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What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??


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Lol, it says about it being the same in all languages. Everyone copes fine with Nintendo and that's some weird Japanese thing.


I don't think its all that bad. I wasn't disgused when i heard it. It just made me laugh a lil.


But it says it sounds like "we". So maybe its pronounced "Why"?

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i dont normally care about names for a console but this really takes the piss.


Ba dum tish.


This has got to be the worst idea since a superhero plumber.


You can hammer your face down on the keyboard and it would be better.






P.S. Can everyone stop the shitty jokes now please. It's really pissin' me off.

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It means "good".


cheers for that... was cluching at straws hoping it meant something better than 'good' in japanese :weep:


i came straight onto the forums without knowing the news... i knew something was up when i saw the fact that 92 people were on the revo board! never thought it would be bad news :sad:

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Ba dum tish.


This has got to be the worst idea since a superhero plumber.


You can hammer your face down on the keyboard and it would be better.






P.S. Can everyone stop the shitty jokes now please. It's really pissin' me off.


i promise you i actually did not realise the joke i my post, only when i read your ba dum bit did i get it :nono: i'm ashamed of myself

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I think it's a pretty good name, and Owen has stated the reasons here below.


Saying that, Nintendo's tactic has worked you will NEVER forget the name of the console. Kids say to their parents i want a wii and the parents will never forget. Using such a strange name has caused everyone to talk about it, exactly what Nintendo wants!


Well done Nintendo. It's 'Back in the picture!' and in the spotlight again! Everyones talking about Nintendo's next console! :grin:


This name really does set them apart from the competition of the 360, PS3..........and people will notice the weird name, and it'll be in their heads because it's just so random.


I think they seriously may be able to pull this all off now, and not only in Japan. Wii will see!


So yeh, I think it's a good name. :smile:

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Let's be honest... no matter what it was called it wouldn't live up to the codename (revolution) that was imprinted in our head.


Give it time, I had the same reaction when i first saw the controller. (WTF) But that only lasted a couple days.

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The double 'i' thing is quite cool and it gives great marketing potential as illustrated by the cool video. It's also quite nice to have a very short one syllable word for the console, very "Web 2.0".


Put Wii? Wee? WTF?! As someone else said, I instantly thought of World War II when I saw the name. Definitely not good.


Nintendo are quite literally taking the piss.


(sorry, I had to slip in a pun there seen as though everyone seems to be doing it in every single sentence. Grah!)

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Does anyone else think that it's a tad weird that it's been released before E3? You reckon there might be some more stuff to come before E3 and the name is merely the first part? Like maybe they have videos and stuff which have the Wii name already on them and they therefore can't release that stuff til after the name release?

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Let's be honest... no matter what it was called it wouldn't live up to the codename (revolution) that was imprinted in our head.


Give it time, I had the same reaction when i first saw the controller. (WTF) But that only lasted a couple days.





Wii= Shit




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LOL! omg..


truth by told i like this name better than the revolution. I mean what happens if nintendo could not live up to that name? it would not go down well.


Anyways this name is original and witty with a hint of edge, maybe because i read the pronounciation as "Wy" but hell "wee" sounds ok.......



"what you doing there bob?"

"i am having a go at wee"


the horror

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