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Super Mario Galaxy


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Rathchet and Clank are pretty good on the PS systems yet they seem to focus on the "we've got guns!!!" aspect moreso than platforming.


Ratchet and Clank games are simply awesome and your right they do kinda focus on the weapons but thats what makes them a joy to play. I have said it before the Ratchet and Clank games on the PS2 were far more fun than Mario Sunshine.


Fired this up again today to continue my 2nd run with you know who. Just got 42 Stars and have just unlocked the Bedroom.


Im finding that most of the Stars that I struggled with last time like Bloudergeist Daredevil run are easy as hell the 2nd time you playthrough it.

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Got 60 stars last night and did the final boss.


Great ending movie, but I'd have thought there'd be some proper resolution as to who Rosalina is? I remember hearing she was originally going to be related to Peach? I thought that she'd end up being Peach from a different dimension or something. Hmm.


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Got 60 stars last night and did the final boss.


Great ending movie, but I'd have thought there'd be some proper resolution as to who Rosalina is? I remember hearing she was originally going to be related to Peach? I thought that she'd end up being Peach from a different dimension or something. Hmm.


The complete ending and the tales can help to understand.

Rosalina seems to come from Mario's planet and come back every 100 years to see her homeworld again, seeing the way she look at it. And I think she's related to Mario's family in a way since, in her tale, she talk about his father having a beautiful mustache. This kind of detail can't be innocent.:heh:




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Ratchet and Clank games are simply awesome and your right they do kinda focus on the weapons but thats what makes them a joy to play. I have said it before the Ratchet and Clank games on the PS2 were far more fun than Mario Sunshine.


Aye, not bashing them as I loved them all. And Captain Quark was just brilliant. :)

And those 2D stages and "globe" levels do indeed remind me of Galaxy. Great, great games though. :) Mario was always better to control though. Tighter.

Ratchet and Clank is basically Banjo Kazooie and Jet Force Gemini merged. And you can't get better than that :p

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Ratchet and Clank is better than anything Rare ever came up with, i'd say its easily the closest quality wise anyone has gotten to the 3d Mario's. Its amazing how similar Galaxy and the new Ratchet are. The biggest difference is the action aspect but other than that they actually share alot. Or maybe we just dont get enough platformers :(


Both are quite linear(very little free open worlds) and dont involve much collecting. There are even weird 3d planet type gravity sections in Ratchet. Obviously Ratchet has tons of stuff influenced by Nintendo games. The Zonee are like simplified Pikmin in the Clank segments and the flying spaceship bits are like Starfox. Nintendo fans will love it. Clearly the makers play too many Nintendo games :smile:


Galaxy is amazing i love the game. Luigi should have been in it at the start :heh: For me it defines the genre. After Sunshine we are now back on track. Hopefully we get a sequel sooner rather than later.


Its so cool to have two great platformers in one go. We need more! Maybe a new Yoshi game? Jak? Wario? So many opportunities. Obviously good developers please.


It's a good movie yes, not necessarily a good game.


The difference is that Mario Galaxy has great gameplay, but still doesn't see the same sales as AC, which to me and alot of people was an underachiever of sorts.


I mean it's basically 30 minutes of gameplay looped repeatedly with a great story.


Effectively: Mario Galaxy doesn't feel like a chore and should deserve greater sales than Assassins Creed.


And yea, it's not as bad as NFS, but it certainly does seem to be over hyped by alot of fans. Some people can't accept it's not amazing.


I have AC and i agree to some extent. Its a unique game although i am abit troubled that Mario didnt do as well. Wii owners are an odd bunch. Mario better do better than the olympics game :heh: i hope.


Assasins Creed was big because everyone was sending each other movies on email, myspace etc. Hype was huge, the game looked fresh and cool. Ubisoft are really good at this. Poor Ratchet got ignored due to Sony's crappy marketing and the fact that its never been seen as a major franchise. I think Mario doesnt really fit in with alot of the Wii userbase since its not a WiiSports type game. Nintendo cant really win with the hardcore imo they cant output that many games for us if not alot buy them. They cant ever drop Mario the platformer i hope.

