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Hands up if you're in love with the SMB3 music in the secret areas?


*raises hand*


Oh god yes it's amazing :D have you been to the Toy level? You'll love that even more!


Anyone know where I can download the soundtrack from? I NEED this on my iPod tomorrow!

I've seen several complaints about 'jagginess', but I'm playing on a 40 inch Samsung LCD HDTV and it looks beautiful, I can't see anything wrong with it! Maybe my eyes are just untrained!

I have 15 stars, and am loving it. Might have to ban myself from the game it's soo addictive and I have so much work to do :) I love the rolling ball and the music with it!

I agree. I'm on component with my 40" LCD and sitting close to it too anbd I have only noticed them like 3 times all of which were cut scenes

Guest Stefkov
I've seen several complaints about 'jagginess', but I'm playing on a 40 inch Samsung LCD HDTV and it looks beautiful, I can't see anything wrong with it! Maybe my eyes are just untrained!

I have 15 stars, and am loving it. Might have to ban myself from the game it's soo addictive and I have so much work to do :) I love the rolling ball and the music with it!

Playing through a component? I'm not and really, it's noticable. Everything is blurred and I wondered if taking my glasses off would help. Same goes for most wii games though so I'm not trying to bring this down. I love this game.

I would get a component cable but I don't know if it's worth it if in the end I might sell if all.

Playing through a component? I'm not and really, it's noticable. Everything is blurred and I wondered if taking my glasses off would help. Same goes for most wii games though so I'm not trying to bring this down. I love this game.

I would get a component cable but I don't know if it's worth it if in the end I might sell if all.


I'm just using the normal red white and yellow lead, and it looks beautiful.

Must depend on the TV i guess.


I played Mario last night on my new TV to 'test' it before Christmas, yellow,white and red cables and it was great. I used a scart for TP aswell and didn't notice any jaggies.

How good is the difference between component and scart? I got a new TV and really tempted to get component cables.


Also isn't VGA cables used for PC connectivity?



Component will make the game look much better. The difference between RGB, and component is minimal in my opinion, but scart to component will improve the picture dramatically.


Regarding the VGA cables, you can buy them, but I forget the site. Look on neogaf, there was a thread on there about them.

How good is the difference between component and scart? I got a new TV and really tempted to get component cables.


Also isn't VGA cables used for PC connectivity?


Component is way better then scart!


Some HDTV's...well most actually...have a PC connection for VGA, it's very small and has two screws either side i believe...:)


VGA is like Component but many say it's better, when i used the Xbox 360 one the colours seemed washed-out so i went back to component...thats why i'm interested to see what the Wii looks like through VGA.


My 360/PS3 are HDMI on a 1080p TV now and my Wii is component, no complaints at all really, so colourful, bold, sharp...excellent. Depends on the game mainly though, Galaxy seems to be the best Wii game though for graphics and just overall presentation.


If you can use Component, use it.


28 stars! :yay: This game continues to get better everytime i play and enter a new galaxy!!! :grin:


I used it on Friday on my HDTV Downstairs and it was a bit jaggy but even with my glasses i coudn't notice as i was sitting far back... (they were dirty though. :heh:)


I think i need a stronger pair that isn't wonky... :)


Im finding that SMG is not living up to the massive hype. My impressions after a days play are :-


3D worlds are annoying, jumping on enemys is difficult and control flips direction making Mario difficult to control

Levels are a bit too linear, no real exploration involved.

Story is a bit weak, no sense of adventure, i.e would have been good to know why all these galaxies exist??

Feels like lots of mini mario level mini games, levels are too quick to complete and a bit samey.

Reminds me of super monkey ball (3d worlds and graphical style).


How can they possibily say how each Galaxy exists? "This Galaxy exists cause we like deserts and this one cause we like water".


Mario is never about the story either, never has been.


I found the controls annoying, I run and jump towards an enemy and find I cant judge the distance when it is upside down and the direction changes. Most of the time I end up jumping over or just straight up. It might just be that im rubbish!!!

Im finding that SMG is not living up to the massive hype. My impressions after a days play are :-


3D worlds are annoying, jumping on enemys is difficult and control flips direction making Mario difficult to control

Levels are a bit too linear, no real exploration involved.

Story is a bit weak, no sense of adventure, i.e would have been good to know why all these galaxies exist??

Feels like lots of mini mario level mini games, levels are too quick to complete and a bit samey.

Reminds me of super monkey ball (3d worlds and graphical style).

Oh and we knew why each level of Mario 64 and every other game known to man exists?

I found the controls annoying, I run and jump towards an enemy and find I cant judge the distance when it is upside down and the direction changes. Most of the time I end up jumping over or just straight up. It might just be that im rubbish!!!



Yep, sounds to me you've got lousy depth perception... Shame really, because the game is awesome. As in "you will say WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW"-awesome.


Everything is kickass about it. Visuals are magnificent, soundtrack is mesmerising, controls are spot on, etc etc

One thing though: so far, every galaxy has three original "quests," and additional "quests" are prankster comet related... Does this change over the course of the game?

No. Three main quests and the rest are comets and hidden stars in main quests.


Damn. Lame. How many stars does each planet have total then?

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