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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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I wonder how anyone at Nintendo could cancel Metroid Dread...


It makes me wonder what material they'd have left after Fusion. Maybe they find another Metroid colony, or the X story is continued on SR388's surface (that'd actually make a lot of sense).

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Fair play to Nintendo for responding to Matt's article. I'm happy to see that Nintendo plan to market it in the "conventional" way as well, because not every Wii owner has internet access to download the preview channel and of course MP3 should be considered as a system selling game and obviously people who haven't bought a Wii already won't have access to the preview channel! Nintendo have been doing well this generation with tv ads, I think I've seen more in the 8 months since release than I ever seen in the entire lifespan of the Gamecube. So hopefully they stick with the trend and strongly advertise this.

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It makes me wonder what material they'd have left after Fusion. Maybe they find another Metroid colony, or the X story is continued on SR388's surface (that'd actually make a lot of sense).


Samus finding herself to have energy absorption powers due to his DNA recombination with metroid DNA.

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im just replaying prime 2 and i havent missed a scan yet, god scanning is nerve wracking. its only the spider guardian thats killed me so far as well, i forgot my easy trick for him.


some how, i can't see metroid appealing to the casual gamer, the general slow pace, carefull scanning and back tracking would put off alot of my mates.

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I'm pleased they're planning to push this and really go for it. I think they should've done this with the first and the second. I think both the first and the second are better than Halo (I know a lot of people will get mad about me comparing). I think where Nintendo ha let us down is with Metroid marketing, this franchise should be treated like the gem it is!

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Just checking the comments on N-Europe Youtube channel for the video of the 2 new vids added on the 13th.


One guy came up with the idea that the Auroa supercomputers mentioned in the first video could be a hint of a Motherbrian boss....anyone else think of that?


Would be awesome to see Motherbrain makes an apperance

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Nintendo should release a short playable demo on this new channel (sooner the better). Just a short teaser showing the quality of the title would entice gamers into buying the full game. It 'should' be downloaded straight from the inbox (if plausible). This would target ALL online Wii owners. I'm actually suprised Nintendo haven't done this kind of advertising (straight to Wii) yet. I was thinking this was like free advertising to MILLIONS of Wii owners. I'm sure the Metroid preview channel is only the start of things to come. Maybe in the future we will see short demos becoming available. (Or included with game disks as a bonus channel). Afterall, a video can only convey so much.

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shame it would take up to much memory on the wii :'(


plus, metroid isnt really that good in bursts, its more about atmosphear then quick thrills, still its a good idea, nintendo could even have an advert channel, you just watch game trailers on a live stream. that might work?


i agree. Metroid really isn't a demo type of game... not many games anymore. Demoes were extrememly popular in the ps1 era but since then nothing much. Metroid prime hunters however was a brilliant showcase for a game that would be the worst metroid ever:)

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Just checking the comments on N-Europe Youtube channel for the video of the 2 new vids added on the 13th.


One guy came up with the idea that the Auroa supercomputers mentioned in the first video could be a hint of a Motherbrian boss....anyone else think of that?


Would be awesome to see Motherbrain makes an apperance


Yep I nearly of that happening, seeing how they push that. But it will not be truly be mother brain but a similar supercomputer probably infected by the virus they talked in one of the demo.

We need Kraid now!

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I suppose someone has said this...but that Metroid Dread game (DCK mentioned) becoming a virtual console game to advertise Corruption, would be cool wouldn't it? and a BIG surprise, as we were all thinking it was canned.

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Yep I nearly of that happening, seeing how they push that. But it will not be truly be mother brain but a similar supercomputer probably infected by the virus they talked in one of the demo.

We need Kraid now!


Well, they've made a 3D model for Kraid.

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