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Growing long hair


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ive been growing my hair for about two and a bit years. i get it trimmed like every three months, started straightening it like 4 moths ago, i get a lot of stick but i dont care cause its my choice not theres and i think i look good which is all that matters :) lol




ignore the silly hat :P

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Seriously, growing your hair is not a good idea. I have hair up to my chest, I haven't had it cut for 2 years, or trimmed, It falls in my face, and you can't take a shower in the mornings because long hair is a bitch to dry. I sooo badly want to get it cut but here's the kicker, I can't. I've become too attatched to it, and it's become wildly unmanageable. You also start to develop a phobia towards barbers, because of the idea that they might mess it up, plus I have nasty wavy hair, so I have to spend yonks straightening it. Still, there's always the plus side: I don't look out of place at Megadeth gigs.


Only go for long hair if you want to achieve the following:


The incomparable Dave Mustaine...



Not if you want to look like this:


The everyday emo fag



Oh also. Today is 6/6/06, the International day of Slayer, (otherwise known as punch emo fags in the face day).



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I wouldn't grow my hair to look like either of those two to be honest. I'm not a heavy metal rocker and I'm not a fruity pretty boy, so I wouldn't be growing my hair for those reasons either. I think the style in my pic in my initial post is quite a contemporary cool look, rather than trying to look a certain way to fall under a group in society...if that makes sense? It's more like a "I couldn't give a fuck" laid back sort of haircut - would suit my lifestyle lol I've had it cut short, shaved even, for years, so this will be new and interesting for me and people I know.

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growing the front of my hair (back is a mohawk) been growing for well over a year now. every few months i ask a mate of mine to give it a little trim to keep it looking tidy. went to hairdressers first but they cut too much off and cut my ALOT off my fringe when i said a little bit shorter (- - that sort of length bitch not - -) off!).

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I've been growing mine for nearly a year. It's painfully slow. I might have to invest in some straighteners. Though I didn't get the idea from it, I'd like it my hair to be the same Ray Za Burrell from Gundam SEED Destiny (the blonde fellow). Dunno if I'll dye it though. Probably not.


I have longish hair and at last I can grow it! My school (although not leagaly allowed to, but I don't the time or money to sue) said I had to have my hair cut when it went below the top of the collar or I would be internally suspended. After a lot of arguing, and a week off school as my parents desided that it would be better to stay at home and do C/W than write out sides all day (I actually ended up doing most of my coursework then), they said "OK, bottom of the collor." I was like "Meh! Not good enough!", but with exams only a few months away, I needed to be in school (you wont here me say that often...), so I was like fine.

The thing that really pisses me off is that there are several boys in the years below me with it much longer than mine, and what has been said to them? Nothing. Nilch. Nada.

But in the 6th form (next year for me) they can't do anything about it as long as it is a natural colour, or they change the rule so it's a defined length, but then they have to enforce it to both boys and girls legaly.


And if that's not bad enough, girls below year 12 have to wear skirts, which is kind of totaly illeagal and against their rights.


Your school sounds like it's run by massive goons. A mate of mine got suspended at secondary school because he dyed his hair black with gold tips. It looked well shit, but he didn't need to be suspended for that. Not least when they didn't care about girls dying their hair.

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If I wash my hair everyday, it fucks up my scalp and I get bad dandruff. Also my hair gets all afroish. My hair should be at the bottom of my neck by now by circumstances that I could not prevent made me cut it all off. Since the end of january my fringe is just past my eyes if I pull it or if I wanted to straighten it :shakehead (no fucking way). When I grow it, I leave to grow. No trims, no treatments, no bullshit. A little gel can help stop it fuzzballing on you though. Someday I'll have hair long enough to do the windmill and then eventually dread.

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Ignore all these people saying about going to sylists, blow drying and all that jazz. Just let it grow from a number 2 cut all over and wash it everyday. Then you get your actual unequei (totally spelt wrong but I'm <i>that</i> tired) style that no one else has.


Trust me man.

