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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Darn Nintendo! All they need is a few lines of code. why, Nintendo, why??


Maybe its because everyones getting pissy over something stupid but...

Does it really matter, SERIOUSLY?!

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[spoiler=] Q) First question is about the camera. Can you control it in 3rd person like you could in Wind Waker? If not, does it detract from the experience, or do you not even notice?

A) No, you don't control the camera manually, aside from being able to centre it by behind Link by pressing Z. The automatic camera is clever enough and the only time you have issues is when you're right up against a wall and the camera goes right behind Link's a**e. That only happened a few times throughout my 34 hours though. <-- A few times too many... :nono: You never have those classic early 3D world problems where you just can't get the camera where you want it in order to perform a jump.

When I refer to the camera in the options, it actually inverting your aiming when you have the sights up. So, when you get the Gale Boomerang out or even when you tap C to go into first-person mode, you can invert it.


Q) Other than the stab, does the direction you move the Wii Remote cause Link to swing the sword in generally the same direction?

A) No, it's not that accurate. If you slash with the remote Link slashes with his right arm in a kind of 'in front of his head to to the right of his leg' way. You can't make him slash to the left but you don't really need to. I'll give you an example. If you're standing in between two pots, a standard slash will hit the pot on Link's right. If you want to hit the one on the left you just turn left a bit and slash it… it's really not a problem. <-- This doesn't sound too good either, but thats the case even with games such as OOT right, I'm pretty sure you had to stop and turn slightly to hit another pot.


Q) Is the music orcestrated?

A) No. I'm torn on this subject. I have a lot of time for midi music, especially when it's done as well as this, but there are definitely moments when the synth strings just don't have the depth or separation they need. I bought the Final Fantasy III DS soundtrack while I was at TGS and some of the stuff on there (especially the theme tune) is spectacular… really emotive. I think TP could've done with some of that. Don't get me wrong though. There are some great tunes in the game. <-- Why does he say the music is AMAZING and then suddenly he criticises it, not good :nono:


Q) I have one of those smaller televisions in my room i have my gamecube on it and that works fine but ive heard that the Wii is widescreen does this mean that i will only get some of the picture with bits cut off or does it automatically set itself to the screen size?

A) No, you'll get a letterbox picture I'm afraid. <-- GUARANTEED PENALTY right there... :nono:


Q) Apart from hitting an enemy, will the game sometimes lag, or will it maintain a 30 fps frame-rate throughout?

A) I saw one or two insignificant drops when the camera panned out over a huge area in a cut scene. <-- WHY??? :nono: But it never dropped to 'ooooh, that's bad' levels. I've never seen it drop in gameplay.


Sounding like it'll turn out to be a good game, I just hope these continual issues that are being raised about the game don't significantly affet the review scores, because after all, I do want this game to achieve all time greatness, Nintendo has to live up to their promise.



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[spoiler=] Q) First question is about the camera. Can you control it in 3rd person like you could in Wind Waker? If not, does it detract from the experience, or do you not even notice?

A) No, you don't control the camera manually, aside from being able to centre it by behind Link by pressing Z. The automatic camera is clever enough and the only time you have issues is when you're right up against a wall and the camera goes right behind Link's a**e. That only happened a few times throughout my 34 hours though. <-- A few times too many... :nono: You never have those classic early 3D world problems where you just can't get the camera where you want it in order to perform a jump.

When I refer to the camera in the options, it actually inverting your aiming when you have the sights up. So, when you get the Gale Boomerang out or even when you tap C to go into first-person mode, you can invert it.


Q) Other than the stab, does the direction you move the Wii Remote cause Link to swing the sword in generally the same direction?

A) No, it's not that accurate. If you slash with the remote Link slashes with his right arm in a kind of 'in front of his head to to the right of his leg' way. You can't make him slash to the left but you don't really need to. I'll give you an example. If you're standing in between two pots, a standard slash will hit the pot on Link's right. If you want to hit the one on the left you just turn left a bit and slash it… it's really not a problem. <-- This doesn't sound too good either, but thats the case even with games such as OOT right, I'm pretty sure you had to stop and turn slightly to hit another pot.


Q) Is the music orcestrated?

