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Some more movies are finally coming on the Live video service for us Euro peeps.


Microsoft has unveiled a fancy deal with Paramount to offer its old and new films on the Live Video Store.


Three weeks from now you will be able to download Transformers, 1408 and Disturbia, as well as classics like Naked Gun and Top Secret.


"We're very excited to announce this new relationship," Paramount's Alex Carlos told our roving reporter Oli Welsh at an event on Friday.


"We have lots of great content that fits this demographic. We're excited about digital distribution, especially being on a platform as elegant as Xbox 360."


Transformers in HD FTW!

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They're rentals.


Once you watch it, you have to watch it within 24 hours (might be 48?) and you can only keep them for a week unwatched (or might be two).

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Yeah as soon as you press play you have to watch them within 24 hours before they erase.


You know what'd be awesome? If someone made a tv series parody of 24 about this guy who downloads like Transformers or something, hits play but then has various thing stop him from watching it etc.


Awesome huh?

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Sounds winworthy. I demand a cameo .


Sound. (If I do it....We all know my track record on this sort of thing...thing with this is that it would be stupidly easy though) (Edit;/ HEY! How about The Diary of a Halo Player? That could be funny funny lol lol)


*Swerves back on topic*


If theres a gap in TV tonight, I might be up for some Halo. I said this last night but forgot about Simpsons/Lost/And watched a DVD. So Halo tonight could be good. Wouldnt mind some ranked team slayer with jew guys.

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Rez, how much spare time do you have?


I know lol. The thing is I have all these things that I start, but dont finish. (Anyone remember 24 Heroes Lost in Prison?) Balls is still going strong though. Just getting some voices through for that this week for Episode 3 aka by far the best one so far. The only reason I mention this Halo one is cos' it would be easy. Anyone with cam who is interested we should maybe get together on MSN and have a brainstorm about it yeah? Could be funny stringing together filmage of all of us talking on head sets and cut it all together like a German wizard.


Dunno where to get a cheap wireless adaptor from though.

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just tried King kong again.. last time i played i got stuck somewhere.. read an faq and i was supposed to cross some bridge.. couldnt find it though.. so i just put the game aside.. now i just started it again.. and lo and behold.. the collapsable bridge was suddently there.. first time around it probably collapsed before i had a chance to get there.. and it was just after my checkpoint meaning it was gone for good.. as my chances to advance in the game.. hope the chair collapses under the programmer responsible.. have given up on the game completely now though.. its just too crummy.. good thing i got it very cheap

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