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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Just minutes ago a new trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was shown to fans waiting in line for Wii games. With an estimated running time of over three minutes, the new trailer is comprised almost entirely of gameplay. The clips displayed all known characters battling in various environments, including one that resembled Yoshi's Island, and another first clip of Fox in action, battling in a space level. This is the first we've seen of Fox in Brawl, and while he was an expected playable character, it's now confirmed from the trailer.


We'll have more on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, including the full trailer as soon as possible. Keep checking back on IGN Wii for the latest Nintendo World details.


Source: IGN


Come on IGN.

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Love the shot of Wario, but I agree with solitanze about the design of Fox. I don't like the artwork of Starfox Command at all, so it's a shame they've stuck with it for Brawl. Would it really have hurt to make him look less like he was made of plastic?


Hope the trailer comes online soon. :)

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I dont think it looks that bad. Admittedly, I would like to see him with some fur but this facial design actually looks like fox has done for some time if you exclude SFA and SFC.


The details in the clothes look really good and if there's a whole bunch of secondary animation within it (like his dog tags moving and flappy jacket edges) then he could be a pretty character.

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I think its the boots, one of my favourite characters in the previous installment [when I needed to rely on the speed attribute], so thats the main reason i'm currently so unfavourable for the current design. Don't get me wrong its great theres confirmation that hes in the game, but personally, I prefer the traditional look, obviously though the director has the intention of making this game as different as possible to previous installments and thats a good thing as long as the things that made the previous installment great remain in tact or made superior, just not inferior, like perhaps 50+ stages, 50+ characters [a lot of new ones hoping for Mega-Man and Samus thats all we need really with respect to third party characters], 1000 trophies, a themed single player main game for EACH CHARACTER not the same generic main game like in Melee that got too repetitive and boring, 100+ event matches like the 50 or so we had in Melee increasing in difficulty, new items [The showing of the Nintendodogs item looks very promising for what we can expect in the final game] ONLINE PLAY!!!, expanded training mode with more mini games than ever in addition to the Bot killing, Sandbag Homerun, Target Smash etc and obviously unparalled statistical records and multiplayer configuration options. I reckon with this unveiling of the choice of style for Fox, it almost confirms that Cel Shaded Link will be in the game (in addition to adult link that is).

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- Mario Kart Level looks AWESOME; LOL at Pikachu crossing the road!!!!!

- Yoshi Island level, love the art, but it's bound to be as dull as all the Yohsi levels are!

- Awesome Pokemon Stadium level!

- Metal Gear level looks cool: First Area of Metal Gear Solid 1?

- Destructable environments! (on all levels? or just the 'Icarus level?)

- Fox's level looks cool! Don't know what the level is set on though; is it a ship from one of the latest Starfox games? or just a random flying ship?

- Fox's design is rubbish!!


Still don't get what Zero Suit Samus is all about (and it wasn't explained in that trailer), when will the suit appear?

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I'll wait till a downloadble version is released, the stream facility on that sites annoying with Windows Media Player, no playback option, watch or miss, can't move back to previous seconds footage. Looks like it'll be fun for the first few seconds I saw though its GC graphics.


Perhaps with the negative reactions to Foxs design which are completely justified with only 1 person actually liking it, he should change it, theres time still.

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I actually like the look of Fox, he looks mainly like the DS ver., but that ver isn't very good so they seem to have mixed with with the 'old' Fox too. I like it.

I don't see what's so bad about it appart from that he's not 'realistic' looking like before, but if you haven't already noticed, SSBB is more 'stylalised' than previous installments.


That video was awesome, the physics of many of the attacks looks greatly improved compared to Melee (Kirby's Down+A in the air & Mario's Down+B). I'm just hoping the characters are a lot more balanced this time round, with more moves being less pointless and rubbish in their execution (PK Flash).


Marios air punch didn't hit Pikachu to the ground!!!:shock:

I wonder how you crawl...

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Upon full observation of the video, looking good, the fox design I just realised doesn't look half bad when on certain angles I think its just the side angle that makes it look worse than it is, have a look at the very end when they show the panel of characters, looks alright there... 10/10 guaranteed for audio of this game, probably will be best feature of the game other than the gameplay itself.

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