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To be honest i believe the Classic shell is an object of genius. If Ninty had gone with an IGN mock up style controller, SNES games would have been nigh on impossible to play. Now to me it ooks just like and old SNES controller, with additions, not a dual shock (contrary to popular belief)!!


Holy shizzle, how come no one told me about the traditional controller!

It's pretty damn cool looking.


If this thing has the tilt and motion sensetivity like they promised, isn't this (including the button and control stick layout) and PS3 controller with rumble?

And without 2.5 mile-wide dead zones...


the classic controller is very good when you consider what it needs to do - play Nes, SNES and N64 games all at once. That is no mean feat. Simple but it will definitly get the job done.

  Jamba said:
But lets face it...It's the Dual Shock!


Nope, it's the result of a SNES controller mating an N64 controller.

  Dante said:
Nintendo Wii gun



IIRC, the shotgun looks exactly like the IGN mockup they did a couple of months ago. Would be fun playing Red Steel with this one.


Can we set up a Mision to sneak into E3 and steal the Wii, wiimote and Wiigun and every game they have? I wnt it in my hand now =/


I want that shotgun.


Not to mention a Wii.

Oh, don't know if it;s been posted already, but Z1 and Z2 on the nunchuck have ceased to be. The blocky bottom one is Z, and the lil' top one is C.

By the way, anyone else noticed how damn nice the metallic skyblue FHC looks?

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