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About Mike_C

  • Rank

Personal Information

  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Occupation
    Multimedia designer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube and now the DS Lite.
  • Other Systems Owned
    Atari, PS2
  • Favourite Game?
    Too many.
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Can't decide.
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
  • Xbox Live Username
  1. Who wants this car on Forza 2

    What's up people... thought you all would enjoy this... N-Europe for the win...
  2. N-europe

    The burning logo was a metaphor..... a new beginning... as N-Europe... didn't know my creation was going to create all this buzz....
  3. N-europe

    It does forward you to N-europe.com you may need to refresh your browser or clear the cashe.

  5. something is coming... it gets closer with each day... it feels familar.
  6. Its your dropshadow, you can try just creating a grey duplicate behind to act like a shadow...but if you really hate the outline.... you can try saving as .png
  7. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    rock on futurelites... sarka that is really 2 sig's. lol
  8. [Video Game] Wallpapers here! (56k)

    Created it for myself maybe you guys can enjoy it as well. : peace:
  9. What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??

    relax people... the name takes time to get used too... do I love it? not really, but maybe it will become more clear at E3.... Also I like the idea of a word not being in the dictonary... and lot of successful products ( vaio, google, yahoo, playstation..) have taken that path. A good reason is so the product doesn't become dated... the name "revolution" would sound dated after 1 year. Lets have this chat after e3 and see where it stands after.
  10. What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??

    Let's be honest... no matter what it was called it wouldn't live up to the codename (revolution) that was imprinted in our head. Give it time, I had the same reaction when i first saw the controller. (WTF) But that only lasted a couple days.
  11. sounds like everyone is getting bluewave confused with nintendos 3 point plan.... which i think is called blueocean or possibly bluewave... chill people...
  12. Ya I wanna see the building pic.... *NOTE i noticed that this game looks stylised...the visuals kinda have that street look like nba street v3. So imagine when they bust out RE5.
  13. Everyone is loosing the're mind... finally a revolution visual... well I managed to clear up the scans a bit... enjoy and stay dry. I'll keep this up for awhile. enjoy.
  14. My first impression is that its a hoax... all the big sites would be buzzing if it were real and matt casamassina would have blogged it. So what if there is a thread in the ign boards... that could be fake too.
  15. Nintendo is not going anywhere... they make a profit every year.... relax