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It would appear nothing is sacred.

Guest Jordan

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Honestly I didn't expect that. They suck.


The good part is that the thing is nowhere near as functional. It can't determine where the controller is, it can't determine depth - this really only means Yoshi's Tilt 'n' Tumble on 1080p.


I kind of want Nintendo to sue them, though it's not really similar to the Wiimote.


I'm loving the irony of them calling it gimmicky and the fact that they're reusing the old dual shock design once more.

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Personally, I think its hilarious. Sony copying an idea, that before the conference today, hadn't even been shown off properly. Developers won't know how to use the feature or whether they are expected to and it will be used awkwardly and wrongly.


However, If it sells more Sony consoles and Wii doesn't and Nintendo go bankrupt I doubt my sense of homour will remain.


Also, great thread title.

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There no need to worry ninty fans. After seeing the ninty conference the Wii will blow the PS3 out of the water....

Yes, but who expcet people like us will see the conf?


not stupid people that think sony Pwn for no reason

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Just watched part of Sony's thing:


Don't like conventional Stuff?!...WHAT...Have you seen your controller?!


Don't do Gimmicks!?....Again, Have you seen your controller's 'tilt'!?...And can anyone say EyeToy?! *Shudder*


Hypes UMD; which is going down the pan. (Dunno why it’s called UMD anyway)


That's it for now n_n

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I was bored so I thought I'd re-post this here ::shrug:




^ Dr. Cox when sony announced their super pwnage controller that not only manages to have half assed tilt control, but also manages to exclude rumble while being more uncomfortable than watching American pie with your Grandma...


Below is Dr. Cox (being the bastion of testosterone driven awesomeness that he is) calling Sony "Belinda," writing it a prescription for two testicles before telling them that they are what they eat, and that they clearly went out and devoured a big fat guy didn't they?

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