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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I sincerely hope there is no more than 30.


If that were true, we've seen 19 already and to make 30 you would already have to cut about 4 characters from Melee. And I don't think we have seen every new character already so another character from Melee would have to be cut for every new character put in. It will most likely be more than 30.

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the more characters the better that way you can avoid the chance that someone online ( if it will get online ) uses the same character as you


Not at all, Nintendo have to be creative and use only their A list. Too many characters would make the game feel less "personal".


If that were true, we've seen 19 already and to make 30 you would already have to cut about 4 characters from Melee. And I don't think we have seen every new character already so another character from Melee would have to be cut for every new character put in. It will most likely be more than 30.


How about we get rid of the clones?

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How about we get rid of the clones?


I can see them axing Dr. Mario, Pichu, Roy, Young Link and maybe Falco. Ganondorf will be getting a new moveset. It was also said, I don't have a link though that there could 2-3 third party characters in. So they'd still have to cut some original/non-clone characters which would be a shame or it would still easily get above 30 characters.

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Not at all, Nintendo have to be creative and use only their A list. Too many characters would make the game feel less "personal".


Au contraire.

Melee had so many characters and yet Dedede, Wario and Diddy did not appear (I was shocked when I found out).

However, I highly doubt many people requested characters like Ice Climbers and Mr. G&W. They also put Marth and Roy, two characters completely unknown to the western audience. And Roy was an advertisement to next Fire Emblem installment.

Did the game lose identity because of it? Of course not. If anything, it increased it. How many fighting games have had the privilege of having an Hammer-Wielding duo of the Ice Element? Or a completely 2D character moving at 4 Frames per Second? Also, SSBM was the reason Fire Emblem came to the west. Gamers liked Marth and Roy.

There's also the nostalgia factor. Ice Climbers and Dr.Mario give me nostalgic thoughts (just like Pit to some).


In a nutshell, more unknown/unpopular characters = more variety = more nostalgia = everybody wins.


I'm not saying to add 50+ characters, but you catch my drift.

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Au contraire.

Melee had so many characters and yet Dedede, Wario and Diddy did not appear (I was shocked when I found out).

However, I highly doubt many people requested characters like Ice Climbers and Mr. G&W. They also put Marth and Roy, two characters completely unknown to the western audience. And Roy was an advertisement to next Fire Emblem installment.

Did the game lose identity because of it? Of course not. If anything, it increased it. How many fighting games have had the privilege of having an Hammer-Wielding duo of the Ice Element? Or a completely 2D character moving at 4 Frames per Second? Also, SSBM was the reason Fire Emblem came to the west. Gamers liked Marth and Roy.

There's also the nostalgia factor. Ice Climbers and Dr.Mario give me nostalgic thoughts (just like Pit to some).


In a nutshell, more unknown/unpopular characters = more variety = more nostalgia = everybody wins.


I'm not saying to add 50+ characters, but you catch my drift.



Ummmm, Ice-Climbers etc were from classic games and are in no way B-list. You have totally misunderstood what I was saying.


I just don't want people like Tales etc, no freaking sidekicks.

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Fake! Just look at the colour pattern compared to screens on the site of today's update or sticker's update.

Yep...And the fact that Wario is between Mario characters. Major cockup. :heh:



Anyway; I love todays update....more pokétunes to chose from:D

Before seeing the CD I'd guessed you'd have to find a lot of the music.




I just don't want people like Tales etc, no freaking sidekicks.

Luigi's a sidekick. :heh:


Anyway, I usually prefer the sidekicks to the usually blander main character: Luigi, Tails, Diddy (in some ways pref to DK).


I reckon there will be 40 characters, and so long as the characters are more balanced and fair this time around, I wouldn't mind seeing 50 to be honest. Just so long as there are retro, GC era and even new (Wii) characters, and that most of the new characters are so different, which the ALL have been so far.






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Todays update is great. I like the idea of collecting music.


Anyone else that wants Tales of characters appearing in the game? Regal, Sheena and Presaea would be some very interesting characters each with their unique movesets, Regal fighting with his feet, Sheena with her cards and Presaea with her oversized axe.

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..This is gonna be hard to visualize probably, but I think it would be cool if the MGS stage had guards in it that patrol in the background and perhaps if you're fighting in a spot where you become visible to one of them, you get the ! above his head and the 'Alert' music plays..


