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In my opinion another mistake by Sony


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Edit: The "mistake" is that it will be illegal for customers to sell any next-gen PlayStation games that they've bought.


Now that I think of it, a lot of the games I've bought have been pre-owned... The only ones I pay full price for are the ones that I get on the day they're released - usually Nintendo games.


We assume that the thinking behind this move will ultimately be to stop PS3 games being resold several times - which currently snatches potential sales away from Sony - and to counter the impression in consumers' minds that games are only really worth their pre-owned price and are not worth buying new.


Sony do seem to be getting more and more arrogant.

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This ties in with their announcement, a while back, that the Blu-ray game discs could have writeable sectors which could lock a disc to a specific machine making it unusable anywhere else. If this does happen, they can sayd goodbye to a lot of customers, I know there are a lot of people out there that only have a few games in their collection at any one time, selling ones they don't play anymore before buying new ones.

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Guest Jordan

Thats true, BD's DRM will basically lock out anyone else playing it. Say goodbye to taking your games to your friends house.

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How is this going to work? if you need to exchange your console for any reason that means that you will have to get new versions of the games you already have the other system, but as though you don't own the disk you, just own the right to play the game doesn't that mean that sony would have to replace disks for free in that situation?

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This has got to be a wind up.


Admittedly Sony have become more arrogant/stupid/greedy than ever lately , but surely even their execs can see what sort of detrimental effect this could have on the PS3 sales.


Although in reality , I can say that I am not bothered in the slightest , a videogame market without those tossers at Sony is a far better place for us all.

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!!!!!that is horrible for any ps3 fans, that means you have to be loaded to buy up a nice collection of games. That is such a stupid move, I am allways taking games to a friends house, or lending.borrowing a game. And I often buy second hand games.

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A stupid mistake to make. The beauty of having friends who play games is that you can have meetups. Sometimes they come over and bring their collection, sometimes you go over their houses. It really seems to me that Sony are ignoring gamers out there who enjoy playing multiplayer.

Not only that, but a large percentage of my cube games are pre-owned. If i did buy the ps3 and bought all my games brand new, i would have significantly less games than i would have if i could buy pre-owned games.


Yet again, a cock-up on Sony's part.

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A stupid mistake to make. The beauty of having friends who play games is that you can have meetups. Sometimes they come over and bring their collection, sometimes you go over their houses. It really seems to me that Sony are ignoring gamers out there who enjoy playing multiplayer.


Yep, it really does appear that Sony want to get rid of multiplayer don't they?

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Stupid. I buy a game, complete it, then sell it on so I can afford other games. There's no way I'm ever going to get a PS3 now if you can't play preowned games, every single game in my 360 collection (all 3) are preowned.

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Dr. Cox approves of this post.



Haha, right on brother. *High five*


...man I :heart: scrubs




^ Dr. Cox when sony announced their super pwnage controller that not only manages to have half assed tilt control, but also manages to exclude rumble while being more uncomfortable than watching American pie with your Grandma...


Below is Dr. Cox (being the bastion of testosterone driven awesomeness that he is) calling Sony "Belinda," writing it a prescription for two testicles before telling them that they are what they eat, and that they clearly went out and devoured a big fat guy didn't they?

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This is by far the worst idea in video game history!


That means you can't sell them once you've completed them? and that the game isn't entirely yours as you can't do what you want with it?


It's like Sony are ruling you. You pay £50 for a game, that you MUST keep? I can't sell the damn thing anywhere?


It's a HORRIBLE idea! So many people buy preowned games because they either A) Can wait and pick it up cheaper B) Cannot afford full retail price.


Nintendo are now the winners of the next-generation war! WELL DONE! :D


This has slightly turned me off a PS3. That would mean i will only buy PS3 games which are either A) Exclusives B) Have alot of replay value and are worth forking out and keeping....


Sony have gone insane.

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This is by far the worst idea in video game history!


Hmm...that reminds me...






Yep, Unforunately Sony have a habit of not giving a toss what anyone thinks of them. Of course what you can do is not buy a PS3 and instead buy a 360 and a Wii, which is what I will be doing.

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It seems as dropping the big screen plasma tv's, car audio and aibo weren't enough to make more money for sony. But this is just stupid, I have finally lost all the respect that I had for this company. Even M$ seems reasonable now...

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