A) No. I'm torn on this subject. I have a lot of time for midi music, especially when it's done as well as this, but there are definitely moments when the synth strings just don't have the depth or separation they need. I bought the Final Fantasy III DS soundtrack while I was at TGS and some of the stuff on there (especially the theme tune) is spectacular… really emotive. I think TP could've done with some of that. Don't get me wrong though. There are some great tunes in the game. <-- Why does he say the music is AMAZING and then suddenly he criticises it, not good :nono:


Q) I have one of those smaller televisions in my room i have my gamecube on it and that works fine but ive heard that the Wii is widescreen does this mean that i will only get some of the picture with bits cut off or does it automatically set itself to the screen size?

A) No, you'll get a letterbox picture I'm afraid. <-- GUARANTEED PENALTY right there... :nono:


Q) Apart from hitting an enemy, will the game sometimes lag, or will it maintain a 30 fps frame-rate throughout?

A) I saw one or two insignificant drops when the camera panned out over a huge area in a cut scene. <-- WHY??? :nono: But it never dropped to 'ooooh, that's bad' levels. I've never seen it drop in gameplay.


Sounding like it'll turn out to be a good game, I just hope these continual issues that are being raised about the game don't significantly affet the review scores, because after all, I do want this game to achieve all time greatness, Nintendo has to live up to their promise.



Have you played a Zelda before?

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[spoiler=] Q) First question is about the camera. Can you control it in 3rd person like you could in Wind Waker? If not, does it detract from the experience, or do you not even notice?

A) No, you don't control the camera manually, aside from being able to centre it by behind Link by pressing Z. The automatic camera is clever enough and the only time you have issues is when you're right up against a wall and the camera goes right behind Link's a**e. That only happened a few times throughout my 34 hours though. <-- A few times too many... :nono: You never have those classic early 3D world problems where you just can't get the camera where you want it in order to perform a jump.

When I refer to the camera in the options, it actually inverting your aiming when you have the sights up. So, when you get the Gale Boomerang out or even when you tap C to go into first-person mode, you can invert it.


Q) Other than the stab, does the direction you move the Wii Remote cause Link to swing the sword in generally the same direction?

A) No, it's not that accurate. If you slash with the remote Link slashes with his right arm in a kind of 'in front of his head to to the right of his leg' way. You can't make him slash to the left but you don't really need to. I'll give you an example. If you're standing in between two pots, a standard slash will hit the pot on Link's right. If you want to hit the one on the left you just turn left a bit and slash it… it's really not a problem. <-- This doesn't sound too good either, but thats the case even with games such as OOT right, I'm pretty sure you had to stop and turn slightly to hit another pot.


Q) Is the music orcestrated?

A) No. I'm torn on this subject. I have a lot of time for midi music, especially when it's done as well as this, but there are definitely moments when the synth strings just don't have the depth or separation they need. I bought the Final Fantasy III DS soundtrack while I was at TGS and some of the stuff on there (especially the theme tune) is spectacular… really emotive. I think TP could've done with some of that. Don't get me wrong though. There are some great tunes in the game. <-- Why does he say the music is AMAZING and then suddenly he criticises it, not good :nono:


Q) I have one of those smaller televisions in my room i have my gamecube on it and that works fine but ive heard that the Wii is widescreen does this mean that i will only get some of the picture with bits cut off or does it automatically set itself to the screen size?

A) No, you'll get a letterbox picture I'm afraid. <-- GUARANTEED PENALTY right there... :nono:


Q) Apart from hitting an enemy, will the game sometimes lag, or will it maintain a 30 fps frame-rate throughout?

A) I saw one or two insignificant drops when the camera panned out over a huge area in a cut scene. <-- WHY??? :nono: But it never dropped to 'ooooh, that's bad' levels. I've never seen it drop in gameplay.




This is BULL SHIT ever end?!


1, You haven't even played it

2, You don't know if it even works because of reason 1

3, Games have bugs, theres never been a game in history without them.

4, These are impressions of a single person, how about we wait for several reviews before judging?


The3rdChildren put it right:

[22:34] Guy: This kid seems desperate to hate it.

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Solitanze.. Wtf. Are you purpously trying to find as many possible mistakes as you can, to avoid hyping yourself for the game, or what?

