkfood outside of school. ='D

Yay for salads!

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Guest Ray Falling
Soup for school dinners? What are you crazy?!


Better join the sandwich bandwagon then... :heh:


Wow, talk about culture shock. Having soup in school is the normallest thing in school with us n_n Okay but then it isnt highschool anymore.


We even get actual fast food there too 0_0

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If people want to be healthy do exercise, no need do bann unhealthy foods. They should be there if we want them, doesn't mean we have to eat them. Jesus, if people want to get fit, don't diet, do excercise, dieting is bad for you anyway. Eat healthily but don't worry too much and have the occasional unhealthy thing, but as long as you do sport or exercise you'll be fine.

I eat bloody loads, in fact I'm a pig when it comes to food really, but i'm not fat because I train loads and do boxing training. so there you have it, someone who eats LOADA(and not all of it healthy) yet he still has a sixpack because of training :heh:

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If people want to be healthy do exercise, no need do bann unhealthy foods. They should be there if we want them, doesn't mean we have to eat them. Jesus, if people want to get fit, don't diet, do excercise, dieting is bad for you anyway. Eat healthily but don't worry too much and have the occasional unhealthy thing, but as long as you do sport or exercise you'll be fine.

I eat bloody loads, in fact I'm a pig when it comes to food really, but i'm not fat because I train loads and do boxing training. so there you have it, someone who eats LOADA(and not all of it healthy) yet he still has a sixpack because of training :heh:


All people aren't liek you though.


People will eat all kinds fo shit - have no concentration and become fat. I feel this ban is harsh, but necessary.

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How's soup supposed to hit the spot?!


You crazy Dutch and ya soup.


I get soup when the food is too crappy to bear.... even though they serve mayonnaise and ketchup with EVERY FUCKING THING these days :indeed:


Add a few waffles and you've got enough for a few hours. Besides, a spot of tummy-rumbling never hurt anyone :)

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