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Super Mario Galaxy


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is it still classed as a platformer ?


doesn't seem to be any need to jump or balance or timing. (stress causing things I hate about mario)


the waterjet pack in sunshine helped reduced the stress but the game was too hard overall.

my favourite was the time rewind in prince of persia - the first platformer i liked

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Looking better each time its shown, the only concern I have is that the gameplay will consist entirely of small clusters of rock shaped objects, planets and not have any "MASSIVE Landscapes". But apart from that this game certainly has potential to be about on par with Mario 64.


I'm seriously thinking this game could be better than TP. It looks that good.


I actually think so as well, I reckon Twilight Princess will be lucky to score 9.0 out of 10 for average reviews. My final prediction for review scores for Twilight Princess is 8.8/10.


My reasoning, is that I believe the worst will happen, and then be pleasantly suprised if it gets higher reviews.

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I actually think so as well, I reckon Twilight Princess will be lucky to score 9.0 out of 10 for average reviews. My final prediction for review scores for Twilight Princess is 8.8/10.


My reasoning, is that I believe the worst will happen, and then be pleasantly suprised if it gets higher reviews.


I think TP will get about 95/96% but I still think I will enjoy Galaxy more than anything else. The game I enjoyed most on the NES? Mario Bros, the SNES? DKC3, the N64? Banjo Kazooie, the GC? Sunshine. I am a sucker for platformers and this one looks shinier and nicer to control than any I've ever seen before.

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Galaxy-Best under 10 game

Twilight Princess-Best over 10 game.



never-not with your taste in music-lmao


Galaxy looks like pure fun, distilled, in a bottle.


Zelda will be the best game ever made.


i'm getting both as soon as they come out here-neither is better than the other.


and insinuating (horrible spelling-sorry) mario is for under 10s is a pile of doo doo.

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The best part about Mario Sunshine, for me, were the Warp Zones. This new Mario looks a lot different by the way you use the pointer to "freeze" enemys. And I've read that it has one of the best uses of the wiimote+nunchaku. They want to make a "perfect" mario game, because Mario Sunshine wasn't what people expected for Mario 64's sequel. I belive (hope?) Mario Galaxy will have a near 10 rating, or even 10.

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I don't know why but im not one bit excited about this game, not like the other mario games. It doesn't even look like a mario game to me. I think (if it jumping from planet to planet) that it could be boring. When i think of mario i think free roaming and big landscapes.

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well we've only seen about 3 mini planets so whats not to say there will be more bigger planets.

You shouldnt start complaining when we've not even seen the whole game yet.

Yeah i would like big planets, where loads is happening on it, and that may well be there, we just don't know of it yet.

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well we've only seen about 3 mini planets so whats not to say there will be more bigger planets.

You shouldnt start complaining when we've not even seen the whole game yet.

Yeah i would like big planets, where loads is happening on it, and that may well be there, we just don't know of it yet.


Well i'd have thought that a hugh landscape is the first thing Nintendo would show you tbh.

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Not sure if this already has been said! but go to http://www.wii.com, pick USA and go click on Mario Galaxy in the software section and it states:


'Players 1-2'


Could Mario have been a launch title but was delayed to add multiplayer? I reckon so now! :yay:


Miyamoto has said he wanted to add realtime multiplayer to Mario Galaxy, and I really hope they will, I just wonder how they'll pull it off though.

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