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I hate that you actually get to do interesting subjects like photography at school.




A quick snap to put in my sketchbook for my line of thought "Halos". My sister, then badly edited slightly in iPhoto.


The actual halo is real though. As in, it's not a digital effect.






Taken by my grandfather.


This a photo of my grandma, who passed away last year. My dad is reformatting all his family photos to preserve, and his dad was a keen photographer, so a lot the photos are really beautiful, like this one. I just got all his camera equipment to learn how to use. :)

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I like beetles a whole bunch:






Petrol staion at a nearby abandoned US air base.




I got this one featured in the local paper. It's the graveyard in my village:




Driving home from work one night, I noticed the sky was all rad and junk. So I got my camera and went back out:




A ferris wheel at Milton Keynes. Happenstance likes this photo so I thought I'd share it:







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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn, goaferboy, I wish I had your drive home from work! :smile:


I finally set up a Pro flickr account so I'm going to see if this works. I'm not sure because these photos are set to private/friends/family.


As you'll probably guess, I took these at the protest the other day.












Let me know if you can see them, please!! : peace:

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That second picture is awesome. It's got one quite sensible phrase that is completely ruined by slack jawed scrawlings. Genius!


My favourite is the first with the heart. I like how no one is looking at at it, they're all staring at something out of picture. :smile:




I'm going to have to second that I love this one. What camera do you use and where do you live?


Just to be clear, I'm not going to rob you. :heh:

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I have an Olympus E-510. It's pretty good, but the E520 is out now and the E530 will no doubt follow soon. Although I read the review of the E-520 and it's apparently not worth the upgrade if you already own the E-510. I just plan on investing in new lenses. I'm tempted by a fish eye lens when I have the money.


I live near Banbury, which is the town you can see lit up in that picture.



The petrol station picture was taken at an abandoned U.S air base. They're slowly rejuvinating the place, but the abandoned petrol station is still pretty derelict.

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I need a new camera, my current one is and has always been extremely rubbish.:(






This is one I like, although the picture quality isnt that great:




A very tiny waterfall.

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  • 3 weeks later...

But a really nice waterfall :)


Does anyone own/use a Sony Alpha 350 (or a similar Sony)? Thinking of getting one because (long story) but I can get it for a bit cheaper than RRP. I have used my friend's Sony a while back, I can't remember which model as it was thrust in my hand and sent on my way but just wondering if anyone else has any impressions. (not wishing to start a 'which is the best company' debate)


Thanks :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

How do your cameras habdle in bright sunlight? My current one is awful, and pictures just come out bright white most of the time :(


Is there a particular setting that helps with this? Its the main reason why i want a new camera really as its going to be very sunny where im going!

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You'll find that with cameras like the Panasonic FZ18/28 there are advanced setting for differnt light condition, e.g. shooting into sunlight, low light etc...


But the Samsung doesn't have any of these, it's just a great little camera, provided you understand the conditions you're in and what will get the best results.

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How do your cameras habdle in bright sunlight? My current one is awful, and pictures just come out bright white most of the time :(


Is there a particular setting that helps with this? Its the main reason why i want a new camera really as its going to be very sunny where im going!


My current cam only works on a bright sunny day. If there are clouds, uh oh! I'm really interested in a cam with good low light settings for my next purchase and the Panasonic LX3 looks good.


Looks like you had a very good trip to London Link, is that first garden shot also St James Park? Wow!


My fav two buildings in London are the British Museum and the National History Museum. The National History Museum is pure genius inside and out. I'd love to give Regent Street a visit because thats one of a few places I haven't been to.


Buckingham Palace looks so empty in that picture, what's going on with that? When I was last there, the place was packed.

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Yeah the first park shot is also St. James Park, was a really pretty view!


Buckingham Palace did feel quite busy when I was there, but yeah I can imagine it being absolutely rammed on some days. It was a Wednesday, so I guess maybe it gets much more crowded at weekends.


Yeah, this my my first time actually properly walking around London [before I'd always gotten around Tube or Taxi to places] and I really enjoyed walking around the streets and sites.

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This reminds me... I don't think I've ever shared my two little attempts at being artsy with photos, so here they are. Ah, keep in mind that these are almost 5 years old by now, so I was a bit of a kid. Still, I don't think it's what I was meant for...





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If you look down then it probably means quite the opposite. You look down when you want to avoid eye contact, or not be noticed, or when you submit some form of 'power' or 'control' to someone else.


What I'm saying is that one who does this may perceive themselves as 'less' or 'smaller' than another, so by assuming a bottom-up point of view you open up a world you can play in. Or, maybe, if you feel for it, you can try and take some arranged photographs angled similarly to those above, only try to reflect the sentiment above.


But I am inclined to talk bullshit when it's past midnight and the cans are stacking, so forgive me.


Oxy_Wee; great pictures. They look like they belong as a Penguin Modern Classics cover. Perhaps it would be fair to say that maybe you don't have your own 'style'? I mean, I don't want to use the word generic because it doesn't do the quality any favours; and it's hard to say anything on two pictures :P Have you not got any more?


I'd love to have a decent camera. Hate you all.

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This is just general advice, not specifically aimed at anyone!


The Rule of Thirds is what I would consider to be the best advice when it comes to pictures (photo or otherwise). Basically divide the viewing area up into thirds so you end up with a sort of "naughts and crosses" grid. The main focus of the picture should be placed on any of the corners of the inner square, or in the case of lines (horizon, tree etc), put them along any of the lines.


For example: In This picture, I decided the sky was to be the main focus of the picture, so I used a third of the picture for the ground and 2 thirds for the sky. Whereas in This picture, I wanted to ground be the main focus of the image so I framed it with 2 thirds ground and 1 third sky. Basically use whatever is most interesting to fill the 2 thirds.


An example of how an image can be improved by the rule of thirds (sorry to pick on you Naomi, but I think it's the picture that would benefit the most. I like it, it just needs a bit of cropping):




Now that the focus (the pot in this example) has been moved to the top right of the inner square of the imaginary grid, it has (hopefully!) made the image a bit more interesting. At least that's the theory.


No need to measure out the grid. Just try to visualise it.


Obviously rules are made to be broken, but the rule of thirds generally improves most things.

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