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  RoadKill said:
128kbps is not adequete for music reproduction, ESPECIALLY not if you're using iTunes' MP3 encoder, which is the worst thing on earth.


What's the best way to do it then? Is WMP11 better? Or should I use apple's lossless aiff?

  • 1 month later...
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Im looking for an Mp3 player that does one thing, and does it really well :play music. I want one that has good sound quality and is easy to use. Also I want it to have ALOT of storage Im talking about 40GB or over. I cant fing one thath has that much apacitty that doesnt play Movies or you can look at photos on it .




So is the 80 GB ipod the best mp3 player around at the moment?

  • 3 weeks later...

FM is a worldwide standard. It will receive as long as you have the right frequency. Wouldn't go for a Zune, though. It's just copycat shit from the copymachines at microsoft. They have an entire hall of copymachines at Microsoft. Or, they're being 'original', Microsoft-wise.


Yes the FM does work over here, my friend has a Zune. I am considering importing a Zune in the next few days but was wondering, is it worth importing it now or waiting for a UK release (whenever that'll be!) Might there be any different features or compatibility issues?

  hobbzinio said:
if u can get over itunes, then its the best thing out in the mp3 player market...


iTunes is great, I've never had any problems with it at all.

  Moria said:
iTunes is great, I've never had any problems with it at all.


But you have a mac? On windows iTunes+quicktime is as bad or worse than norton.

  Bogbas said:
But you have a mac? On windows iTunes+quicktime is as bad or worse than norton.


Yeah, I do. But my brother and sister use it perfectly well on seperate Windows PC's with no troubles at all, and these aren't small music librarys we're talking about. My brother has at least 25Gb of music and 30gb of ripped DVDs etc.


I'll agree with you on Quicktime though, its bad enough on the Mac with that bloody what's on screen every time it loads up.

  • 2 weeks later...

Closest place I could think to post this (except Meaingless but it'll probably get ignored there).


Anyone know any good books (preferably) or sites about the rise of iPods and the internet in the way music is distributed. Its for a media essay. Something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cult-IPod-Leander-Kahney/dp/1593270666/sr=1-19/qid=1168966513/ref=sr_1_19/026-7703983-0231618?ie=UTF8&s=books


I dont know exactly what your essay is about, but check out Apple fansites, forums in particular, and you will see that hardcore Apple fans thought that the iPod was going to fail at the first and then see how much they love it now.


Also, check the Wikipedia page on the ipod, it is very detailed about its rise.

The extract below is taken from Tim O’Sullivan, Brian Dutton and Philip Rayner, Studying the Media (3rd ed. 2003). Discuss this text with reference to one or more of the media that you have studied.


Once inventions have been made, there is a process whereby their social applications and uses are discovered. The potentials of inventions are realised in actual historical periods where social, economic and other forces operate to make them actual and regulate them in particular ways. The principal failing of accounts which adopt a technologically determinist view of media history is the tendency to cut the technology off from the many other forces and conditions which shape its invention and deployment. Some new technologies have not been taken up and have failed, while others have taken off in unanticipated ways.


Which I have taken to mean "some technologies fails, some dont the reasons being...". Will look at how the iPod has arisen because of the internet, look at the history of Napster (from consumer power to coporate power) and iTunes. I think I understand the question anyway, am going to ask the lecturer.


Problem with Wikipedia, while good its not reputable (Or at least not as easily reputable as a book)


hey guys i need some help, where's a good online store that sells mp3 players?


There's a Samsung one that i want, i tried to buy it on amazon.co.uk because it works out WAY cheaper than to buy it here, BUT when i went to the check-out it said that they don't deliver that product to Ireland.


Any other good sites that anyone might know of

  nicolasmasset said:
What's the best way to do it then? Is WMP11 better? Or should I use apple's lossless aiff?



The best way to do it I feel is a variable bit rate using Exactaudicopy using

LAME's mp3 encoder.


Sorry to ignore you Mokong I have no suggestions :(


This is a question for Bookerman, or anyone who owns a Vision: M. I just recently updated my firmware to 1.61.01 and add a CD that I had stored on my external HD. It is in Windows Media Audio Losses 9.1 format, before the update my Vision M would not play this type of bit rate it had to be in Variable Bit Rate, one lower than Losses, but now it does and there is practically no pause in between the songs.


Has anybody noticed this, or am I just crazy?

Can anybody try this to confirm?


I just bought a Zen Vision: m


"only" problem is that it appears not to charge the battery.. when I pull the plug from the wall socket.. it dies.. and I cant turn it on.. is it fucked?




ah found some "my zen is fucked faq" looks like it's charging now.. I was getting kind of pissed there for a moment.. and not only on Heineken

  • 1 month later...

iRiver U10 2GB


Can anyone just answer two questions on the above player?


- Does it support drag and drop transfer? (I.e, does it come up as an external drive in my computer?) After having an ipod, the "import song" and "libary" does get a bit tiresome in my opinion, and I would prefer just to "chuck" a few songs on my player via my computer and have done with it.


- Whats the quality of the recording like? Can you add an external microphone?


Cheers in advance!


Hey everyone,

i've got a creative zen micro and i've had it for about 2 years,

but the problem is that the connector for the headphones seems to have recently gone faulty. It only plays say the guitar part of a song and sounds like it was played in a cave...and you have to twist it and then when you have got it into the right place then hold it there for the next hour! My sister and friend also has this problem with their zens. A couple of weeks ago my dad rang up Creative and asked about it and they were no use at all.


Can anybody suggest anything to me because this is driving me insane!


It might be worth giving their support team an e-mail support@europe.creative.com. I'm not sure if you have to have bought it within a certain amount of time but it's worth a try, you'll need your proof of purchase. I just e-mailed them because I lost my battery cover and they were very quick getting me a new one.


Thanks for that,

I have actually just googled and it seems that lots of people have had the same problem and they have fixed it by taking it apart and then push the connectors together or something...

I might just give up on the micro and go for a new one.


Does anybody elses Vision M get really scratched on the buttons? The screen seems fine and any marks simply wipe away, but the "shiny" cover over the buttons looks really bad and it doesnt wipe off. It doesnt make any difference though, other than not looking as sexy when looked at under a light :(

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