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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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i'm glad samurai goro is an assist trophy character becouse my personal opinion is that he doesn't really fit ass a character in smashbros if they want to bring another f-zero character they better bring the final boss from the game i forgot his name , i think that one of the Gorons will also be an trophy assist

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This has to be the best update thus far. Opens so many possibilities.


Now that I think about it:


-Tons of characters from the Mario Series;

-Tons of characters from the Zelda Series;

-Several characters from the Donkey Kong series;

-Several baddies from the Yoshi, Kirby, Kid Icarus and Ice Climber series;

-Several possible monsters and hunters from the Metroid series (Metroids would be great as Assist Trophies);

-The Warioware, StarFox and Earthbound series have their own fair share of characters as well;

-F-Zero has nearly 50 characters to choose from;

-Fire Emblem has hundreds of characters in total (we might even see Roy in one of these things);

-Many obscure 1st party characters (Nintendog, Skapon, Muddy, Baloon Fighter, Mach Rider, etc.)

-Several 3rd Party guest characters (We might see Psycho Mantis or Revolver Ocelot; If Sonic is playable, we might see Knuckles or Tails, etc.);

-Returning characters (As previously mentioned, Roy and Dr. Mario may still appear if they don't make the cut).


My only fear is if cool characters like Mr. Game and Watch and Ridley are not playable because of this (or obscure personal favorites. In my case, Muddy and Skapon. Almost nobody knows who they are).


You’re probably thinking that a Nintendog is a pretty poor assistant, since it blocks your view, too.


That’s fine. He’ll help calm your mental state.


I just love these quotes.:laughing:

Sakurai seems to always make me laugh in a way or another.

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Guest Stefkov

Tingle as an Assist Trophy would be the best. Throwing glitter and bombs everywhere. He would be quite useful.

Love the new update.


I'm not keen on it saying assist trophies are invincible. You could knock away pokemon, I guess not being able to knock away an assist trophy might get annoying if they keep coming out.

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Tingle as an Assist Trophy would be the best. Throwing glitter and bombs everywhere. He would be quite useful.

Love the new update.


I'm not keen on it saying assist trophies are invincible. You could knock away pokemon, I guess not being able to knock away an assist trophy might get annoying if they keep coming out.


Not all Pokemon, only the small ones like Cyndaquil (major sp?).


I can't think of a way to kill the Nintendog anyway.

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Add pikmin to that list, they seem perfect for it. one of each colour each having a different attack, or a huge horde of the little blighters.

Speaking of Pikmin, I wonder if they'll give away a trophy with a game again. It felt strangely good when I turned my 'Cube on and was suddenly awarded with Captain Olimar. I read about it in some magazine before release, life was good before the internet.

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Add pikmin to that list, they seem perfect for it. one of each colour each having a different attack, or a huge horde of the little blighters.


A horde of Pikmin that run across, pick up the first person they bump into then run off the edge with them.


The possibilities are endless. Perhaps even Dr Kawisishwawefpwe (Brain Training) Will appear.


It seems that a lot of Nintendo games that wouldn't fit into Smash Bros as a main character will go here too - 1080, Wave Race, Battalion Wars (perhaps a tank or something), Geist, Miis, etc.


Speaking of 1080 and Wave Race, how cool would a terrain-shifting level which morphs into sections from Wave Race, 1080 and Excite Truck be?

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haha i think for metal gear that ottacon comes out and kicks everybodys ass no joke :P but it is possible


i also wonder wat snakes smash attack will be


i also think this will be used for the Adventure mode like ganondorf will summon his minions ;) bowser does the same so you have to destroy them one by one to get to the boss

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Speaking of 1080 and Wave Race, how cool would a terrain-shifting level which morphs into sections from Wave Race, 1080 and Excite Truck be?


I hadn't thought about stages based on these franchises yet. A stage with constant waves would be beautifully awesome.



A few Assist Trophies suggestions (possible minor Spoilers):


-Metroid: A single Metroid could suck life from the other players and give it back to you. But it would have to be in small amounts so it wouldn't be broken. Maybe it could be shaken off?


-Lyn:This attack or maybe

one. Any Fire Emblem character has the right to do a critical hit.


-Roy: Flare Blade. Fully Charged. Nobody can interrupt it. Resembles Electrode.


-Fawful: He doesn't have any memorable attacks but he surely is a memorable character. A small appearance with his copter should do.:grin:


-Mach Rider/Wave race pilot/Excite Truck/Excite Bike: Vehicles. Run everybody over. Small differences between them of course. Excite Truck has bigger size, Mach Rider has greater speed and power (think Porygon 2), Excite Bike can jump around while damaging everybody and Wave Race could splash slippery water all over the place.


-Laughing Dog: Remember Goldeen? The dog could add insult to injury.


-Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents: Not impossible, but not likely, either. Could improve your stats (increase speed, or maybe power) while dancing to the stage music. Or maybe the theme music of your own character.


-Phoenix Wright: Nigh impossible, but there is still a reaaally small shot. Just yell his famous OBJECTION! catchphrase and blow the other characters away.


I'll post a few more later after some thought.

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I reckon these assist trophies just about confirm collecting trophies will not be a part of this installment of BRAWL. The characters that were former trophies will instead interact with the stage in some way sorta compensating for them not being collected... Perhaps them appearing UNLOCKS them to be viewable? or perhaps there is a new collectible instead, or none all together to focus on better gameplay such as an overhauled adventure mode and/or online?
Or once a character trophy has been unlocked, they can them be called upon as an assist trophy.

That way the game sort of builds the more you play and unlock.


Some trophies in Melee were quite tricky to get, but it would be a great incentive to get them, knowing you can then see that character appear in the game.

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So... Does this kind of work as a pokeball then? Smash the case and out comes your trophy to help you or am i losing it?


Yup, throw it and out comes a random assist trophy.


Edit: Also, I hope practice has more options this time round - multiple characters, the option to spawn who you want, when you want, and items (such as inividual pokemon, assist trophies) so you can use it for getting good screenshots from the pause menu (which they HAVE to have). There's also no excuse for not including the ability to send screenshots to people via C24.

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Fantastic. Wouldn't mind getting a Meryll assist trophie. And I agree with Fresh, a Pikmin assist is vital.


Has this officially confirmed to be online?


Yes. Iwata make Sakurai promise or else Reggie would set his hair on fire.

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