glucoseaddict Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 We all know that the FHC is a pretty innovative and versatile piece of equipment but it surely can't cater for every genre. Or can it? Just wanted to start a topic dealing with this, get peoples opinions etc. Reason is because I was telling a friend (Sony fanboy to be precise) about the controller and he (predictably) called it a "gimmick" and that it would only work for mini-games bla bla bla. A game he suggested was 'Shaddow of The Colossus', but seeing as I've never played the game I couldn't give him a straight answer. So what gaming genres can/should the FHC not work for? People suggest genres that they think it might not work with and others can post their opinions on how it could. I think it will broaden some peoples (me, for starters ) ideas on how the FHC can be used. And in the words of the great John Lennon; "Make love not war", so no flaming or opinion-bashing please.
KKOB Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 hmmm maybe turnbased rpgs? or anything turnbased for that matter-like grid based fire emblem etc-unless it gave you like a curser :S lol
conzer16 Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 Hmmmm good question fellow paddy......... what about one of those WWE wrestling games? mebbe....?? or what about a strategy game, if Wii is to get one?
KingOfHyrule Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 Deas Éireannaigh eile a fheiceáil anseo! Often wondered it myself - I still think fighting games like Smash Bros. could prove to be difficult to control on Wii.
Matt Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 Surely a strategy game would be perfect for the FHC. You'd just use it like a pointer and point and select things on screen...? I reckon racing games will be weird. Beat 'em ups, too.
LazyBoy Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 3D platforming games, you have to use the nunchuck, and then a to jump right? But then you might as well use a traditional controller.
conzer16 Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 Thats true actually Matt. I was thinking of Commandos (thats really the only strategy game ive played before - on pc tho) I think racing games are perfect for the FHC!! I mean when you first picked up a controller to play a racing game, what did you do with your hands when you came to the first corner?? Tilted them in the direction you wanted the car to go...!!! no?? Racing games will feel different to play allrite cos we're so used to pushing a to accelerate and b to brake and using the analogue stick to turn, but i bet it will feel so natural and ultimately easier with the FHC
Shino Posted May 1, 2006 Posted May 1, 2006 I think they'll manage to make it playable on all types of games, but I'm quite intrigued with the traditional fighting games like Stree Figher, it seems theres not enough buttons, or they could use the buttons in combinations but it wouldn't be so effective in fast paced games.
AshMat Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 For street fighter, it's only 1 player- One controller in each hand, one controller strapped to each of your feet.... or not It won't be able to give you REAl pleasure in Sex Simulator Wii
Jamba Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Scrolling shooters like Ikaruga would be pretty hard as the controls have to be really tight on these games. Ikaruga was hard enough.
Atomic Boo Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 dabookerman said: football games. No they would be quite easy, and so with fighting games, just think about it. Football:control your player with nunchuk, direct your pass to where you're pointing and press A. Hold B to run. On the nunchuk press z1 to shoot and z2 to cross/clear. Then use these buttons again for tackles etc when you lose possesion.
Charlie Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 TakeoMiyazaki said: hmmm maybe turnbased rpgs? or anything turnbased for that matter-like grid based fire emblem etc-unless it gave you like a curser :S lol I reckon games like Fire Emblem and Advance Wars will be made into full RTS on the Revo, the controller is perfect for them...
21st century cowboy Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Platformers. I know this is just a mock up but look how fiddly this looks. I think 2D fighters could work, you could use different combinations of the up, down, left, right movement of the FHC to do the moves and movement with the D pad. I can't see how 3D fighting games can work without the nunchuck. With the accelerator in the nunchuck and all the different the FHC can recognise I believe the control setup of the Wii can offer more 'buttons' than any other controller.
raven_blade2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 I think the FHC will be capable of doing many things. Just because we dont know how it will work doesnt mean Nintendo and other developers havent been thinking of many ideas.
glucoseaddict Posted May 2, 2006 Author Posted May 2, 2006 KingOfHyrule said: Deas Éireannaigh eile a fheiceáil anseo! Often wondered it myself - I still think fighting games like Smash Bros. could prove to be difficult to control on Wii. Tá culpa daoine as Eireann anseo agus is rud Ãontach é! And it's nice to see someone from Belfast speaking irish! I'm not too sure either how SSB could use the FHC but if anyone can get the control system sorted it's Nintendo. And I really hope they do - SSB is hectic enough with a normal controller, using the FHC would be madness!
