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You hear the boo's he is getting everytime Davina says his name ? He is so going, can't wait to see his face.




HAHAHA bye bye Sezar! a record 91.6% of the votes!! everyone hates him.

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YESSSS!!! Sezar is goin out!!! A record 91.6% vote all wanting him out!!


Looks like the women did not want to keep him in the house, eh??


Sezar is out, good, we may now see more from other housemates.


Oh and Laguna, you're rant a page back, was dead on. Good stuff.




I missed it but thank god he's out. I hope to see his face tomorrow.


His face told it all. He still believed after his name was called that he shouldn't be the one going.


I'm so pleased! :yay:


Anyone watch Big Brothers: Big Mouth? It's bloody fantastic, that Russell bloke has dramatically changed but for the better!


HOWEVER i was a little worried to see that at the bottom of the screen, text's where flashing by which were sent in by viewers. However all the text's were about Richard being evicted! Now you could say it was a general mistake by why would anyone send texts in before knowing he had gone, which he didn't? I found that a little suspicious, surely it's not rigged? :confused:


im kinda annoyed that the only person who could win BB is Pete but he deserves to. everyone else is too bitchy or in your face or lacks charisma so the audience only really have one candidate. i was shocked with sezers like 91% of the vote on friday-i though people hated Richard for somereason :S maybe im just wrong about these things but i'd buy you all a drink if pete doesnt win!

Pete in the diary room yesterday when Sezar left was hilarious. He is so funny, and when he gets excited he goes mental.


Yeah, Pete's great ion the diary room.


Friday was hilarious - I hope that Mikey, Imogen and Nikki go next so Grace is still there with her group deteriating. As Pete would asy, Muahahaha.


Grace to go next! A vile women who's constantly slagging people off and then stating 'I hate people being two-faced and fake'


Isn't that exactly what you are? ::shrug:


Beware of the Kit-Kat winner! I doubt anyone can out-do Petes fantastic personality and ways though!


Yeah if Grace is up she is going, i hate that woman. At first i thought damn you're pretty nice but now it shows that she is a complete bitch, an annoying one at that. She also reminds me of an ex girlfriend which is not good.


She has to go.


Its funny how obvious she makes it that the only reason shes really sad for Sezar going, or when Sezar & Imogen couldn't nominate is because it decreases her chances of staying. All this crappy 'our side' business.


Tonights episode has frustrated me.


Richard genuinely wanted to get along with Imogen but now shes slagging him off.


Lisa's doing my head in, SERIOUSLY doing my head in.


Sam was ok and now has turned against the people who haven't said anything about her!


Grace said to Mikey 'Richards ok, i respect him for what he did with Imogen' but then slags him off to Imogen!


Imogen is a little bitch.


Lea is now starting to back-stab when she really should shut-up and be pleased she wasn't evicted.


Most of them are horrible. I can't see Grace being nominated this week now! It's definately Sam though. What about if it's Sam and Richard?!!!!! It has to be one of the 'it' crowd PLEASE.


Oh and so don't wanna watch it anymore but i'm addicted! :shakehead


I would rather see a non-'it' crowd go, to really spice it up. It will even it out, to them at least and will make it more interesting. If all the 'it' people (as it appears they've been labelled) all go one after each other, we'll be stuck with ugly, happy people that are doing nothing interesting. Because lets be honest we're watching to see how it pans out because it would apear we have two teams that oppose it each.


Imogen's annoying me, Richard gave her the nice meal, but shes slagging him off!


Also noticed everyone's calling imogen. mikey, grace the "it" crowd :p


I've changed my opinion of Mikey, he seems like an alright guy I guess, he might hang around with Grace and co but he's not being all bitchy and pathetic like the majority of them.

I think Richard did the right thing, and being genuine, although you have to wonder, if he knew Imogen couldn't nominate next week...

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