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Your revolution game wishlist and why....?


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Well i obviously want Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Wario-Ware, Mario Party (you know the norm)


But i would also like a 'Music-Game'. Where you use two controllers to play the drums etc..


and I suppose Trauma Centre would be fantastic.


A tennis game would be fun! Oh and i like the Luigi's Mansion idea!



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Luigi's Mansion 2 is actually pretty likely IMO (The Revo trailer had two people looking around in the dark in a very Luigi's Mansion style)


My Wishlist


1, A new Waverace developed by EAD (Please Nintendo don't let those hacks at NST get their hands on the Waverace licence again!)


2, A new Starfox game made by EAD (After the last two abysmal games, I can safely say that EAD are the only ones who can do it!)


3, Wario Ware Revolution (Come on you know it's gonna happen!)


4, Pilotwings Revolution (It's been rumoured for ages now)


5, A 2D Advance Wars game (With online gameplay!)


6, Fire Emblem revolution (Probably best in 3D)


7, Panel De Pon revolution (with online gameplay and the original fairy characters!)


8, A sequel to Kirby's Dream Course


9, A new 2D sidescrolling Metroid!


10, NiGHTS revolution (I know it'll never happen but you've gotta dream!)


That's all I can think of at the mo...

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A room without books is a house without a soul.. a TV set without a games library next to it is a console without a soul.

Sure some games have no replay value but it's stupid to take games back just because you used a walkthrough to complete it in a few days.


I still have my PSone collection.. it's a classic set of games, hardly play them but having them means something to me when i do.

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A room without books is a house without a soul.. a TV set without a games library next to it is a console without a soul.

Sure some games have no replay value but it's stupid to take games back just because you used a walkthrough to complete it in a few days.


I still have my PSone collection.. it's a classic set of games, hardly play them but having them means something to me when i do.


What I meant was a game where you sell you revolution back as quick as possible when you work out ........

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I want to see a 5-player online Voltron game. Each player controls their Lion of choice through each level to complete individual tasks and otherwise wreak havoc on the current level. Then at the end of each level, the team assembles into Voltron and fights an Evil giant mech-thing. I havent sorted out how 5 people can control Voltron so whoever completes the level tasks first gets to control Voltron while the other 4 players are relegated to watching/talking trash about the captain's mom until Voltron is victorious


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My wishlist... hmmm, I'm probably gonna forget plenty of ideas, but here are the main ones:


- Super Mario 128 (or whatever game similar to SM64 or SMSunshine) You have no idea how addicted I was to SMSunshine and how I enjoyed SM64DS

- Paper Mario 3 (can't stress this enough... PM2 was totally awesome)

- Mario Kart for Revolution (preferably with a coop mode like in MKDD) Mainly because it's fun to play with friends

- A Sonic game but PLEASE not with GUNS any more :indeed: and with Eggman playable

- A compilation with all old school mario games... even the ones of the first game boy. DO I even need to say why? I never had the chance to play old school games on the TV screen

- More Mario Party games. These things are too funny with friends

- Another soccer game, but here also, preferably with a coop mode. Same reason as above.

- EDIT: forgot one: another Wario World-like game, but this time, longer and with an actual plot.


For the more unlikely/impossible ideas I'd say this:

- A sequel to SMSunshine (I really loved that game)

- A remake of Paper Mario 1

- A sports game where Mario's universe and Sonic's universe are combined *runs away in fear*


As you may have noticed... I'm a big Super Mario and Sonic fan :)

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- smash brothers update, i loved both melee and the original 64 version, with online this whould be sweeet.

- metroid prime 3, not just new levels some npc's (like elvis in perfect dark) and a good multiplayer component.

- super mario brothers, like the 64 version except maybe with co-op play.

- nights from sega whould also be a mush have. (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95771)

- a good third person shooter like a max payne sequel using duel weld for independ gun control for each hand..

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Bring back the point and click!! Nintendork suggested Myst and I reckon that or something very similar would work brilliantly on the Revolution and help attract a more mature audience.


There was also a rumour a while back that nintendo were trying to get hold of the Silent Hill franchise, due to the success of Resident Evil on the cube. I've never properly played a Silent Hill game, but I've always been attracted to them so having them On revolution would be great.


Also... (This is wishful thinking) I wanna see an online Zelda :Four Swords. Keep it simple, like on the cube, but allow new levels and missions to be downloaded regularly through virtual console. AND then give us a level/mission creator and let us upload them onto a fan-made database, increasing the longetivity of the game even further. lovely.

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Guest Stefkov

i know it woudnt happen, but a (planetside) metroid. you can create your characterto your liking. samus lives on a distant planet, and hrough her success of all the bounty hunting she is the leader of a whole army. at the same time a leader of the (enemy) is also like samus and has created an army. you can choose to be one of the two and go into wars between each other. (this is infuenced by panetside.) you can customize your character, it could be much ike a war ame where you can be snipers, grenadiers etc.

or for another an rpgmmofps. you cn create a character again. and you are again in the army of samus. but this tiem you can create parties of the army, i dont know what to call them, and you can do stuff like bounty hunting with each other, flying to other planets. maybe you could go against another clan of hunters to find an artefact or something. i think that would be aweseom. trying to get a statue while other people are shooting at you trying to also get it.

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Heres the game I would like to see.


1. F-Zero

2. Grand Theft Auto

3. Mario Paint

4. Some kind pool game


I forgot one more game.




F-Zero: would just look awsome on the Revolution.You can hold the Revmote side ways, and turn it like a steering wheel.

Grand Theft Auto: Grand Theft Auto would just be cool to play on the Revolution.

Mario Paint: You can use the Revmote like your paints brush.

Some kind of pool game: You can move the Revmote to line up your shot. Then pull it back and push forward to hit the ball.

Diablo: I think any Blizzard game would work out great on the Revolution.

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F-Zero and Mario Paint are basically confirmed, I'm not aware of the politics with Grand Theft Auto but I think Nintendo has a market being the only system that doesn't run the notorious GTA.


Brownie points with the mothers and fathers.


I'd rather play pool in real life than play on a computer game.. but I guess that could be a very accurate and solid control scheme, a definitive pool title really. I know many previous Pool games got criticised for shit control scheme and failing to render spherical balls lol.

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There are a few:


(1)An Okami game, Capcom could just recreate the one on the PS2 and call it the Okami:The Lost Legacy adding in extra bits around the game


(2) House of the Dead game


(3) Skies of Arcadia 2, I have waited for a sequel for a number of years -we neeeeeeeeeeeed one!!


(4) Kid Icarus game - I believe if Nintendo was to do this game we would see it in a crossover game like God Of War/ Devil May Cry style.


Thats all, I think

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F-Zero and Mario Paint are basically confirmed, I'm not aware of the politics with Grand Theft Auto but I think Nintendo has a market being the only system that doesn't run the notorious GTA.


Brownie points with the mothers and fathers.


I'd rather play pool in real life than play on a computer game.. but I guess that could be a very accurate and solid control scheme, a definitive pool title really. I know many previous Pool games got criticised for shit control scheme and failing to render spherical balls lol.


I forgot about F-Zero and Mario Paint being confirmed.

It would be cool to have a Grand Theft Auto game on the Revolution, but your right it probly won't happen. I like playing pool in real life too. I just thought it would be fun to play it on the Revolution.

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id also like to see a more colorful attempt at a 3D Castlevania on Revo. The N64/PS2 version were pretty bland and with the FHC/analog combo you could get some Super Castlevania-style whip mechanics in there like the spinning whip shieldshield3rc.pngand you could aim at rings to swing from whip0oc.png

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