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I think Ratchet and Clank games are good, I did really enjoy the first one and they had great humour to them. Thing was, after the first one the second was out a year later. I played it, and was like, haven't I done this before? Then the third came out and it was overkill, there was no differentiation between the gameplay like Mario platformers have held and it really just got repetitive.


I've not played the new one but from what I've heard it's just the PS2 games in a shinyer lick of paint. Exactly the same Gameplay, so I guess for me it'd just feel bland by now.


And er, Mario Galaxy sales are going great. Traditionally Mario games sell over a long period of time, Sunshine was selling a decent amount in the weeks 3 or 4 years after the GameCube had been released, and Galaxy will be the same. It'll easily outsell AC by the end of it's life and be challenging to hit 10 million +. Galaxy is currently outselling AC now anyway, by a total of 70k units worldwide :P.

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Can I just point out that (according to VG Chartz) Mario Galaxy has sold 2.3 millions copies.


AC: 360 = 1.33 milion

PS3 = 0.8 million


So Mario HAS sold more, and is higher in every chart, so will sell even more!!! It's just Britain that's stupid and taken in by advertising!

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I've not played the new one but from what I've heard it's just the PS2 games in a shinyer lick of paint. Exactly the same Gameplay, so I guess for me it'd just feel bland by now.

It's funny you should say that, because I'm playing through it at the moment, and that's exactly the way I feel about the game. :sad:

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It's funny you should say that, because I'm playing through it at the moment, and that's exactly the way I feel about the game. :sad:


Sounds good as thats what I was looking for in the new Ratchet and Clank as the previous games gameplay was perfect for me. I can see where you guys are coming from though.


I have just had a 2 hour stint on Mario Galaxy and now im on 88 Stars ( 2nd playthough using the secret dude )


Just to bring up the comparison between Ratchet and Mario games again I was thinking about how well Insomniac and Naughty Dog ( with Jak 1 ) done a great job of getting a story going in a platform game. They used great voice actors aswell as having a great amount of humour. I wonder if Mario could benifit from these things in the future.


I know alot of people say that Mario doesnt need a story etc and to be fair they are right but seeing what a well written storyline and some good punchlines does for a game I cant help but want it the next Mario. Its much like the whole voice acting thing in Zelda that was debated last year when TP came out.

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Sounds good as thats what I was looking for in the new Ratchet and Clank as the previous games gameplay was perfect for me. I can see where you guys are coming from though.


I have just had a 2 hour stint on Mario Galaxy and now im on 88 Stars ( 2nd playthough using the secret dude )


Just to bring up the comparison between Ratchet and Mario games again I was thinking about how well Insomniac and Naughty Dog ( with Jak 1 ) done a great job of getting a story going in a platform game. They used great voice actors aswell as having a great amount of humour. I wonder if Mario could benifit from these things in the future.


I know alot of people say that Mario doesnt need a story etc and to be fair they are right but seeing what a well written storyline and some good punchlines does for a game I cant help but want it the next Mario. Its much like the whole voice acting thing in Zelda that was debated last year when TP came out.


I played the new ratchet, I love the series more than mario, but when I played it I felt dissapointed. It was missing something, no idea what, just something didn't feel right. :(


Anyhoo, I've complete galaxy now, now I need all the stars!

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Sounds good as thats what I was looking for in the new Ratchet and Clank as the previous games gameplay was perfect for me. I can see where you guys are coming from though.

I really don't get it to be honest. I loved the first R&C game, and I don't mind a game being unoriginal and doing the same thing as before. So I should be loving Tools Of Destruction. But I'm not. :confused:

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This week's charts. Galaxy places at 13th on the all console all versions charts, while Mario and Sonic manages to beat Need for Speed for Christmas number 1....and it's basically just the Wii version alone.


AWESOME! Thats a hell of a jump from 7 to 1. Whats the last week before it officially becomes Christmas number 1 or was that the last week?

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Just need 15 more Stars ( all the purple coin ones ) then I can finally get the last secret Star with you know who :)


I must say im finding it a hell of alot easier playing with the unlockable one rather than Mario. His ability to jump higer has made the game easier for me as I can take many a shortcut.


Shame that I have nearly finished it...again. At least I can move on to a different game now though.

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