Nintendork Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 It's fricking useless for a painting game that I know for sure. Yes you can handle it like a paint brush but jesus.. painting is a technique learned by placing pressure on a surface and interacting with a solid surface. Something Wii just can't do. I'm glad Ecko's bringing a port of 'Getting Up' to the Wii though, that's a really rad game and holding Wii like a spray can will be very responsive commpared to analogue stick.
Pizza Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 SSB isn't a problem- FHC+Nunchuk together have easily enough buttons. You wouldn't even need to use the gestures, it could play just like melee. So I'd imagine they'll use gestures for special attacks to make them more fun or something. Other fighters (which always seem to be button mashing imo) might be a problem. I'm sure they'll manage it though. RTS or turn based will be immense. Anything that works well on PC (ie, with a mouse) will work well with FHC. I'm still concerned that they might try using the FHC as a steering wheel. It'd be totally unplayable.
Nintendork Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Many of us discussed Smash Bros. in the thread and we felt it didn't 'need' the nunchaku.. being Nintendo's real flagship system seller. It really needs to show that the system uses Nintendo's controller as Iwata intended. I think if it is do-able without the Nunchaku they will.
DCK Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 As most people said, I think platformers will be really difficult without the shell, but maybe Mario 128 will change that. There's no way you will need the shell for Mario 128. Football games might become difficult as it'll get too fiddly with the buttons (shooting with the Z1 is unnatural) but we'll see what Konami are up to. Nintendork said: being Nintendo's real flagship system seller. I still find it a weak argument. The nunchuck is an important part of the Wii control system - it's included with every FHC. Besides, if the nunchuck makes the control better, would they ignore the rules of game design to have a true flagship game? The question is not 'is it doable without the nunchuck?' but 'is it better without the nunchuck?' I'll bet we get different control setups though.
conzer16 Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 glucoseaddict said: Tá culpa daoine as Eireann anseo agus is rud Ãontach é!And it's nice to see someone from Belfast speaking irish! ! Agus nach rud iontach é freisin an Ghaeilge a léamh ar bhfórum na hidirlÃone!! Agus is dócha nach dtuigeann an cuid is mó daoine atá ar an bhfórm cad tá muid ag caint faoi!!! Éire Abú!!!
Nintendork Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Yeah I totally agree, I think that logically the analogue stick is 'needed' to control the characters on screen. However if I was Iwata I would be pressuring the development team to try and work out a way of using it without- and make it work. I don't think there are any established 'rules' with regard to game design.. fun is more important than anything. If everyone has a rubbishy control scheme- everyone is in the same boat. Therefore in a competition everyone has the same handicap of the less than great movement controls so everyone learns to put up with it. I would love to see it with one controller, mostly because I think it would be more fun.. harder to master and generally less effort on my behalf to play.
Kurtle Squad Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Moria said: I reckon games like Fire Emblem and Advance Wars will be made into full RTS on the Revo, the controller is perfect for them... Yeah, I think they should make a Command & Conquer style Advance Wars; I dunno how good it'd work, but it's worth a try. It could still be Advance Wars though; taking over buildings (citys) and such for money. They'd have to make some sort of 'building system' like other RTS games though, like: 'You can only build something once you've built a certain structure'. They could also add day and night, where the night causes Fog of War/ Shroud. And you'd get money on the Start of each day etc. The CO powers would also be very interesting to use and have; you'd only be able to have one CO per day if they had Tag COs though, like in the DS ver.
nekunando Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 dabookerman said: football games. ..this is very off topic so I apologize.. but speaking of football games, why does the rain continue to fall even when the game is paused..? ..someone else is bound to have noticed this..
Kurtle Squad Posted May 2, 2006 Posted May 2, 2006 Because it has nothing to do with the gameplay and is just to do with how it's programmed.
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