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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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Not in a million years my friend. Anyone that thinks this game could run on the GCN is delusional, or in good need of a visit to Specsavers. 42944569ec2.gif


Ah that's good then. Some of the lighting in it at points looked good but wasn't that much from the likes of TP just just assumed it could run on the GC :heh:


My old tactic of run in a mob and take them out isn't quite working yet, damn space pirates end up using PED.


Also I can't remember the Bryyo soundtrack just now after listening to it for so long.

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Nah, probably just sensationalism.


Prime 3 doesn't really have many "signiture" songs. Prime 1 had soooo many of them. I don't think Koji Kondo (sp?) had a hand in these ones.


EDIT: Me = idiot. Kenji Yamamoto is the composer in charge at Retro Studios... Some extremely weak tracks from him from what i've heard so far. Apart from the super awesome Space Pirate music, but thats always awesome ;)

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Nah, probably just sensationalism.


Prime 3 doesn't really have many "signiture" songs. Prime 1 had soooo many of them. I don't think Koji Kondo (sp?) had a hand in these ones.


EDIT: Me = idiot. Kenji Yamamoto is the composer in charge at Retro Studios... Some extremely weak tracks from him from what i've heard so far. Apart from the super awesome Space Pirate music, but thats always awesome ;)


Isn't that the guy that did Mario Sunshines soundtrack?

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Nah, probably just sensationalism.


Prime 3 doesn't really have many "signiture" songs. Prime 1 had soooo many of them. I don't think Koji Kondo (sp?) had a hand in these ones.


EDIT: Me = idiot. Kenji Yamamoto is the composer in charge at Retro Studios... Some extremely weak tracks from him from what i've heard so far. Apart from the super awesome Space Pirate music, but thats always awesome ;)



I wasnt immediately astounded by the music at first but by the end of the game i acquired a taste for most of it. Love the opening Bryyo music.


As for the Space Pirate music, i hate it just as much now as i did for Prime 1

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Wow, what can i say about the graphics in this game...They are simply amazing. Who'd of thought the Wii could do that ey!


I just love how the same game can produce such varied opinion on something that really is fact!!??


Gameplay is a personal, graphical quality surely is not???


Hope to find out tonight who is right and who is wrong!! :P

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My copy eventually arrived late this morning, and I've put in around one and a half to two hours so far. I'm really loving the epic feel of it at the moment, although it's pretty linear so far (I was expecting it, after reading reviews, though). Lovely graphics, though it's hard to be wowed after the last game I played was Bioshock. Fantastic controls, too, even if I was flailing around a bit with the first boss. The grappler is particularly satisfying. Like RedShell, I'm also in the 'B to shoot' camp at the moment.


The best thing about it, though, is that I don't feel like I have to pace myself with this, with Mario only three weeks away! :D

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Well just ducked out of Metroid after a pretty good session to play some phantom hourglass. So far really impressed...have plumped for advanced controls and B to shoot. All works really well...was pretty much comfortable with it by the time I got


PED suit



Love the graphics...so many nice little touches that weren't in the other two games...newer lighting effects etc... having just played Echoes have really noticed the differences,even your beam arm looks better no naff textures like on the dark beam in Echoes, love the nunchuk use for certain items. same problems still exist tho, rough textures here and there like the doors sort it out! But other all fantastic the graphical/artistic direction really help lift this game to status of best looking Wii title (for now) There have been a few moments where I have geniunely thought wow and stopped to look at the beauty...if ever there was proof we moved to this generation to fast this is it...just shows what "last gen" consoles can do.


So the first of Nintendo's BIG THREE is finally here and looks like a hit...


Btw...there is only Redshell on my friends list who is black as having this so if ever there was time to add your favourite staff member (ie Me!) now is the time to get some friend tokens...

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