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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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the lighting and the textures (maybe bump mapping effects) have been upgraded ... and the game looks more along the lines of doom pc grafix... this game is looking amazing and it also apears to be controling alot better now ...


this game is looking to be the most detailed wii game yet....sprinkles!!!:smile:

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Nooo...It's "Samus was out saving the galaxy when Master Chief was still in diapers." :heh:
Is Master chief a crossdresser/travesti of something? he's been wearing Womens space dresses like those of Samus for years. ::grin:

That's why he doesn't show his face... busted! He must use lipstick and a wig too.


Said this... I *kinda* like Samus suits too, so I understand how you feel, Master chief... but no, while I *might* wear samus suits, I wont use "your" lipstick and wigs, keep those to yourself.


heh, I think I just ruined the sales of Halo 3 :laughing:

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what will they do after MP3 what will retro do? AHHH this carn't be the end then no 1st person shooters made by ninty


Good question. Several possibilities come to mind.


1. Metroid Prime 4 - Unlikely since they have said they wanted to make a triolgy of Prime games.

2. Metroid <NewName> - Likely. It would probably build on the existing engine, but who knows - perhaps we could see some new style.

3. Metroid Rage Wars - The Turok franchise saw a multiplayer only game, in the vein of Unreal Tournament. Unlikely, but with a decent set of WiFi options, as with Metroid Prime Hunters, could be quite special.

4. Metroid Spinoff - Focusing on a different bounty hunter or a new character set in the Metroid universe. Unlikely, but perhaps this is a long overdue direction.

5. Completely different game. Likely. I would love to have Retro make a proper FPS, as Kurt said.

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Retro will just do Raven Blade after this won't they? It'd be wrong for them to make a Metroid multiplayer game, Raven Blade is more natural for them.


Who knows. It would be sweet if they could 'revive' another old Nintendo franchise. I'd like them to try to do something with Starfox, as that seems to be losing its way at the moment.:hmm:

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I'd like them to try to do something with Starfox, as that seems to be losing its way at the moment.:hmm:


Nintendo need to stop pushing Star Fox from one third party to another, I think Nintendo should start working on Star Fox themselves once again because the original and Lylat Wars were the ones we love the most.


Nintendo should let Retro do their own game and if it's a big hit then Retro should continue to make new IPs.


I guess if this were to happen then Nintendo will have to start making Metroid internally again which is no bad thing.


Just as long as they don't give Metroid to NST or N-Space... (Shudders)

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