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Ignore all these people saying about going to sylists, blow drying and all that jazz. Just let it grow from a number 2 cut all over and wash it everyday. Then you get your actual unequei (totally spelt wrong but I'm <i>that</i> tired) style that no one else has.


Trust me man.

No, if you do that it'll get all messy and you'll look like a right ****. And also, what's with this '2 in 1' shampoo and conditioner crap? Utter bollocks, you've got to go with the separate stuff.

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And also, what's with this '2 in 1' shampoo and conditioner crap? Utter bollocks, you've got to go with the separate stuff.


Agreed, now that my hair's getting longer using a good conditioner really helps it. That Aussie 3 Minute Treatment stuff is great. :yay:

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I've had mine shoulder-length for about half a year. It's the longest it's ever been, I think. I get irritated when I have to wash it because it is a lengthy process and I don't get on with blow dryers. But if you're willing to put up with the jibes from the street-rats I would recommend growing it out.

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I'm currentley growing my hair long... or at least attempting to, as it's extremely thick and tends to 'fro. Tbh it's not long atm, but is slowly getting there. I'm hoping to get it down to about shoulder length (possibly a tad shorter, not sure yet.)


Anyone got tips?

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Washing your hair every day really isn't the best way to go. Wash it once every week with Shampoo, and every 2 or 3 days with conditioner. The oil your scalp secretes is healthy, and you want to keep as much in as possible, without it getting too greasy.


If you're hair really is that greasy, cut down on the time between washes, but don't wash everyday with Shampoo. That will completely dry out your scalp and make it want to commit harakiri.

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From my experiences, make sure you take good care of your hair every day, if you wait a few days with brushing, it'll be a hell next time you'd have to brush it. I'm 22, and I've had long hair since I was 17. I'm currently limiting my hair to this lenght:


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Washing your hair every day really isn't the best way to go. Wash it once every week with Shampoo, and every 2 or 3 days with conditioner. The oil your scalp secretes is healthy, and you want to keep as much in as possible, without it getting too greasy.


If you're hair really is that greasy, cut down on the time between washes, but don't wash everyday with Shampoo. That will completely dry out your scalp and make it want to commit harakiri.


Yup this is the way to go. I always let my hair grow out then cut it short every 6 months. It grows from 1 inch to my shoulder blades in 6 months then I cut. And when I do get it cut the girls at the "Unisex" sallon (Yes Sallon, you try telling a barber how you want your hair only to have him bring out the trimmer) always compliment my hair on how nice and split end free it is. Why because I don't do anything to it I just leave it alone, don't even comb or brush it.


Wash it like every 3 days (But still bathe) when you do use conditioner and leave it in for a long while, rinse it out when you are about to get out of the shower.


When you dry your hair, pat dry and air it out, never "Shaggy" dry, you will damage it.


Run your fingers through your hair often. This will help the oil get to all of your hair instead of just the roots.


If you want to hurry the process there is a Black Protein Enriched gel that helps. You might find it at any major store outlet, usually in the hair product section for black people. And yes you should leave this in for 3 days, it will look dirty but trust me its just dirty on the outside, it tends to keeps the oil in and dirt out.

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Wash it like every 3 days (But still bathe) when you do use conditioner and leave it in for a long while, rinse it out when you are about to get out of the shower.

That's fair enough I suppose, but I like to use a soft wax, just to add a bit of definition, and it gets really greasy and horrible if not washed out on a daily basis. At the end of the day, you have to experiment and see what is right for your hair, people : peace:

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You stole red''s hair and straightened it! He hasn't posted a piccy of him self in the User image gallery/arab_freak image gallery yet, but he has hair just like that but a bit more curly.


Oh, and Jack, you had a typo there. Where it says "goons" it sould say "dicks"...

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Ive tried growing my hair loads of times, trouble with my hair is it goes REALLY curly but i cant be arsed with all the straightening and stuff. I usually get to the point where its getting around the ears, then it starts bugging me especially when its hot (like today) .... also you look better with short hair imo.

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