1. There are no games without slight camera issues (and a few times during 34 hours is VERY acceptable)

2. No Zelda game has had several different slashes (to left or right). You always turn.

3. What part of "don't get me wrong" didn't you understand?

4. What Dante said

5. Wtf? Why WOULDN'T it lag slightly when it pans over an incredibly large section? Also, he said it wasn't even really an issue. You are far overreacting.

I don't want to be harsh or anything, but you really need to shut up. Don't try to take opinions on the game negatively. Even when he says "don't get me wrong", you get him wrong. Bah.

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Solitanze.. Wtf. Are you purpously trying to find as many possible mistakes as you can, to avoid hyping yourself for the game, or what?

1. There are no games without slight camera issues (and a few times during 34 hours is VERY acceptable)

2. No Zelda game has had several different slashes (to left or right). You always turn.

3. What part of "don't get me wrong" didn't you understand?

4. What Dante said

5. Wtf? Why WOULDN'T it lag slightly when it pans over an incredibly large section? Also, he said it wasn't even really an issue. You are far overreacting.

I don't want to be harsh or anything, but you really need to shut up. Don't try to take opinions on the game negatively. Even when he says "don't get me wrong", you get him wrong. Bah.


I do want to see this game achieve ultimate success, but I am merely pointing out issues with the game because there will be some people out there that will deliberately use these issues as fuel to deliberately penalise the game and automatically deny it of a top 5 berth in the highest rated games of all time on the internet and if too many publications rate this game too low, as in below 9.7 at the absolute lowest from the most high profile game sites such as IGN, Gamespot etc, then there are going to be a lot of pissed off people crying on the internet saying how Nintendo let them down with a less than spectacular game and people could retaliate and say "WE'VE BEEN WAITING 4 YEARS FOR THIS CRAP, THATS IT, I'M GOING TO BUY A PS3, F**K YOU NINTENDO". This game even though not a 100% pure Wii game is the very game at which most peoples judgements about the quality of Wiis controller and the console as a whole will be based on and seeing that this is the only reason most people are buying the console, if there are too many negative opinions on the internet and through other mediums such as Magazine and newspaper articles etc, its only going to severly damage Nintendos reputation even more to the point of almost being forced to exit the console market due to stagnant sales from consumers and decreased third party support equalling failure and all this rests on one single game.

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Well, just.. Don't point out issues until you know whether or not they are issues. And believe me, not many people are going to play this through and be disappointed.

And if they are, they're insane. Really. Just relax and look forward to the game, it'll do you much better.

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I do want to see this game achieve ultimate success, but I am merely pointing out issues with the game because there will be some people out there that will deliberately use these issues as fuel to deliberately penalise the game and automatically deny it of a top 5 berth in the highest rated games of all time on the internet and if too many publications rate this game too low, as in below 9.7 at the absolute lowest from the most high profile game sites such as IGN, Gamespot etc, then there are going to be a lot of pissed off people crying on the internet saying how Nintendo let them down with a less than spectacular game and people could retaliate and say "WE'VE BEEN WAITING 4 YEARS FOR THIS CRAP, THATS IT, I'M GOING TO BUY A PS3, F**K YOU NINTENDO". This game even though not a 100% pure Wii game is the very game at which most peoples judgements about the quality of Wiis controller and the console as a whole will be based on and seeing that this is the only reason most people are buying the console, if there are too many negative opinions on the internet and through other mediums such as Magazine and newspaper articles etc, its only going to severly damage Nintendos reputation even more to the point of almost being forced to exit the console market due to stagnant sales from consumers and decreased third party support equalling failure and all this rests on one single game.


- You've never played the game.


- According to your reasoning if Zelda TP gets less than 9,7 the world will end right?


I say get a life. Play the games and judge them yourself.

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Don't judge a game on what "score" a journalist gives it out of 10. If you would like a proper opinion of how good a game is read the actual review, you know the actual writing and not just the large number next to it.

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Don't judge a game on what "score" a journalist gives it out of 10. If you would like a proper opinion of how good a game is read the actual review, you know the actual writing and not just the large number next to it.



I still to this day cant see how a reviewer can give one game say 8.7 and one 8.8 ... i mean its just crazy.


Anyway... as i have stated before... this is Zelda and Nintendo made it, so i couldnt care less what anyone else thinks about it.

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