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Is that mini yours?

If it's also green then I'm going to have to steal it from you.


Lol no it's my friends, its absolutely amazing though. It's one of the last 500 ever made, so it has a nice metal thing saying so in its glove box. God I'm so jealous!


Edit _ Yes its British Racing Green.



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New photo, trying to get the reflexion of a card in the eye was just to awkward so the simpler photoshop it in was taken.



What are peoples views on where you draw the line in photoshopping, what i mean is how heavily can a photo be modified before its no longer about the photography. do you even understand what i mean?

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New photo, trying to get the reflexion of a card in the eye was just to awkward so the simpler photoshop it in was taken.



What are peoples views on where you draw the line in photoshopping, what i mean is how heavily can a photo be modified before its no longer about the photography. do you even understand what i mean?


Hmm, I think either way it's an image, but after a while that image is then transformed into a graphic based on a photography rather than a pure photograph.


If that makes any sense..

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Fex, a lot of your photos have a green tint. I checked the 'green' histogram for it and I think for some of them you need to change your middle green value slightly. Don't get me wrong though, they are great images!



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Fex, a lot of your photos have a green tint. I checked the 'green' histogram for it and I think for some of them you need to change your middle green value slightly. Don't get me wrong though, they are great images!


Yeh, they are supposed to have that green tint to them, its how I wanted them too look. It was intentional.


Arizona dispensary

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I took about 300 photos on my trip to Sydney a little while ago, but this one is my favourite because of the colours and the juxtaposition of Chinese and Wertern architecture, tourism with sanctity and the various lights and darks etc.


I'm also in no way whatsoever a photographer!



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Thanks NW! I went out with the intension to shoot some nice B&W pictures, then I got messing around in photoshop... and things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. The sky was just all grey clouds, I guess I love my colour too much!


Does any one know where I'm able to get my pictures printed out really big, on some good quality material. I wouldn't mind starting to hang some of them up. :indeed:


Zx14 Vs Hayabusa

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Guest Stefkov

I'm guessing you'd want it on one big piece of material but I just remembered the rasterbator.

Don't know how good it is but it just popped in my head when you said really big prints.

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Thanks NW! I went out with the intension to shoot some nice B&W pictures, then I got messing around in photoshop... and things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. The sky was just all grey clouds, I guess I love my colour too much!


Does any one know where I'm able to get my pictures printed out really big, on some good quality material. I wouldn't mind starting to hang some of them up. :indeed:


Instead of those huge multi-sheet sites that were mentioned, there are shops that will print stuff for you...


There's one on my high-street, dunno what materials it does.

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Ideally something like Canvas would be awesome, but cheers for reminding me for the Rastobator Stefkov. I used that while I was at uni and I had a MASSIVE pulp fiction picture stretching across my room, it was amazing!


To canvas prints seems to cost around ?20ish, which seems cool. I might do a print at work to proof the colours before placing an order.


Lovely Wendie99

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sorry I didnt know such a thread existed (well I go straight to general thats why:$)





I said "Personally, I haven't dealt particularly with it cause of the lack of free time. But this is gonna change. The exams period is nearly over and every good architect needs a camera and some knowledge about photography. I would like to ask some proffesionals (are there in these forums?) which camera would be the best to start with."



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Guest Stefkov

Depends if you want a beginners camera or to jump in with a good proffesional one.

The Canon EOS cameras are a good choice for both. The 350D, 400D and the new 450D all beginners cameras. The 450D has features that some the higher up models of Canon has though.

There's Nikon cameras aswell, the D40, D40x which is the D40 with a higher megapixel and then the newest D60.

I suggest looking at http://www.dpreview.com/

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