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Super Mario Galaxy


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Am I the ONLY person who liked Sunshine? O_O
No, no, I liked it, really. Thing is, I was absolutely adoring the first two levels and it just went a bit downhill after that. The Pianta village was great again though.


Also, :bowdown: @ screenies.

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^^ Good find. Sure looks like him. Maybe he's trapped and you have to rescue him?




There's so much going on in this screenshot, I don't know where to look. Is it a level? A cutscene? A character? A glitch in the game? My mind playing tricks on me?

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Because the levels themselves are contructed of very simple polygons in an empty space rather than a landscape like in the majority of Wii games (Sonic, Excite truck).


That and the fact that it's got excellent texturing and lighting + obviously more time spent on it.


But even so, it's still lovely. Will be even better with anti-aliasing.

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Because the levels themselves are contructed of very simple polygons in an empty space rather than a landscape like in the majority of Wii games (Sonic, Excite truck).


That and the fact that it's got excellent texturing and lighting + obviously more time spent on it.


But even so, it's still lovely. Will be even better with anti-aliasing.


Don't think that it's as simple as that, making spheres isn't easy and having such a huge field of vision and depth of view is really taxing on the hardware. And there's the lighting, shading, mapping, texturing, well implemented bloom, great art direction etc...

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No I agree they've done exceptional work with this game, but the fundamental point to remember is that technically, this game isn't any more graphics intensive than other Wii games. The number of polygons, objects are the same if not less than other games.


What makes it work is the art direction, the colours, the lighting, mapping etc etc as you said.

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No I agree they've done exceptional work with this game, but the fundamental point to remember is that technically, this game isn't any more graphics intensive than other Wii games. The number of polygons, objects are the same if not less than other games.


What makes it work is the art direction, the colours, the lighting, mapping etc etc as you said.

I understand what you're saying, it's in space, small planets and whatnot, so it's easier to do lots of things and that's 100% true, but the game is without doubt more "graphics intensive" than any other game and the poly count per character or object is higher than any other Wii game, which is possible, because there aren't so many things on screen. But seeing big planets, closed places, like mansions and lots of enemies, I don't think that's as relevant as I thought before.

Also, making good spheres takes a shitload of polygons I think.

But yes, not having a huge mass of land as far the eye can see and whatnot is a huge advantage.

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