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Stampede at Wii3!

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Lol, thats ubber crazy, it's a huge stampede of people, all rushing for the wii, poor old sony, if only I felt sorry for you :P

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i think sony killed itself....

they were begging for applause at there press conference (its was sad)...


i think nintendo will be on top again .. the console is just too damn affordable not to get.....and this time around its nintendo that got the games poping out or there asses every six seconds , not sony (ps3 and xbox will take longer to develop for)


not everyone will need a ps3 like they did a ps2..

i see ps3 in a distant third ..... just like the 3 in ps3 indicates.........


wii will be what the NES was - something new and inovating that no one has ever seen before and everyone will what one..


japan , the DS is KING.....


wii will do exactly what DS is doing in japan - JAPAN WILL EAT UP THE wii .....

europe and america will eat it up too... but not like the japanese .... there faces will be in it...............

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Lol, thats ubber crazy, it's a huge stampede of people, all rushing for the wii, poor old sony, if only I felt sorry for you :P

Whooo, nice one mario114! Stick it to 'em!

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Seems they desperately needed a Wii :P

But seriously it's a good sign for Nintendo when everyone is running to their booth and I assume these are journalists so they knew about the Wii before but still are that excited.

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OK, I knew the line for Nintendo took ages to walk down (There's a video somewhere on Gamespot, I can't find it atm...), but I didn't know people would literally run to get it...


Good for Nintendo!

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Awesome, this just proves how popular the Wii is/is going to be.

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Dear God make teh punnage stop!



Rightly deserved though. It's all about kicking ass and taking names.

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but I didn't know people would literally run to get it...


If I was there I'd had sprinted like crazy lol :heh:

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OMG!!! what brilliance!!! esp love the video Cube gave the link to-pure awesomeness!


lets just hope that the same thing happens with us lowly consumers on launch night!-it best be a midnight launch too!!! loved gettin my ds at midnight, all the people you meet make it an experience lol

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I would really run my fastest to play the Wii,nothing would stop me if I was there.

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The amount of interest in the Wii is incredible. IGN mentioned that they had had a couple of million unique hits of their Nintendo Wii pages for E3! See this link: http://revolution.ign.com/articles/708/708558p1.html



Wii was not only the hit of E3 - it was the big hit with IGN's readership, too. IGN Wii consistently had the biggest traffic during the event, undoubtedly thanks to whopping revelations like the Super Smash Bros. Brawl trailer, which shouldn't be missed! It was and is amazing. A couple million - yes, million - unique readers tuned into IGN Wii in as many days to check out our updates and download media.


Thats just got to send out a great message to third party companies.

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Ha! now if only we could go back in time to tell our past selves of the time of the GC that Nintendo would gain this much, we would be gobsmacked!

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OMG Nintendo have just won the console war and it hasent even started ^_^


Iwata / Reggie / Miyamoto = 3 kings

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