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I have to say that Pokemon Battle Revolution is a major step up from Colloseum or XD. Everything is so smooth, and it looks great even when the video is so bad. It even looks like the Wii has HDR rendering which is a very good thing:



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IN the whole ppu physics debate. I have been thinking about something. Take a baseball game for example in a orderary game, you choose the angel an power based on how you push a button. In the Wii version, the angel and power of a hit is based on how you swing the Wiimote. I guess that demads more power to calculate? and possible physics driven calculation to transfere it to the ball..? I'm no programer, this is just a thought.


If so, Wii need a ppu of some kind, even seperated or integrated in the GPU. And it has to be far more powerful than (if there was) physic calculator in GameCube.

Does this make sense??

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I have to say that Pokemon Battle Revolution is a major step up from Colloseum or XD. Everything is so smooth, and it looks great even when the video is so bad. It even looks like the Wii has HDR rendering which is a very good thing:




Argh, my eyes, give some AA, stat!


Still, sure HDR is good, but that picture would have benifited more from FSAA etc.

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The wii will most likly not have HDR (or at least not fp32 HDR ie true HDR) since it is a bit of a memory hog. All rumors point to a low memory level on the wii. It should be noted that HL2 does not use fp32 HDR (they use some their own method) and while it is technically inferior to the HDR used in farcry and such I think it is still really nice. As for the HDR sucks posts... I agree... for those pics anyway :p It really is one of those things that can ruin a game if used poorly.

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I have to say that Pokemon Battle Revolution is a major step up from Colloseum or XD. Everything is so smooth, and it looks great even when the video is so bad. It even looks like the Wii has HDR rendering which is a very good thing:



they both look more or less the same.If anything without looks better


Okay can someone please tell me what HDR is (or means) as I'm confused!!!

shhh play along nobody really knows:yay:

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I thought it was simply a way of not drowning out image detail in the most dark/light areas on screen?


also, i really can't see a large benefit in hdr or any other such techniques- very little enefit, though its the small touches i guess

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From what I understand HDR is a way to render light brighter than your screen can handle in a realistic way so that it still looks bright. Those HL2 screens don't look very convincing, but HDR makes light sources more alive. I personally think that sun and water effects already make it look more realistic already. Pokemon also seems to profit from it.


If ATi is using all new technology they have, it's a given there's HDR rendering support on the Wii. If it's that terrible on memory, I'm guessing the Wii will either have a decent amount of memory (possible more onboard GPU memory) or they've found a trick to make it use very little memory, like they would with displacement mapping.

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Bloom is not "HDR", it just happens to be used with HDR, read up the Wikipedia article on it.


Anyway, pretty much confirmation on the thing with Xbox being able to do things Wii can't, from a new Red Steel interview. Whole interview is here but it's in French. Here's the translated segment:


Q: The rumours spoke about a power comparable with that of Xbox…


A: I do not have the right to speak in details of what Wii can do graphically. What one can say, it is that on the sum of all that it can do, Wii is more powerful than Xbox. But there are things which Xbox can make and which Wii cannot make.


Jeux France is a very respectable site and I see no reason why a Red Steel developer who's worked indepth with the hardware would lie. He's not talking about GC devkits, he's talking about Wii.

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That's right. Wii can't use DirectX, can't run x86 assembly, and doesn't run the archaic GeForce 3 architecture with its tiny effects. Really though, did you miss any functionality in GameCube hardware? They're probably small effects he's talking about. Remember that the Xboxes use a PC architecture whereas the Flipper and Hollywood are different from that. Of course there are differences in functionality.

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Guest Jordan

Those screenies of HL2 Lost Coast, that bit is probably the worst bit to show off the HDR. Its more noticeable in Episode 1, in the underground. So little lighting around in a huge black enviroment really feels ALOT more real.

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HDR is a fucking obvious improvement and anyone who cant see it in blind. It's obviously a lot more noticible in motion though, like any graphical effects, so if you want a fair comparison make some videos or something.


Only when used well. It's an art. And yes bloom is not HDR (the wiki article doesn't really explain it that well). Basically HDR allows for more levels of brightness while bloom simply spreads light around giving the impression of greater brightness. Though, in the end whatever works and looks good still holds true :)

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