At this point, everyone would have to run to another part of the stage to continue fighting so as to remain undetected while the guard walks towards he front of the screen to the figthing area. If the guard gets you, you'd be removed from the battle to the famous sound of the colonel shouting "Answer me Snake.. Snake.. Snake... Snnnnnnnnnaaaakkkee" or "Answer me Mario.. Mario.. Mario.. Marriiiiioooooo"



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Ummmm, Ice-Climbers etc were from classic games and are in no way B-list. You have totally misunderstood what I was saying.


I just don't want people like Tales etc, no freaking sidekicks.


I assume you meant Tails.:heh:

I understand. Not many representatives from one single series, right?

But if said sidekicks/minor characters are cool (Ex.: Luigi, Diddy Kong, Red's Pokémon), I don't see the problem.


Anyone else that wants Tales of characters appearing in the game? Regal, Sheena and Presaea would be some very interesting characters each with their unique movesets, Regal fighting with his feet, Sheena with her cards and Presaea with her oversized axe.


If any tales of character is in, it's probably Cless/Cress, the original protagonist of the series (and he has such a better movelist than Lloyd).

But, you know, this is exactly why namco should make a Tales of fighting game. Symphonia alone has great characters rarely seen in fighting games.


..This is gonna be hard to visualize probably, but I think it would be cool if the MGS stage had guards in it that patrol in the background and perhaps if you're fighting in a spot where you become visible to one of them, you get the ! above his head and the 'Alert' music plays..


At this point, everyone would have to run to another part of the stage to continue fighting so as to remain undetected while the guard walks towards he front of the screen to the figthing area. If the guard gets you, you'd be removed from the battle to the famous sound of the colonel shouting "Answer me Snake.. Snake.. Snake... Snnnnnnnnnaaaakkkee" or "Answer me Mario.. Mario.. Mario.. Marriiiiioooooo"




Y'know, your idea is farfetched, but you got something there.


What if the MGS stage is a mix between Onett and Fourside (several tall buildings, but still has ground), with one (or more) part/s of the stage had those guards. If you fell near those guards, they would blast you to smithereens repeatedly (similar to arwings). When the area gets empty, the soldiers keep on firing the guns until the timer runs out. Then they would resume their patrol as if nothing happened. The ! sign would be a warning to get out of there as soon as possible.


Luigi's fucking annoying anyway.


:o How dare you speak ill of Luigi!!*Just Kidding*:heh:

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Luigi was slagged here??


I think Luigi's underlying campness makes him a star. He is brilliantly mocked in the Mario and Luigi GBA and DS games. He is almost now like a parody of Mario. He seems to show that Mario is just a plumber and because of all his rescue acts he is now seen as a hero by everyone else (but Luigi). I like Luigi and I like the way (I think) he is the perfect reversal of Mario. His warbling voice also seems to highlight the distress situations cause him. Evident in Luigi's Mansion explicitly. Even as a fighter in Smash Bros he had a clumsy/camp element to him. What's not to like about harmless Luigi?!


And the music update today is FABULOUS. Beautiful music. I thought the "My Music" section would be inclusion of SD tracks ala Excitetruck. That would have been good. But on the one hand wouldn't that mean some people would overlook the beautiful tracks produced for this game? I would love SD card music playback. This is the one game that should have more options to it than any other game before it. It would be great to crack skulls whilst rocking out to your favourite band.

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Out of curiosity, how many fighters were there in Melee?


All this talk of 40 and 50 sounds like rediculously high numbers, but then again maybe I just didn't think about how many were in Melee.


Off the top of my head i think its 25 or 26.

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So theres 26, lets say Dr Mario, Pichu, Roy, and Young Link are left out. Thats 22, hopefully which will all make it.


Then theres Snake, Diddy Kong, Metaknight, Pit, Wario, Red and Ike (also, lets assume that ZSS and Samus are one character, like Zelda and Sheik).


Thats 29 characters already "confirmed". Theres 2 more 3rd party to come, which is 31.


I would say that 40 is a reasonable guess. 9 more Ninty characters would seem about right to me, if some much requested characters get in.

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Well, Sakuri had a "most mentioned" list on the old Smash Bros Dojo site, the top results were:


King Dedede(5)

Diddy Kong(4)





So, out of those two down and three to go. The Metroid and Kirby franchises could do with some villains (Meta Knight is a rival, not an enemy) so Dedede and Ridley would make sense. And Geno would help fill in the "obscure" (for some) character slots.


I'm pretty certain that there will be an Animal crossing character, too.

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